Turkeys coming home to roost, Karma reverberations in the Universe...
Graduation day for Winona finally happened. At the last minute, she magically procured a ticket for me, and said "if I don't invite you my Dad wont go, so can you please go, I stood in a really long line for a really long time". I accepted and said my thank you's, deflating inside like a limp balloon.
So I went to work an hour early, used up half day of my vacation hours, sweltered in the hot sun for 4 hours sitting on a hard bench while my bum went to sleep, without breakfast or lunch and no water. Cheered when appropriate and then waited with the 2 cousins and 1 Auntie and Dadee, holding a bouquet of roses, for the Graduate to appear after the big ceremony. BM, raging hippo, grandparents and little Munchkin were no where to be found! They were somewhere else, texting SO, who did not respond.
Took some awesome pictures of beaming Dad, with beaming daughter, photos of cousins and beaming graduate holding her stuffed dog and flowers and wearing her fresh lei and diploma (yay!). She of course did not ask to take a picture with me. Surprised? NO. Still no BM, grandparents, and Munchkin, to greet the new graduate.
After the photo shoot, Winona took off with her cousins, but before doing this was asking for dadee to spring for sober grad night, which would cost $50. So happy, SO just told her - "your Aunties have envelopes for you with money, use that." Applause please. ATM Dadee is closed for the day.
Went for a pleasant late lunch and nap (wink) to recover from heat, sun, dehydration and stadium bench bum illness. Then SO receives text that Winona finally showed up at 8pm (graduation ceremony from hades ended at 4pm) and grabbed her money from gramps, and took off again. LOL. Karma! I thought that was rude to blow off the grandparents, however they took off early because the dog was having separation anxiety, and had a 2-hour drive ahead of them.
I sent Winona the nice photos I took, with well-wishes. No response.
LOL. Im just shaking my head. Ungrateful is a word that pops up.
The crazy part is that it is to be expected - all of it. BM not stepping up to the plate. Winona being ungrateful for everything and not responding to ANYONE's text, blowing everyone off.
I did it for my Love, and he was extremely grateful for my love and support. He is relieved that this chapter is over finally and no more screaming fights before school, no more getting the grades up fights, we do not have to take her with us anywhere, no obligations anymore.
We cheered over shots of Wild Turkey whiskey.
- CLove's blog
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There were no tears from me,
There were no tears from me, and much relief for SO. He received support from his sisters, the Invited Aunties, because he told them what he is going through right now. I am so relieved because of the repercussions of her not graduating!!!!! SO would be on the hook. So now it is up to her to get her license before SO sells the car.
Next milestone, please.

Congrats to that chapter
Congrats to that chapter ending! I hate sitting through graduations. I didn't attend mine, had them mail the diploma... hip hip, hooray! lol.
You're a good person for pasting on a smile and going. I am glad the Dad-ATM was closed, too. That had to feel good.
A lot of girls that age simply suck. My niece (18), who I love (but who only uses us for money/rides lately) texted me pretending she wanted to see me and then added "can you take me for a manicure and pedicure for an early graduation gift?" Umm.. no.
I don't think they were born
I don't think they were born that way, I think society, peers and parents teach and mold them this way. Isnt this what we all discuss at length here, the essence of behavioral teaching and responses!
WEll Psychology 101 is over for this semester! LOL.
YAY, chapter over, ATM closed, at least until, like, Christmas, birthday and hopefully the college diploma is received. And that pre-job time period that lasts for who knows how long.
Do parents provide back-to-school shopping excursions for college kids too? If they aren't going away that is?
I hope there is no back to
I hope there is no back to school shopping excursion, ew.
I was on my own when I graduated high school. I had to work (part time) and go to school full time. I always balk at the idea of "studies" being a full time job and parents supplying the funds.
AJanie - Im with you on that
AJanie - Im with you on that - Ive been working since 14, all through high school, and after high school while going to college classes - either part time or full time, the whole way.
However some folks would disagree. Then these same folks have kids that suddenly want a PHD! LOL, and they aren't good students. Anything to stay on the school-dole.
At the last minute, she
At the last minute, she magically procured a ticket for me, and said "if I don't invite you my Dad wont go, so can you please go, I stood in a really long line for a really long time".
How nice of her. :sick:
Gag. I know. How nice. She
Gag. I know. How nice. She knows I don't have an $$$ envelope for her, all flowers and presents were from Daddy-cakes. So what good am I, right!?!
Chased down by chilled
Chased down by chilled Rolling Rock.
Not my choice BTW, its what the Universe sent us...
It was a "we are in a pinch,
It was a "we are in a pinch, tired out, completely alone without kids, or shame" moment. I will step up to the plate and go shopping after work! Better on the way.

Oh, I don't know much about whiskey - any suggestions? SO needs a present for graduation of Winona.