We had a good break from SD. Not looking forward having her next week because DH forgets about me and the babies.
So we havent seen SD8 for over 3 weeks and it feels sooo good. No drama nothing. Now thinking about seeing her next week makes me feel BLAH . Its so peaceful around when shes not here. And when I get used to not seeing her and then when she shows up I am not in the best mood lol. It takes a few hours for me to adjust.. DH changes and all he does is run after her butt asking her if she wants to play with him. He forgets that me and our kids exist. Just because theyre babies and cant walk and interact yet its not an excuse for him to not include them. He picks them up and gives them a kiss and puts them back down.
Doesnt even sit on the floor and play for a few mins. Just because SD is part time he feels like she deserves all the attention. She has to realize that our kids are growing and theyre be walking soon and daddy has to play with them too and Im sure she wont be too thrilled about it. Spoiled lil kid!