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17 More Days to Go!

triplea2006's picture

I am 14 days into a month long stay! This has been way worse than I could of anticipated. The children have seen the devil come out of me several times and they mostly know that I mean business but yet bm still finds away to mess with us. How? She sent sd5 over with lice and did not tell us!!! I thought one time at the mall that I had seen lice but I was not about to stop in the middle of the mall and do a head check, I soon forgot about it and told myself bm is awful but there is no way!

On day 11 I walked with sd5 to the park and she informed me that she had "slice" and is "waiting for the eggs to hatch." Upon checking her head she was infested!!! This was awful, literally every strand of hair seemed to have a nit and the live lice was even nastier. When dh text bm she said it was no big deal, sd5 had had lice in May and she found a few (yeah right) eggs recently. She then told him that she didn't think it was important to share that information and that we were making a big deal out of nothing. We asked sd9 when the most recent eggs were found and she said "right before we left mom's" wtf you inconsiderate b!tch! Then she told us in reference to having to decontaminate our house that our son (currently 10 months old) is not an infant and so there is nothing wrong with having to spray all those chemicals. It gets better, she said out of all 6 of the kids that go to her house (her 3 kids and her 3 skids) that only 2 had lice so only 2 got treated. She said it was not an infestation and she did not wash covers, pillows, vacuum, treat other kid, treat their dogs, or anything other than wash the two kids hair with lice shampoo (nor is she going to do anything about her house). I was livid! Oh and even better, we are now in touch with bm' skids mother and she informed us that after her daughter spent the night at bm's house she has lice (well duh!). I had to pick out the lice from sd5's hair alternating using a brush and my fingers and dh acted like it was my job. I told him that I owe him nothing and that if I wanted to I could just do mine and our son's hair and be done and he said then I wouldn't be allowed back. I owe him nothing, but he doesn't get that. His kids are not my kids and their mother should take care of this shit and if he is not going to bring them back to bm then his ass should do it.

When does step hell get better? The amount of stuff that has been broken in their stay so far is ridiculous! We have new stains on the carpet (idk from what and no one will fess up), one kid brought some unknown fruit into their room and smashed it into the carpet and we didn't find it for several days (no one will fess up), my house is dirty (I hate that), and every time dh says he will do something he doesn't until I get completely pissed and blow my lid! I can't take this and I may just be venting so don't judge me, but I am starting to wonder how much more of this I can take. Is all the stephell (kids and bm included) worth it? I literally feel so exhausted, tired of fighting, tired of constant backlash from bm that I do not know if I can do this. I love my husband, I just don't know if that's enough (I might feel different tomorrow but this is how I feel at the moment). He says I'm constantly complaining about them but I'm stuck at home taking care of his three kids and he is acting like it's no big deal, he is not appreciative of what I am doing and acting like it is my job.


triplea2006's picture

I was so fueled when I was typing I left out the part where I said I could do our son's and my hair and leave the house until he fixes the problem.

triplea2006's picture

I suggested that and I told him that I don't love him enough to go through this shit a second time so he will do it or they get shaved.

WalkOnBy's picture

OMG - thankfully I Have never had to deal with this, although there was the one time years ago that BM cut off all of SD's hair, told her she had lice, but she really didn't. Also told her that got the lice from being at my house.

I would go with a short hair cut (it's summer, afterall) and toss the stuffed animals.

As for your DH, I would kick him in the man parts. Jerk.

fakemommy's picture

Ugghghh lice! Make sure you treat their heads again in 7-10 days just in case you missed any eggs.