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Sincerely The adult wife to the mini wife ( again)

Iamthewife's picture

Mini wife decided to show her attitude, So I made her leave my home. She decided to delete all my kids, my moms and all my documents off my computer. My mom died recently not even 3 months ago, as well as my aunt shortly after. SD decides she is going to take me up Saturday morning, give me dirty looks. Mini wife the last time she was here leaves the bathroom door open so her BD could see her change her shirt ( she's 17) then as we were walking out the door tells us her pants were unbutton and unzipped. I have had all i can take of this type of behavior from her its constant, I dread having her here now. BD was not going to do anything about it, we winded up getting into a fight, and I spoke up and put my foot down as she screamed and yelled at me and started throwing things, She has been competing with me in the mini wife way for almost a year now. I made her call her mom to come get her! This is my home, I am the wife and adult and I may not be the Bio Mom however she does need to respect me and follow the rules. She already admitted to trying to kill her last SM, I have caught her lying to both her BD and I and bad-mouthing us, Literally it broke my heart to have it come to telling her to leave, I have had to hide all my belongings when she is here including my computer, I have had to stop her from using my phone to call another guy, she has been messing with my computer, my business I own, and telling my kids lies which nearly destroyed my relationship with my kids, I just needed to vent!

Anon2009's picture

I'm so sorry for your losses (((HUGS)))

What's your husband doing about this? Is he disciplining her?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I don't blame you for showing her the door, and I fully understand having to hide things. Thankfully, I don't have to rearrange my house too much with my SD here. I already have all my important stuff hidden away in my bedroom...mostly because I trusted my bio-kids as they grew up, but I didn't always trust their friends 100%. For this reason, there is also a lock on the bedroom door that is locked whenever we leave the house and my SD is there by herself.

Keep your head up!! I know how tough it is to deal with these know...

Iamthewife's picture

My husband he at first did nothing this all started when SD who was then 16 was seeing and spending time with this much older male (30) who we told her she could not see, My husband kept telling me they were just friends, Then I started noticing things on my internet connection would not work when she was here, then things were being deleted off my computer,that she was visiting these sites from my pc, I'd rather not say, then she started bad-mouthing my husband and I. I had let her use my pc one afternoon, the next morning I wake up go to my computer everyone else was sleeping still, I thought I was checking my fb messages however after reading one of them I noticed it was her messages where she was badmouthing her dad and I. she comes out stands there for a minute goes into the bathroom, comes out stands there for a minute watching me, her dad wakes up, I know she saw me copy and paste and take a screen shot. he thought I was blaming his daughter that it was all in my head, as soon as he comes out she asks him to take her to the library, I was about to say no, then i decided to wait until she was gone, we come back and I showed my husband the screen shot, he messages his daughter from fb and started calling her baby this baby that, not even a punishment for lying and bad- mouthing me. she throws on the tears and he hugs her tightly and says just don;t do it again, Then it got worse, Her dad sold her TV and she got mad at me. I told my husband to tell her it was his idea not mine. then the mini wife thing kicked in and suddenly they were at the table having low conversations playing footsie under the table. she would have him get up even though she was closest to the fridge and have him get her a drink. He called me baby and she said I am your baby, after that he stopped calling me baby and started calling me dear. she pretended her ankle was hurt so he would take her to the library, I caught unto that one and I said yanno maybe we should take you to the doctors to have it checked out, that put an end to that one
( until recently) then she started getting Popsicle's and having him look at her eat them, I noticed other things and its been progressing on both ends now. I stopped him from getting the Popsicle. I have had to hide my computer and stay awake all the time she is here.I left my computer out in the living room thinking she was in bed, i had turned all the lights off and then they came back on. so i went out she ran to her room and i took my computer in with me, I told him i do not like it when he kisses her on the lips, they play with each others hair or in some way are touching each other, low conversations only between them, new years eve I was very sick, husbands dad was here and they were at the table playing a game my husband was trying to look at me and smile at me she blocked his view of me. I talked to him once about the mini wife thing because she asked me if she could use my phone to call this 30 year old guy i told her no and i took my phone with me to the store, she got upset with me but oh well. things have been getting more and more where I feel like I am now a child and she is the wife/adult. if I say anything about anything while he daughter is here, I get yelled and screamed at, I get dirty looks from the both of them, I get told not to mention her name or bring up anything about her at all. This has really not made it easy to deal with the death of my mom/aunt at the same time dealing with this, she had tried to kill her last SM, I have become very ill where my lungs collapsed over a year ago, unexplained illnesses. Things of mine coming up missing when she is here, I feel like I am living in a nightmare, I feel like I can not say anything because when I do say anything or even ask a question I get yelled at, told I am starting a fight.

My husband has admitted last night that I was right, He needed to be more firm about her showing me respect, I love my SD and my husband, He feels torn apart, I am not the one competing for his attention. I would like to have a conversation with my husband about bills, our budget, be able to communicate with him as well. anytime we do try to talk, SD clears her throat to get his attention, he gave me a kiss she throws a stuffed animal at me and tells him to come over to him she whispers something in his ear, he smiles and laughs with a grin, she gives me a smirk and dirty look. She tried telling us we do not spend time with her, So we ask her to watch a movie with us, she says no and continues to give me dirty looks and has him getting up get me a drink, plays with the back of his neck or his hair, SD17 will then be like, are we going to do anything. your more then welcome to come watch this movie with us, spanks him on the butt, he tickles her and pats her butt, im so sick of seeing this!! I have tried to say okay maybe she is wanting to spend more time with her dad, that's fine. Okay maybe she feels left out so we play a game this behavior never stops!

Most teens her age are hanging out with their friends at the mall. going to their friends houses, I am sorry I just needed somewhere to vent,

I believe in gods law of marriage, I just can not keep my mouth quiet about whats going on because its getting harder and harder to the point where I am ready to leave. I have never told him its me or your daughter, that would be wrong of me, I am so confused right now.

amber3902's picture

"then the mini wife thing kicked in and suddenly they were at the table having low conversations playing footsie under the table."

"she would have him get up even though she was closest to the fridge and have him get her a drink. He called me baby and she said I am your baby,"

"then she started getting Popsicle's and having him look at her eat them," :jawdrop:

"I told him i do not like it when he kisses her on the lips, they play with each others hair or in some way are touching each other, low conversations only between them"

"SD17 will then be like, are we going to do anything. your more then welcome to come watch this movie with us, spanks him on the butt, he tickles her and pats her butt,"

This girl is SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD! Your husband should not be kissing her on the lips, watching her suck on popsicles, pat her on the butt, etc. etc.

IF this post is real, you need to call the cops on your husband because he is sexually abusing his daughter and you are too blind to see it.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Something is seriously not right there! I think this is going beyond father/daughter relationships to something that isn't appropriate. This is not appropriate behavior for a father and daughter at all, and the fact that your husband participates in this behavior is scary. I understand you love him, but you may need to consider that there is a much bigger issue here.

RedWingsFan's picture


RedWingsFan's picture

Just wow - I sooooo agree with you. I mean, stepdevil was pretty disgusting in the beginning with wanting to hang all over DH and the last straw came when she was spooning him on the floor watching movies, but this! Yeah, this is just ICK! :sick:

Iamthewife's picture

I had a long serious conversation with my husband yesterday, He said there relationship has always been this close. To me there is a such thing as being close and too close with your kids. Yes, I do have a webcam and a super mic and I am going to hook them up to the other laptop in the other room where it can still capture everything only they are not going to know I have it on, I talked to my aunt about things and she even said I had every right to kick her out of my house, After my conversation with my husband yesterday, He also said we needed to give his daughter a week or two away from us because he more then likely pissed her off as well and he did not even friging message her on face-book after i told him that she posted our personal home life on her face-book. AND YES THE MINI WIFE I DESCRIBED IS REALLY TRUE.


amber3902's picture

The problem is not your SD, the problem is your husband who allows this behavior and thinks there is nothing wrong with how they interact.

SugarSpice's picture

It is very likely that DH will see nothing wrong with the way things are if he already has done nothing. The situation is unhealthy but very common. many mini mistresses around.

SD has deleted your computer files and has therefore maliciously destroyed your property.

Showing her the door was the best thing you could have done. No one apparently has taught her to respect property so she has suffered no consequences. The reason she deleted your files is that she does not fear the consequeces.

All the more reason to password your computer.

Iamthewife's picture


misSTEP's picture

Wow - sounds like dad is severely lacking in the parenting department.

Oh, as an aside - I don't know how long ago it was that she deleted these documents or how often you use your computer but SOMEtimes you can get documents back with a free program you can install. (Even if she emptied out the Recycle Bin) I think it is for PCs only, though.

It is called Recuva. Google it. I use it all the time at my job as an IT tech.