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DH going to mediation tonight

mrscmom2five's picture

Long story got taken away from BM. BM's husband molested SD. No contact order against him for skids. He is not allowed to come to house. BM still married to him and relies on him for transportation of 2 bio kids to him. She has no car. BM filed for full legal custody after we fied for full legal custody. Has to go to mediation. CPS and atty for the kids have both told us if it goes to judge decision that they will support DH and I to get legal custody. Skids aren't allowed to spend night there yet. We are just so nervous because we never know how these things are going to turn out. Been dealing with this since Oct of 2011. Mediation is tonight and DH is not going to settle for anything less than us having them all the time and BM only allowed to see them on weekends (and not overnight if possible). If she disagrees (which she will) it goes to court decision...any advice or experience?

mrscmom2five's picture

He did live there but the court ordered him to vacate the house. He comes there to pick up BM and his two bio kids. BM has no car so she is dependent on him to take her to work and kids to daycare/appts etc. Skids are allowed day time visits at BM's house now, but not overnight yet. CPS basically said she did it out of spite. She also threatend DH to get more CS money from him as well. She is a piece of work. We have a very stable house and have had them 100% of the time since taken away from BM other than 1 day a week visits. At first they had to be supervised by DH, but now they are unsupervised in BM's home.

mrscmom2five's picture

Well they came to an agreement in mediation. We got legal and residential custody, she will be allowed visits with them every other weekend and 2 evenings during the week once she divorces her husband. It wasn't exactly what he wanted, we did not want them going there during week, but it is better than nothing and now we can get them settled and prepared for the new school year at our school district.