Anyone have attractive BMs?
One thing that I hate? BM is somewhat attractive. Mind you, she is extremely uneducated (couldn't even help SS10 with math homework), she shops at stores like Forever 21 and Wet Seal, etc. She wears SOOOooo much makeup that her black eyeliner looks painted on. She's definitely extremely trashy... if she didn't wear all the makeup, and dressed her age, she might look half-way decent. But, all-in-all, I think most men would find her attractive. Not necessarily the type of woman you'd bring home to mom... but attractive.
I am 10 years younger than her. I am in similar physical shape. I dress much better, because I was raised by some classy women and she was raised in small-town USA with a family who thinks its an accomplishment to make it to 16 before you're pregnant. We are probably both size 2-4 in women's... but she (for whatever reason) always answers the door in a sports bra and teeny shorts when we go to pick the kids up. Apparently to make me jealous.
I guess I just hate when DH's friends say things like "Man... how did you land TWO hot wives?!" Ugh. The mere mention of her being hot makes me sick. DH will say things like "BM isn't an ugly woman objectively, but the things she did to me make her ugly" or "She just isn't my type anymore," etc. I don't think he finds her attractive, because of the person she is. And, I know for sure he doesn't even LIKE her. So, it's not that...
I just wish she was ugly. Hah! I know that's immature. Anyone else have somewhat attractive BM?
This is true. She is a very
This is true.
She is a very ugly person on the inside. And, she keeps telling her daughters that their looks will land them rich husbands. That's their life plans. She has SD16 convinced that college is a waste.
I think SS4's BM is
I think SS4's BM is attractive. Actually, her and I look quite similar physically-- same hair color, that we style similarly, similar tastes in clothing style, same face shape. People that know us both, (or at least know what we both look like) comment that "Man, DH certainly has a 'type' doesn't he?".
The main differences are that she tans very easily, and being Irish-- i'm lucky to tan at all. BM also is a "vegetarian"-- I use that term loosely, since she is really just a junk-a-holic that doesn't eat meat. DH used to complain that she's a vegetarian, but hated vegetable, so all she would eat was peanut butter and carbs. Either way, according to DH she is now waaaaay too skinny. Like can see her ribs skinny. :? IMO thats going to far. I'm a women's size 4-6, and would like to be solidly in a size 4. When BM and DH were together (never married) she wore a size 4, but I know she wears 00 now... too skinny.
I think your DH should
I think your DH should respond to the "two hot wives" questions with "I have had only one hot wife. The first one was okay until she opened her idiot redneck mouth then any symblance of attractiveness instantly vanished. I like smart women they are soooo much hotter."
An intelligent classy woman has no reason to be jellouse or intimidated by a stupid one no matter how attractive that stupid one may be. An intelligent classy woman has every reason to feel and be superior to a stupid one and to feel sorry for the stupid one.
Chin up, be proud an don't sweat the XW. You are your DHs present and future. All she has and will ever have of him is his past.
Have fun.
And as for the question of having an attractive BM .... yep, I have been married to her for 18 amazing years and helping her battle the SpermIdiot and SpermClan for longer than that. Fortunately my whore of an XW and I never spawned. She saved that particular hell for her geriatric fortune 500 executive sugar daddy that she left me for. I recently learned that she is on at least husband #3 so she continues to visit her particular brand of hell on ever more unsusptecting men. I was #1.
Thank you! You're right. I
You're right. I have no reason to be jealous of someone who only received a GED after the welfare office made her. Ugh
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rags "An
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rags
"An intelligent classy woman has no reason to be jellouse or intimidated by a stupid one no matter how attractive that stupid one may be. An intelligent classy woman has every reason to feel and be superior to a stupid one and to feel sorry for the stupid one."
I love this!!!
Try not to feel intimidated. My SD's BM isn't extremely attractive, but she's not ugly either. However, I have about 8 years more education than she has, I have a good job (she doesn't work), and she has 3 kids by 3 different men and was never married to any of them lol so the chances of me ever feeling intimidated by her, even if she ever becomes better looking, are slim to none haha!
Try to focus on other things besides her appearance! There's no reason for you to feel intimidated. Your DH is with you now (but I can definitely still understand where you are coming from with wishing she were ugly haha!)
Oh my, I wonder if my son's
Oh my, I wonder if my son's step mother thinks the same of me.
My DH tells me all the time that he 'upgraded'. He met the BM when she was 19 and he was 28 (I am only 2 years younger than he is). She increased in size by double since they had their first child. She is probably around 400lbs by now. When we first started dating she would constantly text DH how much weight she was losing expecting him to care. I wonder if it is a running theme that the BM doesn't work? I don't believe she has had a job since I have known my husband. It makes it even better that she moved onto my morning running route. I don't believe she is attractive although she gets the boosts from her friends that she is beautiful already and doesn't need to lose weight. She considers herself BBW and curvy. She is more floppy and far more reminiscent of the Stay Puft Marshmallow man. Perhaps,I am still a little bitter that she moved into my neighborhood and my opinion may be a tad bias.
Our BM has a cute figure.
Our BM has a cute figure. She is probably a size 6 (but I am a size 4.) She is flat chested (but I am a 34-DD.) She is well groomed and she looks attractive - until you see her face. Then she is downright ugly. She has beady little eyes, a HUGE nose, HUGE cheeks bones and a chin like Jay Leno. She is also ugly on the inside. I can't see how my DH was ever attracted to her. She also has a very stern, angry look on her face all the time. It's just how she looks.
I don't mean to brag, but people stop me all the time and tell me that I'm beautiful. Even teenage girls will stop me at the mall and tell me I'm gorgeous. I've had waitress sit down next to me while we are out to dinner and tell me I'm beautiful. I can guarantee you that has never ONCE happened to Horsefaced BM.
Our birthmom resembles a
Our birthmom resembles a potato. She was actually sort of cute when I started dating my now-husband a few years back. She deteriorated quickly after he and I were married.
LOL! Thanks, I needed a good
LOL! Thanks, I needed a good laugh. Potato...ha!
I think BM used to be kind of
I think BM used to be kind of cute...maybe.
1. She has yellow snaggle teeth.
2. She's tanned way too much to where her skin looks like leather.
3. Her hair is fried.
4. She 'works out' [drugs] and is anorexic skinny.
5. She has these weird squinty eyes and really thin lips. Pretty much just a wrinkly man face.
On the inside she is so much worse.
1. She is in her thirties and tries to argue with me on facebook which I refuse to do. [I am a lot younger than her.]
2. She ditched her kids for her abusive boyfriend.
3. She's batshit crazy and the biggest whore ever. [She tried to sleep with MIL's SO!]
4. She's a raging alcoholic which adds to her whoredum.
5. She used to constantly text [when she still had the kids] talking crap because she is so insecure.
She hates the fact that SO loves me so much. Even his family is always talking about how 'this is the happiest they've ever seen him' and 'how much prettier I am than her'. Plus, I'm actually making something of myself while she will be condemned to fast food and welfare for the rest of her life. That, apparently, just drove her off the deep end.
She even does her makeup like mine now. :O
Batshit crazy. HAHAHA I've
Batshit crazy. HAHAHA I've used this term to describe BM too. Weird, it's like a cold or something they catch. And I'm way younger than her too & still have my gonads.
BM - she is a saggy old purple-beaver that has seen way too many neighbourhood one-eyed crotch monkeys.
Pure filth.
No. She used to be just a
No. She used to be just a Plain Jane. But now no. Nothing. Just a beaver with a huge bum and a crappy attitude to boot. Quite the catch. She'd do well on eHarmony where you can lie about your personality (she can pretend to be normal and not a total slag) and you can't see the person
SS9 (not BF's) and SS3's mom
SS9 (not BF's) and SS3's mom is not pretty in my eyes. I may be biased though. When my own mother saw her she said she "wasn't that bad" but I don't find her attractive. Mind you, in general I don't find the bleach blonde, heavy make up, trashy extension look pretty. She used to be sort of chunky but then she started doing heavy drugs. Her body is really all she's got going for her and even then I think she's borderline too skinny. And her face is all worn out and wrinkly for a 28yr old, likely from the drugs. Because of this I can't find SS3 CUTE. He ACTS cute but when I look at him I just see BM and I don't find it cute.
SS9's (biologically BF's) I think is very pretty. The other day BF was showing SS9 videos of when he was first born and BM looks the exact same then as she does now. I hope I look the same in 9 years as I do now, lol. She is slender and has a pretty face, big brown eyes, long straight brown hair. I would love to look like her lol, definitely jealous. Luckily she has her own DH who she's been with for 9 years (cheated on BF with ha) and has no interest in BF and is very easy going and a nice woman, we've never had an issue. So I'd say she's pretty inside and out. SS9 is lucky, she's a great mom. And SS9 is the perfect combination of BM and BF. He's probably going to be very handsome and athletic (already is, really). BF always tells me I "remind [him] of her" and I honestly take it as a compliment lol. I am in no way threatened by their relationship or anything so... I wish she was his only BM lol, the other one is the one who makes life HELL!
Not at all. She has pretty
Not at all. She has pretty eyes though. Thats about all you can say is pretty. She is tiny like 5 foot and normaly weighs about 100 lbs now she might weigh 80lbs. She is just saggy skin and bones tanned waaaaaaaaay to much and her skin is wrinkled up leather. Frizzy dried up hair and this freakishly large mouth and nose. . Like a joker smile big and long upturned nose. She was cute when she was younger. But not attractive at all. Now she looks so old due to heavy smoking and drinking she looks rode hard and put away wet }:)
I actually don't have bad
I actually don't have bad things to say about my boyfriends EXes personality and such, but from a physical standpoint, she reminds me of a cross between Strawberry Shortcake and Shrek. She is short and fat with literally no neck..great big round cheeks and fire engine red hair. There was a freckle explosion on her face and to top it all off
... both SOs kids look EXACTLY like her. Ugh.... not going to hurry out for family pictures with them!
Thanks god our BM as a crook
Thanks god our BM as a crook nose, otherwise she looks ok.
Just saying.
I would say BM is ok looking.
I would say BM is ok looking. Certain FB pics reflect that but in person you can't decide if she's ugly or pretty. She has blueish eyes and a horrible dye job. Her body looks like a marshmellow walking on pretzels. She always wears low cut shirts and she has thos breasts that even in a push up bra lay totally flat. I know I'm not the skinniest girl but I do have a waist and I don't have weird breasts. I have long dark hair and blue eyes. Oh and I know how to dress a little more classy than her she always wears holey jeans and mens tank top undershirts.
My BF's XW is 41 and I am 28
My BF's XW is 41 and I am 28 but I have seen her, not up close face to face but I have seen enough to know that she is not ugly! I definitely hate that he was with her and obviously spawned with her so she will never be totally out of the picture. BF also does the classic shit like putting her down and that he hates her and I have no doubt that he does because she really fucked him over good...after he knocked her up and decided to marry her her TRUE colors came out and he was in a miserable marriage for 9 years until her cheating ways were exposed and that did their marriage in. But I also told my BF that you dated/married her so at one point you thought something good about her and her appearance!!! Just because someone fucks you over doesnt ever necessarily mean that you stop thinking that they are hott/attractive!!! DERRRR!!! I have been hurt and fucked over by men and have known men that were total assholes BUT that didnt mean that they became instantly ugly to me because of it...
But yeah it does bother me that bm is attractive, in my opinion anyways, but I know that my BF wants nothing to do with her whatsoever. He wont even talk to her or be anywhere she is unless he is far away from him, like at a skid event. I trust that he doesnt have love or romantic feelings for her BUT I am not going to be a naive woman and think that just because she is a complete douchebag that he doesnt still think that she may be still attractive on some level...
Hm. I think BM was attractive
Hm. I think BM was attractive when I knew her.... for someone who is twice my age anyway. (She was 41 when she got preggo on "accident")
DH is 35, but he doesn't look a day over 27 (but maybe it's hard to tell with caucasians), I'm 23... but probably look about 14 to westerners because I'm oriental by ethnicity (just kidding! but no, not really... sometimes, when people stare at diners out in eastern Long Island, I will say very loudly to DH "so when I go back to school, do I have to call you Mr. xxx?"
Or my favorite is if we're walking with a male friend of his, sometimes I'll suddenly grab both their hands and say "Daddy xxx, Daddy yyy, when can we go home?" much to their mortification.) I dress well, and do like make-up, and no one has ever really called BM hot when I knew her, but plenty did about me (drove her bonkers.)
She just gave off the: I am a freak in bed because I have unresolved issues about myself and the world around me.
Anyway, motherhood made BM just deteriorate badly. So much that I'm kind of afraid to have children because if a few months could turn you to look from a dominatrix feminist to a jabba the hut, then I don't know if I am ready to lose my youth and beauty.... Her inner psychopath and crazy starts to show. It's the weirdest thing. When she was very attractive, it didn't show as much--she may have been crazy but she didn't look it unless you looked really close, or spoke with her. But now she just looks insane. It's really, really sad.
BM wouldn't win a beauty
BM wouldn't win a beauty contest, but she's pretty when her face doesn't look all puffy and weird (no idea why she looks like that sometimes).
But her attitude and
Like a good friend of mine once tweeted about women who go nuts for the beauty products...'maybe you should eat those beauty products so you'll be pretty on the inside'. BM is not very pretty where it counts!
I once thought my ex was so damned hot. Then over the years his personality just made him ugly, even to look at.
I would say the BM is kind of
I would say the BM is kind of pretty. She'd have the potential to be more so if she would crack a smile once in a while (apparently she has crooked teeth... but I'd never know because honestly I've never seen her smile).
She's 6 or 7 years older than me (and DH) and she's starting to look it although she tries her hardest to hold onto her "younger years" (which were spent stripping, so go figure).
I'm not too concerned about her outside, because that's deceiving. On the inside? She's a regular Cruella DeVille.
My husband's ex is attractive
My husband's ex is attractive in an Eastern European-porn-trash-stripper kind of way. The thing about her tho, is that she is abnormally petite in height and has large implants. Her weight is kept between her shoulders and her waist. It's odd.
My SD's BM isn't ugly, but
My SD's BM isn't ugly, but she's not really attractive. I'd say she's average. She's definitely gained weight since I first met her but she had 2 more kids since then, and it's not like she's obese. She does wear clothes that are a little too tight and/or revealing for her size, but that doesn't really bother me. The only thing I find unattractive about her is her giant jawbone. She looks like she has marshmallows in her cheeks all the time - but like way down at the bottom (think Courtney Thorne-Smith but just a little more pronounced). SD doesn't have that trait - she has DH's bone structure so that's good for her, but BM's youngest daughter with her husband has the big jaw...Also BM has covered herself in tattoos and she cut her hair very short, so I never worry about DH finding her attractive, since those are two things he hates on women.
The first time BM met me, she said "Well, it looks like [DH] finally found his dream girl." I guess I fit the description of what DH had always wanted. She looked a little bummed but wasn't rude about it.
BM1: overweight, but pretty
BM1: overweight, but pretty and has a good personality except for when her claws come out when talking to DH (BTW his come out too when talking to her, which I tend to tell him it is unattractive also)

BM2: Not attractive, overweight (now that she's off meth) her personality is crude and abrasive. She would get along famously with my ex who also thinks it is acceptable behavior to fart and burp at any given moment. But, I do have to smile when she looks me up and down. I know I look better and have had a baby recently.
I also compare myself to XGF. No kids together, but was still a long term thing. She is very overweight also. Pretty but the kind of personality that smiles at you as they are insulting you and then bats their eyelashes and says "sweetie, IDK what you are talking about" when confronted.
Do I think sometimes holy hell DH has rotten taste in women. Yes, I sure do and then have a moment and think 'So WTF does that say about me?????'
Then I realize, I can be overweight, bitchy and obnoxious at times and he will still love me
So, yep, best thing BM2 could have done for DH was walk out. He got me
As much as I hate to say it -
As much as I hate to say it - BM2 is attracive yes, but she is seriously mentally ill so that scraps any of that out. BM! is really not attractive and quite overweight, but the one time I have spoken to her on the phone she was very nice so I try not to think that way lol...
My BM isn't ugly in the face,
My BM isn't ugly in the face, but she probably weighs almost 300 lbs.
Seeing as I weigh half of that , I don't get too worried. My husband said when he met her she was thin (She was 16 and he was 18). It's been almost 20 years since that point and time has been hard.
Also it doesn't hurt that my hubbie told me she got a breast reduction and they totally screwed up one of her boobs.
this post is HILARIOUS!!!
this post is HILARIOUS!!! overall answer for everyone is a no then?? LMAO!! i have read the funniest insults on here, which have all been noted for my next vent!! Ladies you are great!!
BM is ok, when she is dressed up, but when she is just normal, school run etc she is RANK!! i couldnt hel but laugh when i first saw her and it was in hr face, i was so shocked that DH even went near her let alone got her preganat twice. She is the exact opposite to me and is the tpe of person I avoid speaking to, regardless if she was his ex or not. Shame on him as shes not even a nice person!
BM is no where NEAR
BM is no where NEAR attractive. And she is NOT smart. At all...
1. She has systic acne
2. She has terrible fashion sense
3. She is a chain smoker and drinks a TON of coffee so her teeth are BROWN
4. Her hair is always frizzy and pulled back in a tight bun. My girlfriend at work calls her "onion head".
5. Her hands and feet are HIDIOUS.
6. She looks about 15 years older than me, she is a year younger.
7. ALMOST forgot to mention her mustache... and BEARD. Yep, she SHAVES them, with a RAZOR. Stubble stubble anyone?
One may be able to overlook the physical attributes listed above, but she also is just a BAD PERSON.
1. Lazy
2. Entitled
3. Drug addicted
4. NOT smart (can't help SS with 4th grade math homework
5. Vendictive
WOW BS - yours takes the
WOW BS - yours takes the cake!
BM was 17 when they got
BM was 17 when they got together, so I'm sure she was very pretty. She has blonde hair and the most blue eyes you can imagine. When I first met her, however, her hair was pretty much burnt off from overdying into a, can't even call it a style...existence. She was well above 300 lbs. She usually wears makeup, but only seems to own stretch pants and hoodies, which are not very flattering.
I have dark hair and dark eyes. So do my kids and extended family. SD looks just like BM. Sooooo...I've taken on the unfortunate habit of disliking blonde hair and blue eyes. Sorry, half the population, I know it's not fair to judge you that way.
When FDH and I got together, I was overweight, but not enough that you'd give it much thought. Only I worried about it. In the last couple years, though, I have stress-binged like a champ and she has become a drug addict. So she has dropped 100 pounds so far and I've gained like 40 and still gaining, so I'm all freaking out over the possibility of getting fatter than her. If nothing in my life has given me the motivation to diet, this will be the thing that works. She had the nerve to make fun of my weight when she still has *plenty* on me. That was one of the rare times FDH laid into her.
Oh, and she somehow thought that a big ol' throat tattoo of her boyfriend's name would enhance her looks. Although I noticed she's managed to grow her hair out and it covers it up now.
The BM is not attractive -
The BM is not attractive - inside or out. When I seen her for the first time, I actually felt sorry for my husband. I'm 5'10", have an MBA, and athletic. She's maybe 5'0", squatty, uneducated and prides herself on being country. Not to mention she has no ettiquette. It's sad when his family and neighbors of many years have told me how unfriendly, mean, and judgmental she was. He was married to her for 19 years...what was he thinking....
Hell to the no! Actually the
Hell to the no! Actually the first time I met her I almost broke it off with my DF. She's a very very trashy lady. She's 28 but looks at least 10 years older, is a terrible dresser, and self mutilates her face, neck, chest and arms by picking sores into her skin. My stepsons have actually picked up on this habit :(. She's also as trailer trash as it can get and she's about 250 pounds. Her personality is just as bad...very sneaky and we have caught her in a multiptude of lies. My fiancée is athletic, clean cut, and extremely handsome. He says what was intended to be a hit-it-and-quit -it resulted in 2 children.
BM used to be ok looking.
BM used to be ok looking. This of course was prior to her heroin habit and her jailhouse style tattoos that she has scattered over herself. I shit you not the one on her wrist I literally thought was drawn on with a magic marker until I realized it was always there lol.
She is porportioned really weird too. She weighs about 100lbs soaking wet and and is about 5'8ish (small height as me) so she looks way too skinny, yet she has big boobs somehow (definitely real too) with visible stretch marks from when she lost even more weight during her aforementioned heroin binge. Complete that visual with dragon like size 10 feet and toenails that would send the most seasoned nail shop employee screaming for the hills and she makes a pretty scary sight. :sick:
I actually think that BM
I actually think that BM isn't too bad ,she's normal looking (albeit a bit plain ) and even though she's a bit big ,the weight's in the right place. However ,she's early 30's and dresses and acts like a teen. She has god knows how many tattoos ,nothing original, piercings and she emphasises her only good feature ,her boobs. Even in the middle of the winter, lol. She likes to think that's what makes her more attractive than me (shows her mentality) but I would rather have the small bust I do and good features all over as opposed to being plain with big ones. I'm the opposite of her in every way possible and I love it ,lol.
BM is 19 years younger than
BM is 19 years younger than me (I'm 47, FDH is 42). They were together when BM was 20-25, FDH was 33-38. She is very attractive...easier when you're young...and I have to work at it, but am in great shape and confident in my appearance & demeanor. I have a good career, lots more to offer. In fact, BM seems a little intimidated by me. FDH and I have amazing physical chemistry and he says that wasn't the case with BM, that he was maybe more attracted to the fact all his buddies thought she was hot & he never really had that chemistry with her. Regardless, it doesn't matter; we're good together & they were not, game over, it's not a competition. There will always be a more beautiful woman out there & there's nothing I can control except myself.
My DH dated women who were
My DH dated women who were more alternative looking before me too. (BM is not artsy or funky or sexy or anything like that though.) I have a pretty all American look-- blonde hair, blue eyes. I was a cheer leader in high school even. I suppose the one thing that makes me unique is that I am very tall and fairly thin so I've got that whole "tall blonde" thing going for me. But anyway I relate to what you said--- I am not gothic or dark. I know that my DH has liked that look at one point in his life. But I also KNOW that when I put on some heals, a hot dress, and we go to a work party of his (or even just out to a restaurant) he perks up and struts around, happy to show me off!
My point is that despite your DH's suspected type in the past, he is attracted to you for a reason! Probably for many reasons! Men are soooo much less critical of women's bodies/ appearance than we are. I also do not think that men have a strict "type" most men seem to just love women in general haha. Figure out what makes you attractive, trust me there are probably a number of things, and focus on those!
I think BM is very pretty,
I think BM is very pretty, slim and tall. I would hope he doesn't think she is still attractive but who knows.
BM1 is trashy and nasty. I
BM1 is trashy and nasty. I can only believe she probably was fairly good looking when she was younger and her and DH "hooked up". Now.. almost 9+ years later.. 7 pregnancy, drugs, and alcohol have taken a toll on BM1. She is disgusting. She thinks she is a size 2 when in reality she is probably a size 16. Its gross.
IMO, BM2 is pretty, but more to due to excessive tanning, make up, and hair dye. BM2 is bigger than me, but I do think she has a very pretty face, at least with the make up. She is very high maintenance, every time I see her her hair is a different color and she is fresh out the nail salon, but I guess that is easy to do when you don't work and only have one child 50% of the time. I remember a time when I always colored my hair, tanned, got my nails done, now.. I raise 2 full-time and 1 50%. I work full-time and go to school full-time. I could care less if my hair is blonde or brown this week. Ain't nobody got time for that!
I call BM snaggletooth. She
I call BM snaggletooth.
She used to be cute- now she's nondescript.
Very 'mall'... If you know what I mean. Shops at very generic stores and wears very cheap shoes, always platforms. She is short, so I guess she wants the height. But really?? Grocery store in 5inch platforms??
Dark brunette with bad frizzy highlights and too much makeup. She is stuck at an age where she was comfortable, and has never changed her style.
I'm older (look younger) than her and DEF curvier, but work in an industry that is all about image, and I look the part...
She looks like a cheap escort, you know, the half price kind, a little past her expiration date...
I think BM was beautiful in
I think BM was beautiful in her younger years, and she's not unattractive now. The years of drinking and having a crappy marriage with her current DH have taken their toll on her, as well as a significant weight gain (but hey, it has happened to me, has taken away a good portion of her exterior beauty.
I am not at all jealous of her, thankfully. We look completely different. I am a smaller size than her (in volume and stature) and have short, very red (dyed) hair. She has huge knockers (lol) and long pretty blond hair. We couldn't be any more different if we tried.
BM is actually 14 years
BM is actually 14 years younger than me so I confess to having moments of self doubt when faced with the fact that she will always be younger then I am. But then I shake that off and take a good hard look at her. She had her boobs done so they are false. She gets botox to the point where she has no expression (probably a good thing) and then works out to the point where she is begining to look butch. Also it irritates the heck out of her that I am tall and blonde, where she is small and dark. She hates being small but plastic surgery couldnt fix that one!! I have seen photos of her when she was younger and she looked softer then. Now she is one ball of bitterness and hatred and it shows on her face so it has made her hard looking. Is she considered attractive? Yes I believe so but she is so ugly on the inside that it shows through. She has yet to maintain a long term relationship with any man and the current dude won't last long cos he doesnt earn enough to keep her in the style she is unaccusomed to LOL BM has a batchelor's degree and is a nurse but still remains ignorant and stupid. Degrees don't make you necessarily educated in the right way. I was raised by a classy gorgous educated woman who had to leave school at 12 (my Mom). Real class cannot be bought. I myself have a masters education and I am a real lady. BM is a cheap plastic barbie. There....I have said it
Men say BM is attractive I
Men say BM is attractive I dont see it. Personally I think she looks like Yoda.
She is 5'5 maybe 120 soaking wet. What I do notice and seems to be hung up on is that DH likes "little" girls like that. He has mentioned the attractiveness of Katie Couric and Giada from the Food Network. No breast no hips.
I am not a "little" girl I am 5'4 and 178 lbs. Im a 38c chest.
BM can be as attactive as she wants because she is one of the uglist people I have ever met. Where I seem to have an issue is that SD17 looks just like her. THE spitting image, and not only that but she has almost every personality trait right down to hatefulness and superiority complex. This adds to my every day frustration. I feel like every time I look at her I inadvertantly roll my eyes, I cant control it. And with the dysfunctional "friendship" DH has with SD makes it even worse. I feel like I live with DH and his ex wife
I used to think BM was
I used to think BM was average until I saw her up close at stepdevil's awards last week. She's HIDEOUS.
Very pale white skin, hair is cut short (just below the chin)dyed jet black, she wears it straight and just to the sides, parted in the middle. She looks MUCH older than her 36 yrs and apparently is a heavy smoker. She wears clothes in the "goth" style (black and dark) and just doesn't dress well at all.
She has a huge tattoo across her chest of a snake wrapped around a heart. Very heavy makeup.
UGLY and SD is following in her footsteps.
Our BM looks like a possum to
Our BM looks like a possum to me, but dh says she looks more like a rat. She has this long hook nose and her whole face is pointed in the direction of her nose-like a rodent. She WOULD look like a suirrel, but her teeth rotted out so now she has false teeth. Her hair is terribly thin(keep putting heat on that b*tch, I want to see it fall out just like your teeth did)
She has a muffin roll which stands out worse when she tries to lose weight, like now, which also makes her ass look even flatter than it already is.
The most ugly thing about her is her soul though.
I'm glad she's ugly, but I'm sorry her daughter is ugly, too. I wish her daughter were prettier so she wouldn't be so jealous of mine.
God I feel shallow!!!!
Our BM weighs about 350
Our BM weighs about 350 (dressed out), so that part of her isn't attractive. She has a pretty face, though, is clean and dresses well.
I'm a bit overweight myself, so I certainly don't look down on her for being heavy.
I do look down on her for being ugly on the inside. Where it counts.
Picture an ox mating with a
Picture an ox mating with a grizzly bear - and you have my BM.
Attractive to whom? Jabba the
Attractive to whom? Jabba the Hutt? If so, then yes. BM is damn attractive!
I'm not just being mean but
I'm not just being mean but HELL NO she's not attractive. I know looks aren't everything but FDH hates her and I don't have 1 morsel of jealousy in my whole being for her. She's 18 years older then me, fat, bitter and a complete bitch, not a great mother either and she has awful hair she just doesn't know how to manage
I hope I don't come off as tooting my own horn bc I'm not but she breathes envy and jealousy at fuctions together- not necessarily towards me but you can tell it eats her up that FDH is happy and has a good catch and we are good together. They were just wrong from the beginning and even though she's with the guy she cheated with- her highschool boyfriend- she's still bitter and unhappy