DH gets more annoyed with SS than I do!
SS is really annoying. I mean - the kid has social disorders or something. We only see him EOW... and that's IF his PASed ass doesn't refuse. Anyways... we had him this past weekend. He CANNOT/is not CAPABLE of entertaining himself. Literally - every single second that he's not being entertained he's asking "what are we going to do now? I'm bored" or he's singing songs at the top of his lungs about how borrrrrrrrrrrrred he is (the songs are made up sentences about being bored - to a tune. It's delightful). I'm talking if we've just eaten lunch and are cleaning up the plates... he's bored. If he's playing his DS, he's bored. Anything where attention isn't 100% on him - he's bored.
We normally take him home around 7pm on Sundays. At 5pm, he started complaining about being bored - right after we'd just come home from a walk. DH said "Ok, get your bag packed and your shoes on. You can go be bored at your mom's house."
And, he actually took him home within the next 5 minutes. Hah! Wow.
Yeah my BF's S11 is annoying
Yeah my BF's S11 is annoying too! Hence why I am NEVER around AT ALL when he has him! If bm offers to pick him up earlier or whatever the case may be my BF is perfectly ok with bm coming to take him! LOL
Pretty sad when a kid is soooo annoying, whiney, and bratty that their own bio parents can't stand them and don't want to be around them!
I remember being a kid and
I remember being a kid and going through this stage. Granted, I had 4 siblings to keep me occupied, but there would be days when nothing appealed to me.
The minute I went whining to my mom that I was bored, she'd hand me a list of chores. I learned real quick to stop whining about having nothing to do because I knew mom would give me something I didn't want to do!
haha We do this too
haha We do this too sometimes! It's amazing how quickly they find something to do!
I think this is one of the
I think this is one of the things that irritates me the most about my DH. I KNOW for a FACT that after spending just a few hours with skid he is so annoyed, frustrated, irritated, frazzled, wore out, and in all honesty, he cannot stand to be around him. But, he is so deeply rooted in his denial and shame for feeling like he does and for producing such a monster that he acts like skid is just fanfreakingtastic. Puke. He lets this kid drive him nuts and then takes out his frustrations on me by being rude, hateful, short, distant, it just sucks.
We're in the same boat. SS11
We're in the same boat. SS11 is so annoying and lazy and destructive - every time he's over, he has to break/mess up at least one thing
It got so bad this past weekend that DH told him to just stay home if all he's going to do is break things!
SS was like this. It didn't
SS was like this.
It didn't help that DW bent over backwards to entertain her bored attention-starved kid. I told DW that this is not healthy. Kids shouldn't be relying on their parents for entertainment every waking second.
DW said that she is his mother and she considers it her job.
I replied "Yeah! You're his MOTHER not his GEISHA!"
Glad to hear I'm not alone! I
Glad to hear I'm not alone! I told SS at one point this weekend - "Jesus! You're almost 11 years old! You need to learn how to entertain yourself!" I had just had it!
It's amazing to me how many
It's amazing to me how many of our DH's whine and complain about skids' feelings: They feel guilty, they want to see them more, whatever...
But, when they're actually together, they realize how shitty their kids are too! My DH will cry all the time about how much he misses his kids. But, every single time we visit with them, he seems uncomfortable, unsettled, and he doesn't have a whole lot of fun.
I guess now that he's had a couple years of separation from seeing them every single day, he realizes what brats they really are. Oh well.
I also think this tends to be
I also think this tends to be a cod issue. My bios who are 15, 13, and 11 never need entertaining. In fact I have to go looking for them often as they are typically busy in some room of the house or outside entertaining themselves. Ss15 could never manage this. In fact what he would do is go from one of my bios to the next insulting them, starting stuff just to get their attention. They as learned even my youngest to simply not even acknowledge him, which would fire him up even more until he eventually skulked off to the next kid to pick on.
That's the thing: I see
That's the thing: I see plenty of normal, high functioning children who don't need constant entertaining. By a certain age, kids should be exploring things on their own. Making up games, etc.
One time, he was reading a book and told me he was bored while reading. I said "you're reading a book... it's not like you aren't doing anything." His response back was that "I knowwwww but you guys aren't doing ANYTHING with me". OMFG