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My Biggest Fear

triplea2006's picture

I would like to start by saying I care for my skids. They are not all that bad but it is a growing and learning process for all involved (that story will change the next time I get mad and they become demon spawns again). My biggest fear is ending up with full custody. There are three of them and I hope my fears are unfounded and I hope someone can tell me that the bm hasn't done anything too bad to lose custody (she probably hasn't but I need my mind at ease). I get from dh that he'd love to get custody of the skids and from MIL thinking I'm such a great mom and I should be full time mother to all her grand-kids (this literally gives me anxiety every time she brings it up). I love that our full time family is just dh, our son, and me, and his kids every other weekend is fine.

BM is crazy, I'll give dh that. There has been a number of incidents that have taken place at BM's house and it upsets dh. Some of the incidents have been sd5 getting into her mother's alcohol, ss11 molesting and taking pictures of his stepbrother at bm's house, and the constant fighting. BM and her new husband fight a lot and have even got into a physical altercation in front of the skids (her husband grabbed and twisted her arm and hurt her). The kids are pretty quiet about what goes on over there and only reveal stuff once they have been out of the situation for an extended time (my niece used to do this but she was being molested by her father and I hope I'm making connections where there are none). When they were with us for spring break sd5 started cussing and dh got upset and demanded to know where she has heard it from. SS11 revealed (very hesitantly) that bm and her dh fight all the time after they go to bed. The next day sd9 went into detail about their fighting and turns out it happens every night. SD9 was so scared that she asked me if anything happens to her mom would she live with us (is this normal?). Also sd9 says she doesn't like her stepfather but I feel like she is telling me half stories and when she gets to a certain part in the story she will not finish and it makes no sense at all. I'm am afraid that this summer she will finish those stories and it might be something way worse than I can imagine (of course if they are in any danger I will protect them). Currently bm is being stupid and threatening restricting access of the skids. I read that this is cause for a change in custody. I know that if bm feels she is getting away with it that she will start doing this all the time and I'm afraid that this might lead to a change in custody. So my question is is there cause for concern? Am I letting my past experience cloud my judgement? Also if she does go through with restricting access would the courts just give her a slap on the hand? I think that the environment over there is not in their best interest because of all the fighting, but idk what the courts would think. We have decided to just wait it out and collect evidence in case we ever need it. We are documenting what and when the kids say certain things and we are saving text messages in case we ever need them.


triplea2006's picture

They were already involved for the molestation, found it a one time incident and dismissed it. I think a lot of their decision was based on him being 11 and not 12. Trust me I'd call CPS if they weren't involved.

TheWicked's picture

Sounds really fishy to me. We have the skids full time be because BM can't be bothered to see them. She refuses to have them come at all this summer. I can understand the lack of desire to have the skids full time but this sounds like the kind of home that can ruin the rest of their lives. Where did SS learn to take pix and molest his stepbrother? A five year old has been in the alcohol?! Fairly sure the courts are going to be pretty heavy handed AGIANST BM's home.

AllySkoo's picture

Can we just back up to this for a minute:
"ss11 molesting and taking pictures of his stepbrother at bm's house"

WTF? Please tell me you guys have him in therapy. Please tell me that the other little boy is being protected. Please tell me you guys are addressing this. If one of my steps molested MY child you better believe they would NEVER be allowed in my house (or near my kid) again - so what's going on over there???

triplea2006's picture

I agree! More than I can express on here. CPS had him in "therapy." I am not sure what that therapy included and if it is still ongoing. As far as I know ss has never done anything like this before and I do wonder where he learned it. Also if we got custody I would in no way want ss. Right now I am a sahm and can watch my son every other weekend like a hawk but I couldn't live like this permanently. Also how would you tell a court you want the two girls but the one that's messed up can stay with BM.

triplea2006's picture

I forgot to add that CPS has been involved. CPS found it a one time incident and dismissed it. I was super pissed on this because it's absolute bs. I think it's a big deal. It is being addressed here and supposedly BM is addressing it but I have my doubts because BM dismissed it as normal curiosity. The normal curiosity ended when I found out ss took pictures and the victim was his 5 year old stepbrother. DH is the only one that has taken measures to keep ss and the boy he touched away from each other, BM still wants all the kids together and BM's husband (father of the molested kid) has done nothing for his son. I don't pretend to get this. As far as my house is concerned, there is a lock on my baby's door, ss has moved into the old dining room where he can be watched, doors are not allowed to be shut, and ss is not allowed alone with other kids (our house rule not cps, not bm).

kathc's picture

You can never, ever think that you won't somehow end up with those skids. That's the sad, scary reality of skids. No matter what, you might someday be told "Hey so they're moving in!"

Willow2010's picture much here. First off always assume that your DH will get custody. It happens all the time. Even with BMs that you never expect to give up custody. Next, always assume that your SS will molest your DS if they are alone for over 15 seconds.

Honestly, these kids need to be living somewhere else. Your DH does not really seem like he wants them or he would be doing everything in his power to get them away from such terrible conditions. Obviously your SS has been molested.

But much can happen for custody to change.

triplea2006's picture

They definitely are never alone and I take ds everywhere I go, seriously never a moment away unless he decides to sleep in his crib while locked in his room (but he tends to sleep with us when they are here). I also believe ss has been molested. I do think dh lives in a world of his own and though he is a great father when they are here he does not feel these instances warrant a change in custody. I personally think they do, and yes it is a fear, but I know that I would ultimately want to do what is in their best interest. I guess my ultimate question is is this enough to go to court on or would we be wasting our time? Dh is not involved in keeping up with their school or their doctor's appointments, although bm is not forthcoming with info. IDK. We do have a stable environment and I am home but I never in a million years could take on ss because my son will always mean more (also ss is not biologically dh's but in tx can't get out of paying for him).

DarkStar's picture

TripleA - Ignore the mean girls that are calling crew. I am so sick of the mean girl behavior on this site and I am equally sick of morons yelling "crew"

Yeah, that's YOU evilicious. You're a member all of a week and YOU are calling crew???? STFU with that BS

triplea2006's picture

I honestly didn't know what they were getting at. IMO there are great people with good advice on here but do not talk about molestation. It happens, and people that are not in the situation have no problem judging. This site is to talk about "normal" family issues, not molestation. When you mention something so taboo people just don't respond well, I've seen it in previous post. This site shuns those with this issue, I just don't understand why.