I need advice...really at a loss here
This is the first time I have posted...backround. DH and I have been married 3 years and lived together for about 6 months prior to that. He has two kids, and I have 2 kids. For a very long time, we got along with his kids BM until a fight about a year ago cause a major breakdown, now I am the evil spawn and this is passed along to the kids. Step-kids are very disrespectful to me while DH rarely says anything, a few weeks ago, one said that I am mean because I yell at him if he doesn't listen, and ask all the kids to do a few little things around the house. Really I don't ask the kids to do much because all the kids are with us only half the time and I feel guilty. At that point I basically for a few weeks stopped talking to his children other than hello, good-bye and answered questions that they asked. My DH was forced at that point to become the disciplinarian which he has realized really sucks as they don't listen much unless you yell. I had previously told my husband that this would happen...
Now, today DH and son working on a project, DH asked me for help which I started and was told "this is father-son". I said, "yes, you are right and stopped helping. Then later step-son asked me for help with the same project as they were unsure how to do something. I kindly said "I'm sorry, this is father-son project and you didn't want my help, isn't that what you told me a half hour ago". Yes I know it was not so nice, however I am tired of being treated like garbage and standing by and taking it. If my children were that disrespectful to my DH, they would immediately apologize and be punished, however it seems to be perfectly ok with me. This is causing severe problems with my husband and I, I really don't know what to do. I dread when his kids come over, have asked to have kids on opposite weekends which he has refused. I just need some advice as right now, I am feeling as though we are never going to survive. There is pleanty more, but this is the jist of what is going on. Thanks for your help.
Being disrespectful shouldn't
Being disrespectful shouldn't be tolerated from anyone. Our counselor suggested we sit down and decided what behavior is acceptable, what isn't and what the consequences would be.
It might take more than one conversation, but you do it when you are calm and no kids are around.
We had big issues with disrespect from his kids into this house. Consequences are almost impossible to dish out and make an impact. It just is what it is with a eowe kid.
Thanks for the advice.
Thanks for the advice. Somehow I am the bad guy in this. I really can't win. My husband asked for help later and I kindly say I would prefer not, husband got upset and says I should get over it because his son apologized half an hour later when I told him that I wouldn't show them how to build what they were trying to because it is "father-son time", and reminded him that this was what he wanted.
And yes, I know I should just leave the house, but its my day off work and really don't feel I should have to...
I guess just need to vent, I have no friends with stepkids and they just don't understand. I used to be very happy with our family but I don't handle blatent disrespect well and don't think I should have to budge on that.
You should not have to leave
You should not have to leave your home or even be expected to. You did the right thing by not helping and telling them WHY you weren't helping.
Why should you ss show you respect when his father clearly doesn't? This is a marital issue. Your husband has to man up and let his son know that he will not tolerate him treating you disrespectfully. You guys need to work this out or you will always feel resentment towards the kid and it will ultimately drive a major wedge in your relationship with your husband.
Just smile and say "Look, I
Just smile and say "Look, I could take over and help you both. But that will do nothing for your relationship with your son. He will end up looking to me to help him out a jam instead of you. So both of you need to learn to work together. BTW you are both doing an awesome job." And walk away... whistling or humming.
I don't mind/care being the 'bad guy' when I know I am right.