BM using CS for herself?
So personally I know that the BM I deal with does this she gets $780-1170 from DH alone every month depending on how he gets paid (his CS is based on him getting paid Bi-weekly so it varies averaging through the year $800 a month) she also gets $200-300 a month for her eldest it was like $250 when DH left her based on part-time minimum wage, and in addition gets food stamps, lives in HUD housing meaning she only pays $300 a month in rent something she has pointed out to DH several times to DH as DH said something about the location about the house (it is directly behind the bar - one that SS has legit watched her walk over to, and walk home from when she "goes out" mainly on dates) and she said it was all she could afford and she was lucky it was only $300, mind you she also somewhat works under the table when she isn't claiming she injured for around $150-$200 a week or that is atleast what she claims to a friend of MIL's well she overheard BM talking about it while waiting at a doctors office. So I know all about feeling ripped off not only for myself, but all the US citizens on this board helping her live, DH, but mainly SS as he wears hand me downs (not something I have a issue with if they are in decent condition - I bought myself two pair of pants and a sweater at goodwill yesterday, and donated clothes today) that are in rough condition or ginormous on him to say the least, and is in not so good environment in my eyes especially seeing your mom walk to and from the bar, and also just it looks like the house she is living is falling apart from the outside and I understand rough conditions but she is simply unwilling to work in the 5yrs her and DH were together she worked 2 days and quit because they wanted her to do manual labor helping put mulch in the playground (it was at a daycare) instead of sitting on her ass watching kids inside which she barely does well with her own kids, and I have text of her admitting she simply doesn't want to work which was submitted to SSI to stop her from getting disability in her claim she hurt her back (something DH said she complained about when they first got together yet she picks up SS5 and holds him or at least did at the last sporting event as he got hurt)
Anyways sorry about my rant - this post stems from a post on Facebook as my local community has a "Confessions" page where you can submit things anonymously and one mother submitted about how she hoped she would be able to get to the cops to arrest her baby daddy next time he picked up his kids because he is behind on CS and seeing them isn't enough, as she was struggling to pay some bill.
Well, I then posted "Child support is for the CHILD not your personal expenses my mom raised two with no child support because he refused to pay and never bitched or tried to start drama jut did what a mother should to give her kids this best life so you are not entitled" Mind you I am not against child support if it is going to the child however my situation may be tainting my view on BM's using it for them selves....
One of the responses on top of many supportive was mind you this lady posted a rant and then in another post right under put "Oh and by the way I did buy something with it ... Duh ... Clothes to wear to work to take care of my kids..." talking about the little bit of CS she got (this lady drives a BMW and works at the grocery store as a cashier I actually saw her driving a few days ago - I know this because only the original post is anonymous any responses show your name)
Do you agree that she had a right to use it to buy clothes to go to work? In my opinion it should have all went to the kids in some for or fashion and not so BM can look good for a job probably to hook up and trap anyone else?
This just threw me for a loop this morning...opinions? I just couldn't let this one past me I out of line for still thinking her excuse for what she used it for isn't decent? And no I did not comment back as I probably would have started a unnecessary silly Facebook fight.
I know there is nothing we
I know there is nothing we can do and I promise you I wish we could - like with a foodstamp card or something and only make it usable at certain places and for certain items I would live that....My BM wears clothes that were DH's from when they were married (she packed his trash bags of stuff for him to take after he said he was positive he wanted a divorce and went on a fishing trip with his brother - he returned and his stuff was sitting outside). However she does get her nails done, always has the latest iPhone, and has no issue eating fast food while the kids are at school, or shopping for herself or stupid decoration for the house, or accessories for herself.
She knows better to ask DH for more money as he will help with sports (We pay all of anyways) but will never directly give it to her as we are feared it will be misused.
I just could not believe the response from the lady and didn't know if I was out of line for still thinking it is misused and being disgusted even though she claims it was for "work clothes"
Why are you surprised? Many
Why are you surprised? Many bm's use child support for themselves and then claim its for the kid. I count down the years until my husband is done paying. I know how terrible that sounds but he never sees the kid anyways and bm is a crazy b who felt like he should be responsible. BM makes really good money and really doesn't even need it while he struggles because of all the money that goes to her just so she can drive a new car and buy name brand clothes. The least this bm could do is buy the kid nice clothes. If she only pays 300 in rent the utilities are prob min. and it sounds like she doesn't pay for food or taxes so what is she spending the $ on would be my question! Does she have a problem that is not being addressed?
I'm not I guess I am just
I'm not I guess I am just disgusted and especially to blatantly see someone besides just my BM condone it.
My BM has a issue with fast food especially during the day (she lives down the street from several places) and for dinners as SS tells us they eat out a lot. He other issue is just buying unnecessary items - I have had DH and other people tell me that he used to make her send him a picture of receipts when she got back from shopping for anything other than groceries and would tell her to take stuff back because it wasn't stuff they needed and at the time they were struggling even with him working overtime due to her just buying ridiculous stuff like vacuums, mirrors (big),new blenders/ household decorations wanting to redo them several times a year, and then also she likes to buy herself necklaces and earrings and even tried to tell DH one time she needed to go buy herself a new wedding ring because the one she had was outdated (They had been married like 2 years - I wear a $60 ring that isn't even a actual wedding ring from a local jewelry store as I don't like super flash stuff on a daily basis)so my assumption would be she still waste on the same stuff.
I always used my CS to help
I always used my CS to help on the house payment with the thought that I'm the custodial parent providing the home for my sons. However, being married to DH who has an ex-wife that is making a career out of receiving government assistance, I know that it gets abused. One year she conveniently had a temper tantrum about child support not being enough, her life was hard, too many bills to pay, and oh yeah, her daughter's birthday was coming up and she had no money for presents. Why my DH has to provide more CS so she can buy presents for a child that isn't his is beyond me, but that is exactly what happened. Two days after the tantrum his check arrived and the next thing you know she is having a huge ass birthday party at a party place in our mall and buying her 1 yr old daughter a tutu for the party, all of which was plastered all over Facebook. Wonder where her windfall of money came from?? And yet this past year she didn't get SS(7) a SINGLE THING for his birthday! He got a cupcake. Literally. WTF?
House payment, partial
House payment, partial utilities bills I understand as that is something that benefits the child being in a decent living enviroment. I just don't understand it going straight to BM's needs.
I just wanted to say that
I just wanted to say that yes, I think there are extreme circumstances where bm's really do not use the money to properly feed or clothe the children. I think those women are sorry pos's.
BUT I will say that I have a friend, she get's her goes into the bank to help with the bills that she has to pay to support her 3 daughters. She doesn't put it into an separate acct and just dole out money to the kids.
I think there is a happy medium in the whole child support thing. I don't think judging someone by what they drive or what they wear even when you know they are a cashier in a store is very nice. Maybe someone bought the car for her and maybe she buys her clothes at goodwill or the resale shop just the same.
I'm not saying there aren't some sorry pos's.. bc I do know some of them..but I'm just trying to say all step moms aren't the wicked witch either!!! It works both ways.
And the funny thing is that if this woman's hubby is behind on his cs, he will go to jail. You don't know their story. You only know your story.
I am happy she is working I
I am happy she is working I am not saying anything against that...I am just saying I know about this person personally and unless she has a friend that is selling drugs that bought her the car or a real stupid person who gave her a loan she should not be able to afford the car. I see no issue with resale shops I bought two new pair of pants and a sweater at goodwill yesterday and today donated a whole slew of clothes I do not wear anymore that are in almost perfect condition they were gifts from last year and I never wore them. I just to see someone who it is clear that based on her upbringing, family, friends all of which I either know personally or know of for her to simply justify CS to buy her clothes is absurd and threw me over the edge. He child that I know dresses in clothes that are to small - so why not use the money towards that? I know I shouldn't judge but I admit to doing it.
And I have no issue with someone going to jail for not paying - the only thing that saved my father was my stepdad telling me and my mom that we had made it without him and I was about to be 19 so there was no reason to have to go through the hashing of who knows what my dad would have brought up -- me and my mom were all for it but after a long talk and heart to heart my stepdad convinced us that we didn't need to live any more drama than what my dad had already put us through.
I have more of an issue with
I have more of an issue with the bm's complaining about the money all the time. I get tired of hearing bm tell my SO how they are soooooo poor!! That her husband is having to work 2 jobs and allt his crap. Then I see them posting about all the stuff they buy at the mall that is all this designer stuff. And then seeing sd14 show up wearing a pair of $200 boots and a $300 purse. I guess there is misuse on all sides.![Sad](
Eh. I know house payments
Eh. I know house payments are considered legit use of CS but it still ticks me off.
BM earns 1/2 of what I do and yet lives in an apartment that costs double my mortgage payment. She is currently attempting to buy a house, claiming CS as part of her income of course. It looks like it will come out to $300-$400 more than what she's currently paying for her apartment. Entitlement problems indeed.
I kind of hope she gets approval for the loan. The CS gravy train isn't going to last forever and it would be kind of satisfying to watch her crash and burn.
Heck, her incapacity to think ahead combined with a long history of trying to live above her means will probably mean this will all come back to bite her way sooner than we are betting on anyway.
DH is already prepared for the inevitable whining when the reality of home ownership sets in: "the water heater gave out and I can't afford a new one, send more $$, it's for the kids", "can't afford to heat and cool this big house, help, it's for the kids", etc. He plans on saying that they are welcome to stay with us until she gets her shit together. Heh. I love him.
Unfortunately, it seems all
Unfortunately, it seems all too common amongst BM's(on Steptalk). The BM in SO's life, her CS is varied between $500-700/month, after she gets her CS she then will say well the kids need new shoes: blah blah blah. It is never enough...The kicker December 2012, she is telling SO she has no money for gas(demanded SO give her money to come down), low and behold Christmas rolls around, who has a new SUV? BM of course. It doesnt bother me that shes using some of the money to get a vehicle since it transports the kids, however, when you lie that you dont have gas money then literally 2 weeks later you have a new vehicle? Give me a break. She didnt tell SO about the vehicle, he found out thru the kids. She REFUSES to Drive them OVER!
I agree with Momagain. I am
I agree with Momagain. I am also a recipient of CS (sometimes) and it goes to help pay bills, rent, food. etc. and I would be completely appalled if my ex asked how the $ was spent. I know there are a lot arsewipes out there who do things like renovate their homes and buy cars with their CS, but really once it leaves the pay-check, it is none of anyone's business what happens to it. No matter how much it is "not right" Trust me, we are going through this on two sides of the coin.
I have strong feelings about this subject.
I see no issue with it going
I see no issue with it going towards BILLS at all...a child needs a shelter and warmth and food - I am not saying it all has to go towards clothes or toys but I am saying it kills me to see when it doesn't go to the child's needs. In no way did I mean that. However not only my BM but several other BM's that are mentioned on this site seem to make it apparent that it is misused. I would never directly ask BM where it went but considering mine has no job, and has her mom helping her who didn't work enough to even get SS but gets her late husbands pension and pretty much lives with BM as her house is falling apart, when she shows up with a new phone and jewelry it is apparent it is being misused.
I agree, a lot of BM's
I agree, a lot of BM's probably use CS for things other than for the kids. Not all BM's though. Just like some SMs are wicked witches, and some aren't. And some dads are deadbeat and many aren't. I do hate seeing people in general, sponge off of the system, not work, and always seem to find the money to dress better than me and have their hair and nails done regularly.
OTOH, I remember when exH and I first split. I traded my (paid off by me) sports car for a used SUV, partially because of it being a pain to get a toddler in and out of a car seat in a sports car, and partly because of it doing so poorly in the snow. Anyway, exH made a comment to me once about seeing the vehicle that "he is paying for". My response..."yes, because I'm a magician and the $500 per month I get from you not only completely pays for the doctor, medication, feeding, clothing, paying for daycare but it also completely pays for rent and utlities, my entire car payment, my clothing, shoes, hair, etc. My paycheck just sits nicely in the bank gaining interest :? ". That was the last time I ever heard anything from him about that. Of course, feelings were raw then, so I gave him a free pass for being an Of course, I also don't whine about money and ask him for any more than what we've agreed upon.
i'm of the opinion that (most
i'm of the opinion that (most of the time) we really cant say with all certainty that cs goes for their personal stuff.
likely, it gets deposited in their one and only checking account that everything gets paid out of.
i totally see it skewed when they say "i cant afford to buy skid shoes" then they show up in 300.00 jeans with a new mani/pedi, highlights, and coach bag. but cannot in good faith judge that her own pyck didnt pay for that, cuz i really dont know.
what i DO know, however, is strictly in regards to our situation. when getting CS, dumbass didnt even HAVE a job, let alone paid ANY bills. (we can confirm this- evictions, cell and utilities cut on multiple occasions, vehicle repo, arrest due to no car ins, etc...) so i DO know where her new jeans and highlights came from.
ok, i'm off my soapbox now...
buying clothes for her to go to work in with child support? so you KNOW it's true, as she came straight out and said it (with pride, i'm sure). nope, that doesnt float in my book. if she had NO kids, she'd need clothes to go to work anyway so it's not a relevant factor. no deal.
people like that are disgusting.
That is disgusting....and
That is disgusting....and wrong. BMs should be required to work IMHO too, and not just live off of CS. It's ridiculous to expect a man to pay for her "things" when she doesn't even attempt to support herself.
I agree with you can see my
I agree with you can see my post above about how much money BM gets compared to her work $ or lack thereof.
I have to agree, BMs who
I have to agree, BMs who spend money on crap annoy me. But there is no law or anything to make them use the money for specific things. I have no problem whatsoever with CS paying for rent, utilities, groceries, even car payments or insurance. That all benefits the kids.
I DO however have a problem with BMs who ALWAYS have new clothes, new shoes, hair fixed, make-up done, nails done, loaded with so much perfume you can't breathe around them, so much jewelry they jingle when they walk, the latest phone with unlimited everything, and a shiny new car....while the kid is wearing clothes that looks like a homeless person threw it away, so filthy the BMs perfume doesn't even over-power the stench coming from the kid, and worn out shoes that are so bad there are holes in the bottoms and the kid's feet are wet and cold all day.
Before DH got custody, SD8 had been wearing the same shoes for a really long time, considering how fast kids' feet grow. BM buys her shoes 2 sizes too big so she can 'grow into them' - by the time she grows into them they're literally falling apart, but she ends up wearing them until her toes are poking out the front. But there BM is posting on facebook that she bought herself some new shoes and they pinch her poor little toes, and that she blew her entire paycheck in one day, spent $500 at Best Buy, and spent $100 on freaking YARN. Have fun sitting on your ass crocheting all day while your kid waits for the bus with wet feet ya selfish jerk.
^^^^Couldn't agree more!!^^^^
^^^^Couldn't agree more!!^^^^
I agree and have said that
I agree and have said that above - but my BM barely works and has minimal bills, and has nice new things while SS looks like a orphan half the time - and I know her car is paid for DH paid it off with income tax when he decided he was filing for divorce as he knew that if he didn't he would probably be paying it anyways and wanted more money to go towards SS.
The three oldest professions
The three oldest professions in the world...
1) prostitution
2) motherhood
3) bogarting the CS
... in that order
The BM in my case uses it for
The BM in my case uses it for vacation money. She makes more than biodad does and is remarried to a just below six figure guy. Biodad pays 1K a month in non-arrears CS and made 33K last year. He actually overpays his CS because he is scared crapless of the NYS court system where there is no self support reserve (read: biodads have to live off of SMs)
She treats herself, hubby and the three angels to at least twice a year flights and hotels in sunny Florida.
Oh my goodness that poor man!
Oh my goodness that poor man! For the amount of money he makes that CS amount is ridiculous!!!
As a CSM whose DH is supposed
As a CSM whose DH is supposed to receive child support, but usually doesn't, I have a different take. He is supposed to get $200 a month for two kids. If we ever do get that money, it just goes into our bank account. From this account we pay for our mortgage, insurance, food, daycare for the kids, clothes for everyone, car payment, car insurance, phone.... all of our bills and living expenses come from this account- where we also put our paychecks.
The way I see it, if we get that $200 it doesnt matter if I then go spend $30 on a pair of pants for myself, bc it all comes from the same pool. The expenses for my sks basic needs are well over 800$ a month, not including clothing, shoes, or haircuts. So its all a wash.
While I understand the frustration of seeing a BM with fancy things while DH can't have fancy things (I am also a step child whose mother did this occasionally while my biodad barely ate)- I think that it is a bit nit picky. A bill is a bill, a child costs money, you can't separate what I pay for sks vs what I pay for my dog... its all our household.
Again I have said above
Again I have said above utilities and things that affect the kids okay - and you and your DH work the BM that posted what set me off makes minimum wage and my BM barely works that is why it irritates me.
My problem is when DH gets an
My problem is when DH gets an email stating that he will need to pay the $20 end of year fee for SS11 coach's gift and trophy (when she hasn't paid a cent toward ANY of the football season) since she can't "afford" it this month and then she shows up with newly highlighted hair and took SD14 to get mani/pedis. yeah, she can't "afford" it because she CHOSE to spend it on other frivilous things.
But don't you know having
But don't you know having fancy nails is important? LOL!
My friend posted something on Facebook about how she wished she could get her nails done but can't afford it (truly can't) and she has a 6 month and seeing how people in her same position (SAHM group) come with nice nails and hair done are complaining about not being able to get the lactose free formula for their babies and it sickens her.
I am a step-mom and I barely even get my nails done every few months I will pay the $8 to get a "polish change" so that they can be shaped but I paint my nails at home.
Our BM wants more CS all the
Our BM wants more CS all the time, even though FDH pays the right amount. So because she cannot get more legally, she keeps sending the kids over now with clothes that are too small knowing that FDH will take them shopping. Actually its the first thing (literally) that they say the minute they come though the door, its well rehearsed. She emailed two weeks ago to rant and rave at us having ridiculous vacations, eating at fancy restaurants and a "big fancy house" and that FDH has his priorities all wrong because he won't give the kids more money aka he wont give HER more money to keep up a lifestyle that she is unable to afford. It chaps her butt that our combined income allows us a better lifestyle than her and her another-new boyfriend can afford. She kicked him to the curb and expects him to stay down on the curb always. She doesnt like it that he picked himself up and moved on.
Unfortunately we have to sit
Unfortunately we have to sit back and watch our husband's hard earned money fly right out the door. In my case the BM is on disability and gets something like 1,200 a month, and in our state if you get disability and you have a child you also get an additional $300 a month per child (by the way she has 2 children by 2 different men she never married) So that's an extra $600 monthly bonus on top of that she also gets foodstamps. So all of that combined with the fact that my DH pays her child support and and she lives (mooches) off of her current baby daddy whom pays for all their living expenses, i can conclude that she is one rich bitch. Makes me wanna hurl. Meanwhile i avoid asking my husband for little extras and nice luxuries because i know he's already carrying the BM burden. Maybe one day we'll all be lucky enough to see a change in the CS system
SDs BM uses the $1,000+ that
SDs BM uses the $1,000+ that she forts for SD & SDs older half sister for her mortgage (she even told us this).
I don't mind some of the CS going towards this... But all? Seriously?!?! And no, she really doesn't use her paycheck for anyone other than herself...
What a piece of work!