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So we are helping bm get ready to move

Gentry's picture

I know some of you blame dh and think he put me up to this but he didn't. He's aganist me giving bm money. I drew up a contract and bm signed it. I'm not giving her cash I'm just paying for things. We have a dumpster and this month we tore down the old buildings and the old fencing. We had the septic inspected and it needs new lines so we have to wait for the county to approve them. They put the new roof on last week. We had a home inspector out and he gave us a few small things to fix and a report for the new owners once the septic is fixed and the roof went on. We hired a real estate agent who thinks the house will sell fast and I'm praying it goes for the asking price. Bm will break even. Her credit is in the 790s so she shouldn't have an issue buying a new house. She is looking in the area I live now. She's been sending me links of different houses. Dh has told me repeatedly that I am crazy for doing this but i love dh and i want our marriage to last. This is the only way since i refuse to live in that area and he refuses to move away from his kids. For those saying he still wants bm or whatever he never sees her or talks to her, it's the kids he wants to be with (except right now with all the work we are doing, we are at her house all weekends.) He ignores bm and she ignores him and they both talk to me. I know what I am doing doesn't make sense but i beleive it will get us to the end result. Dh and i living together again.


Acratopotes's picture

I hope it works out for you, and not all BM's are evil, maybe this will be a case where you all become friends.....

but sorry the Evil in me keeps on singing, Bellamy brothers song.... My girlfriend left me for my wife

justmakingthebest's picture

You are doing what you think is right for your marriage, as long as you get the money back and it relieves some stress for you guys, it sounds like you are doing a good thing.

I hope it goes smoothly and you guys sell that house fast!

Acratopotes's picture

Oh that was explained.....

BM is buying a new house close to them in a better neighborhood, but she can't wait till the old house is sold, thus SM is funding repairs on old house and will get her money back after it's sold.. Wink

WalkOnBy's picture

That's not an explanation, that's a rationale.

BM can't fund it herself? Doesn't happen until she can.

Done...HER inability should not be anyone's problem but her own.

Acratopotes's picture

Fully agreed, but this is the poster who moved to a better neighborhood but her husband refused to move out of the slums 20min away from his bio's living with BM....

This is the poster who's paying for her husband to move back to her...... IMHO