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Every time SD comes over she brings this dark cloud with her.. Venting a lil..

Crazyness's picture

So I need to vent a little. If you don't like this post, please leave, I see some people on here attacking others for their posts and I don't agree with this.

Ill try to keep this short as possible. DH and BM were never married. We got married, she got married a month after us. We live in a nice neighborhood, they moved in our neighborhood! Its been always a competition. BM also seems to be jealous of my age. Shes 40, im 23 and he has some nasty emails from her always talking about my age, that im too young to be a wife and a mother and basically calling me out stupid. Forget about me, focus on your daughter! Also, I was not born in the US where when you turn 21 you go crazy partying, I was born in Europe, mature, raised great by my parents, I know what I want and obviously I wanted to be a young mom and a wife and my dream came true. SO F U old lady(sorry for the older women out there I know I will be old too one day lol) that I took your dream away and don't blame me, blame yourself, you had him, you were crazy, try to trap him and he left your butt!

She dated my hubby for 3 months and got pregnant trying to trap him for obvious reasons - $$$$. Got furious when he left her and tried to ruin him in any way possible. Now were married, she turned his mother against us. SD7, smart, beautiful girl is completely brainwashed by her. Forgot to mention that shes emotionally unstable and slowly turning her daughter like her. Hes been paying her over $1000 CS for 7 years and shes been livin her life, now were married, have a child on our own, economy sucks, hes bringing her back to court for CS mod and of course shes furious. So every time SD comes over, for the first half hour it's storming over our house. She's grumpy and you can just tell she doesnt want to be here. DH gives her his phone to play games, says in a different childish voice "wanna play outside?" or wanna do this wanna do that just to keep her occupied so she doesnt get bored and says " i wanna go home". So tired of her bitching and complaining that we dont play with her and that shes so bored here when all we do is keep her busy when she's here. And I wonder what her crazy mom tells her before she comes over..I cant wait the for her to grow up a lil more and have her own mind and figure things out. Tired of the childish drama. I buy her puzzles, barbies, clothes, games, treat her like mine but doesnt seem to make her excited to come over. Whatever we do, we will never be always the bad people. It's a horrible situation and I pray for us to get more time with us so she can get used to coming here and stop complaining. We see her Monday overnight and every other weekend.

Thats all for now.. again please dont attack. Im a good stepmum, just tired of the whole drama. Kids are innocent, I have one on my own and I know what its like being a mom, but I am just angry that BM is turning SD against us and doesnt take care of her own kid - every time she comes over shes a mess, dirty stinky feet, messy hair etc.. the kid needs to be taken away from her before she turns her crazy like herself. Ugh!

Evil Step Witch of OZ's picture

crazyness i hear you. I have a SD6 and when she goes to her BM house she turns in to the biggest Brat when she comes home. I want! and I wont! You can't make me! this is the crap we get so now I just ignore her, like today. She woke me up very early and she was told last night to play in her room when she woke up and not to make to much noise, well that went in one ear and out the other. So when I got up pretty pissed off id add and said to her, now thats 2 days you have woken me up very early so tomorrow I will get you up very early for school. And I will do that for a week because pay back is a bitch lol. So anyways she has been off ignoring me since I said that this morning and now as I am typing this to you she wants my attention and guess what, not happening. You need to show her who is boss. if she stomps her feet tell her to go away. If she says she wants to go to mums house tell her its not happening so get used to it or depending on your situation tell her fine... go! and then let her go. If DH is being too nice when she first gets there she will play on it the whole time and she has the power over the both of you. You guys are the parents, she is to do as you say not the other way around. Sorry this is long winded, I'm venting too because I know how you feel Sad
I hope she stops her crap and the ex sounds like a real treat just like my DH ex, nothing but trailer trash!
I'm on your side Wink

Crazyness's picture

Lol I thought I'd just get attacked for my post but Im glad I got it outta me and I see that Im not alone. I have been ignoring her since she got here. Im just tired of the fact that when shes here all our attention is on her just so she doesnt get "bored" and all that work goes out the window when she goes back to BM. We'll have a fun weekend and the next time she comes to us she's back to her shitty mood. So tired of this same situation reapeating over and over again. No matter what we do we'll always be the bad guy, so might as well be "boring" to her lol.

She had a phone, yeah a 7 y/o with a phone! She'd call her mom behind our back and complain how bored she is. She also used it to spy on us but thats another topic lol. So we told her not to bring that phone back. Some stepkids are too much and its their mothers to blame for.

Crazyness's picture

I just re-read my post and I have a lot of typo mistakes, sorry. I wrote the post from my phone and at that time I was also upset.. Sad Too bad there's no option on here to edit our posts..

shelandmegsmom's picture

We had a lawyer tell us to take the phone as soon as SD would walk in the door and withhold until she leaves. Her mother knows our number if she needs to get in touch with us. There was alot of texting every little detail that we were doing.
Our DD can entertain herself. SD has never been able to.

sotiredoftheDRAMA's picture

I have a question....Why are we getting credit card apps for the ex with my husband's last name at OUR address???? She has never lived her, and has remarried. Anyone familiar with this, or is this just the credit card buying name game? They leased a car together, but no longer have that car. We recently started receiving these apps since I was able to get my husband's credit back in order after the divorce. All of our payments are being made on time, or are paid in full. Is this happening because his credit has become AWESOME and she happened to be associated at one point? He has a current credit report because he was concerned she was using his info to gain credit, but he doesn't see anything current. Anyone??? :?

Crazyness's picture

You too? Before she got the phone she would take notes of everything we talk about, we told her to quit it so the phone came along and the drama continued until we put our foot down and said no phone in our house. It's like teaching your child to be a criminal. I felt like we had a little spy in the house lol :O

busyBhive's picture

OMG, that is totally MY situation! SD12 reports everything then we get a barrage of texts/e-mails from BM. It drives me insane that we have this little spy in the house and then all of BM's bitching comes back on me. I really have begun to resent my SD as she even reports back (in real time from her room) what I've said on the phone to MY Mom.....only to get a pop up text. THANK GOD THIS ISN'T JUST MY PROBLEM:( I WAS GOING CRAZY!

daybyday's picture

I have a similar situation with an awful BM. However, she was so eager to be able to be her child's friend that she gave custody. She actually told us she like not having to discipline him and being able to have him just like her.

She is the cat's meow as far as SS14 is concerned. He thinks she is just wonderful. She 'understands' him. She likes what he likes.

Well, I'm sorry that your high school drop-out mother isn't here when you constantly fail to do your homework (65 missed assignments this year!) and that whenever I try to punish you for not doing your homework you call her up and she tells you how awful and mean I'm being and that she would NEVER be that way.

Good news is....
Now she thinks he's old enough that he won't be any work and she wants her best friend back. He's moving in with her (1,000 miles away) at the end of the school year. I CAN'T WAIT! She's going to quickly learn that a 14 year old without discipline is a ton of work.

The truth is that you are never going to be able to buy your SD's happiness. Stop trying. If she wants to be miserable everytime she visits, let her. Happiness is a CHOICE. It can not be bought or earned through the actions of others.

Crazyness's picture

I have came to that conclusion too. I told DH that Im just gonna stop trying because she's unhappy anyways and he said we can't do that, we have to balance her who's real, show her that we love her and that whatever her mom is telling her it's not true and "hopefully" one day she'll understand and decides to move in with us :O That's his hope, I personally don't see it happening since BM has wrapped that kid around her finger

sotiredoftheDRAMA's picture

Let me start out by giving everyone a quick synopsis of my husband's road to becoming a divorced father of one. My husband served in the Marine Corp. during the time before, and shortly after 9/11. He married his ex in 1998 because she was previously married with a child with which I found out later that she was emailing my current husband when she was still married so that she could make sure she had someone to fall back on once she divorced her first husband. She was concerned about how she was going to take care of herself and her daughter after she left her husband. My husband told her he would help take care of her, and not to worry. Well, so she left her 1st husband, married my husband, moved in with her mom, sent my husband off to war, decided to get pregnant because she knew this marriage wasn't working out, began a friendship with a guy and his girlfriend across the street from her mom's house, began cheating on my husband with this guy soon after she gave birth to my husband's baby, attempted to talk my husband into re-enlisting in the service so she could have more time with her "neighbor" - all the while continuing to receive the support from my husband, and possibly risking his life. PHEW.

After my husband returned from Afghanistan, his ex immediately wanted to go visit with her "neighbor" man - friend. My husband found out shortly that she had been running around with this guy, and having my husband's mom babysit for her in the process. Need I also mention that she claimed she was raped by a friend's, cousin's husband after she passed out on their couch while my husband was overseas? Funny thing is that when my husband said he was going to make a request to come back home to be with her, and press charges, she declined??!!! Who does that? Especially if you have been raped by a person you are familiar with????? Did I also mention "Instant super-slut, just add alcohol?" to the wonderful woman's repertoire?

OMG!!! I have to say that I am six years OLDER than my husband and his ex. I was married for 13 years prior to the death of my first husband. I am not new to the marriage scene of "forsaking all others, and to death do us part!"

Comments concerning haircuts. As far as I am concerned, the ex doesn't ask my husband if it is okay to get his daughter a haircut, why does he have to ask her? Without him, there would be no daughter. How is that right in anyone's eyes??? On another note, (not meaning to offend) but if you don't want someone else being responsible for your child, don't decide to have a child with someone you do not plan on spending the rest of your child's young years with!!

As my screen name states.....I AM SO TIRED OF THE DRAMA!!! As another poster stated, once my husband's ex found out we were getting married, she quickly informed him that SHE would be getting married shortly too. Funny thing is that it didn't happen, not until, of course, she got pregnant with this guys kid. Oh, I forgot, this is the same guy she cheated on my husband with. He still lives across the street from her mom, which she has moved into prior to her marriage and then moved back out across the street to her mom's because the relationship wasn't working out. She also attempted to crawl back to my husband once this happened. Mostly because she discovered that him and I were seriously dating. Also, prior to my husband's divorce, she tried to get him to buy her a new car and house even though she was already having an affair and just wanted a house and a new car. She has a daycare out of her home, she has no other work experience and she is 37 years old. So, now she gets support from her first husband, and my husband. Both marriages only lasted 4 years. She also left her current husband, prior to their marriage, after four years. She recently had a baby with this guy, and they will be married for two years - let's see if she is still true to her form. This guy has another son from his previous girlfriend before hooking up with my husband's ex. The original reason the supposedly broke up was because this guy treated her two girls poorly. Apparently, that must've changed and that is why she married him - not so, according to my husband's daughter. She says she gets in trouble for everything, but the boy does not.

I have never met this woman face to face - Pretty lucky. I have no desire to because I am sure I would have nothing nice to say. I could go on forever and ever, but I am getting pretty tired of the same bs. :jawdrop:

Crazyness's picture

All I can say is WOW :jawdrop: there's a lot of messed up women out there.

Crazyness's picture

Hey LoveGeorge, Im sorry that you're getting attacked, I don't understand why people do that when this website is for you to express your frustrations - not to feel even more frustrated after someone starts bashing you for your situation and your thoughts. :? We should be like friends on here, supporting eachother, not creating even more drama that we already have on our plates.

Anyways, omg do you know me? Lol! You are speaking my story! Ill follow your advice and stop trying so hard because no matter what we do, we will always be the bad people. And yes, SD is attention freak. She gets all the attention from mom and grandma and in our house it's not all about her anymore since DH married me and now we have a baby. It seems like BM and MIL are having more hard time than SD to adjust to the fact that now DH has a wife and another child and it's not going their way anymore.

And BM has found her dog lol. As long as her ass is taken care of thats all she cares about. I would tell that guy to run for his life and not make a baby with her or hes in for a long ride.

And that's amazing that your SD was raised by you from such young age and there are still problems. You figure if you are all she knows things would be a lot easier but I guess it never works out with step kids no matter at what age you start raising them they will be always brats.

StillSearching's picture

I know how you feel about the age, I am turning 25 next week and my boyfriend's ex-wife is turning 40. She always has made comments about my age and same with his family. Lucky for you though his kid is 7, my boyfriend's kids are 15 and 17 which is hell. The 17 year old is a girl and she has an attitude every weekend she is over which I don't know if it is because of me or her hormones. Good luck with everything.

Crazyness's picture

At least they will be 18 soon Wink I have 11 more years to deal with this, and I know it will continue after 18 but at least the CS will stop.
Where I come from its normal to be married by 25-30 and "not so normal" if you're not married by 40 but do I judge? No. BM says that she will use my age in the upcoming court which she will make a complete ass of herself. Where is her daughter's concern ? It's all about me and its clear that she is jealous of my youth because thats what she attacks the most. So might be "only" 23 but I take great care of her child and mine, when SD comes over shes a complete mess and when she leaves shes clean, I brush her hair nicely, dress her pretty and she walks with confidence. I show her how to be a girl, a clean girl, a neat girl. I also try to teach her to get out of the diapers(she sleeps in diapers stil since her mom was too lazy to potty train her) So BM is calling me a kid but she cant do what I do and she's 40 and Im "only" 23..Give me a break.

kalmolil's picture

Crazyness - I'm in the same boat as you!! I'm glad to see that there are others out there suffering the same issues as me! We have a similar problem in that BM has some freakish obsession with another "woman" mothering her child and can't seem to understand that I don't WANT to take her place - I've got three kids of my own to raise - but by default when her child is at my house, she's going to fall under my discipline and rules and if she doesn't like it, that's too bad. My DH was married to the crazy b**ch for just shy of 3 years when she (BM) decided that she didn't want to be married anymore and left. She didn't decide her child and husband were worth anything to her until she found out that he'd moved on..well, of course, then she HAD to come back. She's made it her mission in life to make our life a living hell and do what she can to turn her daughter in to a piece of trash just like her. We're fighting to keep her from turning the poor child to the dark side, but it's not working and it's a losing battle. At some point for the sake of your own family, you are going to just have to give up. My DH had custody of his daughter up until about a year ago when he voluntarily let his DD go live with her mother after she threatened to slit her SS's throat (my DD with DH - or the "replacement child" as my SD's BM calls her, who was 2 at the time) and SD eventually kicked my DH in the face over toys. I drew the line and said she needed to either get help or get out, and BM, DH, and SD all collectively decided it'd be better (more fun and no rules at BMs house!) for SD to go live there. Since then, any time SD comes to our house (which is not that often for safety reasons and DH has an odd work schedule; I INSIST that he is here when SD is here because she's a pathological liar just like her Mom and makes stuff up -- I want a witness here!!) she brings this huge, looming, heavy dark cloud with her and the whole house feels different. Nobody enjoys her visits except my DH because he loves his DD and I understand that. It's a tough situation to be in and not sure there is anything that anyone can do really to change it, other than sit back and hope that one day these step-kids really will see the truth. Stand firm and hold your ground with your SD - it's your house and your home and she needs to respect that! Try to remember, she is just a kid and has the influence of a nasty, nasty person in her life (BM) and ultimately one day they'll both be held accountable.

I do commend you for being mature for your age! We have the opposite problem. DH is 36 and I'm 34 and BM is 27 so we've been dealing with her stupidity since she was 22. There have been plenty of times I've called her out for being ignorant and stupid and she uses her age as her excuse, always. She plays the part of stupid young mom but it sounds very much like you're in control and know what you're doing. Good for you!!

Crazyness's picture

Hey there,
you're lucky that your DH just gave up and now SD lives with her mother. Unfortunately I don't see that happening here, not for a while, maybe if SD turns into a really bad teenager one day. I cannot believe how many of us out there dealing with similar issues! My mom was a stepmom and she gives me the best advice. She says to be patient and stay strong, stand by DH and one day SD will grow and move on. But in the meanwhile how can you ignore all the drama? It's not easy and we're kinda stuck because we love our husbands and don't want to give up all we have because of our step children. And you know what, the BMs enjoy our suffer, that was DH's ex purpose in life, get pregnant, and since he didnt marry her she will make sure he doesnt marry anyone else, now he did and shes trying to make our live a living hell. God sees everything and there is also a very strong force and that is Karma.

kalmolil's picture

No, no, Crazyness. He didn't "give up" - that was a massive fight that almost tore our entire family apart...a second time. I took a stand for the safety of my kids and refused to let SD and BM destroy my marriage. Thankfully, DH was able to take a step back and evaluate the situation for what it really was and realize the only thing he COULD do was let SD go. It was either let her go or lose his entire family. Don't get me wrong...he struggles with his choice DAILY and feels guilty as hell, but he also knows had SD remained in his custody, he'd be a single dad.

What's really sad about it all is that there really was no "right" choice. Either way he went was a bad decision for him. He either gave his daughter to her crazy ass BM and resigned to the fact that they both were a lost cause for now, or he kept his daughter and lost his wife and two other children. Not to mention, BM's house is not at ALL the best place for her (SD is a major jackass that calls SD "stupid" and "dumb" and screams and yells at her for EVERYTHING yet never gets on to his own kid, and BM is a spineless dipshit who allows this), but our home isn't apparently good for her either because she hates it here. Trust me, her not being here was a huge relief, but it brought a whole new set of problems to the table.

Crazyness's picture

Wow thats huge what your DH did! It seems like he really cares about you and your kids and sees that SD only brings problems and that can be very difficult for a family. My DH is very optimistic and he thinks SD will just grow and have her own mind and will just leave her crazy mom, but I think she will turn out to be just like her mom and she will cause us a lot of problems and maybe we will reach the point that you reached who knows.. and hopefully my DH makes the right choice which I believe he would. I cannot believe that stepkids can ruin marriages because not all step parents out there can be strong enough, it's a lot to handle.
If I was a man and had a child from someone and now have a family and my child is destroying it I would probably do the same even tho it will be very hard on me but you have to put your feelings away and think about your family first.

overit2's picture

most likely won't change with time...been 2 years of having FSD EOW and she still thinks she should be entertained and catered to the entire time, always bored, always a bully, always ungrateful, always head filled by her mom. I really am in the "dont' give a damn" mode these days about her...sad but true.

Crazyness's picture

You too? (sight...)

"catered". That reminds me of SD watching TV asking for a cup of water or juice. Get up and get it yourself! She can wake up in the morning and make her own cerial but can't go to the fridge and pour herself juice. Monsters

overit2's picture

YES!!!! If they spend the night...SD will get up earlier then everybody-she will actually make waffles (frozen) for my two boys and cut them up....really her intent is wanting to wake them up so she isn't bored..but STILL lol-it's mostly the only nice thing she does for them.

BUT wait till dad is up and the requests go NONSTOP. In fact my kids seem to ask more for stuff since he's around-probably because he catered to them and her way too much.

Finally I put my foot down. But I put it down w/my boys earlier-when they started asking for something he was ready to be so attentive-which is long as it's not an "on demand" thing...but I would reinforce they have legs/arms and can get up to get it. Now i've bitched about it enough that he's stop catering to his D as much.

He had all the guilty dad excuses, her bm doesn't do anythign for her, blah blah...well when I got it through his head she needed NORMAL more then anything else he started turning around.

Last sat night we had been w/the kids doing stuff-I cooked dinner...we FINALLY got to sit down at 1030 to watch a movie for us-SD yelled out from the toyroom where they were watching a movie she wanted water/popcorn. I VERY VOCALLY said..hey you guys (addressing all of them) you have arms/legs we've been busy all day-we're tired and get it yourselves!! Bf stayed added his agreement and we watched our movie and didn't get up again Smile