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Down to the toilet paper

SMto3's picture

I got some advice in a prior blog regarding food. I basically keep certain foods in my room due to the boys eating things up just to finish it. Now we've moved on to baby wipes. I like having baby wipes in the bathroom but I've noticed that the skids haven't been using the toilet paper. I feel a little petty for it but I just told SO not to take baby wipes from DD to put in the bathroom because skids are not using the toilet paper. He was fine with it but I still can't believe the degree of separation of things I have to go through. I caught them the other day using SO's cologne to repel each other playing around, and I had to let them know that it was expensive. They literally waste everything.


EvilAngel's picture

I have to hide my shampoo/conditioner too and it pisses me off! I feel like I'm in prison....

awakening's picture

Same here, I have to hide all my food that I know they may want and not even eat it if they around or they will want it, make the whole box, take one bite and throwing it in the garbage, SD10 did this to me one time with very expensive food and I learned my lesson. If is something that needs to go in the freezer what I also figure out it works is triple wrap it in plastic bags, my Skids are too lazy to go through the bags and see what is it.

They waste everything as well, literally everything just for the sake of wasting, SD10 is the master of this, I don't leave any products of mine in the bathroom, I even buy my own toilet paper and keep it hidden in the bedroom, Skids go through a package of 18 rolls of toilet paper in a weekend, not to actually clean their ass but just for the sake of wasting, they leave it all over the floor in the bathroom, living room, bedrooms, in the bathroom soaked all over the sink, bathtub, floors you name it, its disgusting. Talk to disney dad about it is a waste of time so I just protect my things and as sad as it is even have to get and hid my own toilet paper. Step life is really a prison.

awakening's picture

I also learned that if skids ask for something they supposedly "need" I just remain silent. SD10 among her favorites to waste and destroy are rolls of duck tape, band aids and balls of cotton balls so if she "needs" it, too bad but she is not getting it from me.

awakening's picture

Yes it is! }:) SD10 will throw a huge tantrum like if she is 3 years old while screaming her favorite quote "it's not fair" "its not fair" because you know if theres something she "needs" she has to have it immediately right there on the spot.

It's particularly fun when between friday night and saturday afternoon they wasted 18 rolls of toilet paper and then when they actually need it to wipe their ass theres none and yell from the bathroom to disney dad that "theres no toilet paper"!!!!! Disney dad runs to the gas station to get more while they remain in the bathroom waiting for it! }:)

TheAccidentalSM's picture

OMG. That's hilarious. I nearly snorted my drink over my keyboard I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud in the office.

I to got the "it's not fair" line constantly. My response: Life isn't fair.

awakening's picture

Yes, is SD10 favorite line, she constantly says it, not to me, my disengagement is 100% unless she talks to me I do not talk to her even when she does I only respond with very short answers, I never do anything for her, etc etc but SO gets it constantly, what is not fair to him lol because he lets her run the house but every time I hear her scream it I just think "yup is not fair we have to deal with your tantrums" Good grief is not fair any of us has to deal with step hell but exactly like you said life is not fair. They will learn it the hard way.

awakening's picture

Apparently my Skids get it from BM, according to SO the lengths she has always gone to waste resources and how she destroys everything she touches is legendary. Her motto is "you just pay someone to fix it" " I will buy more" now this from a woman who never ever had a job her entire life, lives of CS, food stamps, owns the courts money, is kicked out from every place she ends up living ( for free with relatives), gets hands out from ever charity, government offices out there, owns money to everyone she ever meets, only dates criminals, has been in jail herself and the list goes on and on but keeps telling Skids they will move to this and that fancy place and have a maid.

dood's picture

That's a little funny... when skiddo is here I hide all my hair brushes, too. I purchased him his very own personal toothpaste and hid mine, what that kid does to a tube of toothpaste is unexplainable and just grosses me out.

I also put personal papers away in a drawer... and I find him snooping in there all the time.

SMto3's picture

Speaking of calendars, I found SS10 coming out of my room yesterday and asked what he was doing in my room. He said he lost his dollar and was looking for it. I had left my calendar on the bed and saw that he wrote "ELA Testing" from this upcoming Sunday-Wednesday and the same thing for the following week. I asked him why he did that to my calendar and he told me "Because I don't have a calendar".....go figure! If it's not in a family room, don't touch it!

SMto3's picture

It's a thing for me too. I told SO that when I return to work from maternity leave, we need to fix the lock on our room door as the boys know how to pick it. I can just imagine them "needing" something from our room once both of us aren't home. If they didn't break everything they touch, or take things that don't belong to them, it wouldn't be an issue, but alas, this is not the case. So stay away from my kid's stuff, my phone chargers, my snacks, my laundry detergent, my get the point.

awakening's picture

Printing paper, another of SD's favorite things to waste, she will print and print until theres no more paper and ink in the printer, at least about this SO put his foot down, still I hide all my printing paper, notebooks, post its, anything she can grab to just waste her markers on it, if she would use it to actually draw and be entertained would be one thing but she doesn't, she just makes huge lines all over it and then leaves it everywhere. I literally have everything of mine hidden, if you would come to our house you wouldn't even say I live here, everything I have has to be locked, put away or hidden, I lived with roommates in my school years and never ever had I to have hidden stuff or felt that my things were threatened but with Skids nothing is safe, step prison indeed.

SMto3's picture

I've never thought of it that way. Same case here. Skids can leave dishes and cups around, can take off their clothes, sneakers, and jackets and leave them where they fall on the spot, but have the ability to put back the last sip of whatever in a huge container, or a mouthful of cereal/cookies/whatever else. I hate that! I've tried telling them nicely, I've tried catching an attitude, they still don't get it.

SMto3's picture

Pens? What pens? I can't find pens around the apartment for the life of me, but I know I bought 2 packs in September....

EvilAngel's picture

I have my own personal "snack bag" in my room. SD16 knows better than to even look in it! I have to hide my good ice cream in the freezer outside. DH will sometimes forget and leave it in the fridge inside after he has some, if I don't catch it before she finds it...all gone. I've seriously considered buying a small fridge for my bedroom.

SMto3's picture

On the list of things I hide in my room are my Dreft detergent (I've seen SS15 use cupfuls of detergent to scrub his Jordan sneakers clean with a toothbrush) and next will be my shampoo and soap. SO doesn't care to buy the pricier stuff so they don't need to be using my stuff. I still wish I could leave my stuff where it belongs like normal families can. But this is steplife, nothing too normal yet about it.

momandmore's picture

We had the same issue with the baby wipes.
When I first moved in SSs were telling me my band shirts and some of my bigger hoodies that weren't girly were theirs, that didn't go on too long. Sometimes they would take them out if the laundry, I would find them in their rooms. OSS made it to school with a couple of my big comfy hoodies and they never returned. Sometimes I would be wearing a tee and they would tell me it was theirs, I would just be like, went to this concert? Or when we're you in jersey at the Hard Rock Cafe or whatever the shirt was.

Qtips, razor blades, conditioner, deodorant, cotton balls, hair brush, all hair styling products are in my room.
They have their own conditioner but for some reason want to use mine and lots of it.
When they need qtips and cotton balls or nail clippers, I get them out for them.
Razor blades .. I use the men's mach 3 and OSS got one that vibrates or something so those started disappearing.
Deodorant, I'm constantly giving SD 8 deodorant and I don't know what this child does with it lol.

My candle wick cutter. Yeah.. I have no clue why but that always disappeared.
Dry erase markers
Lotions ...


I am lucky in this aspect because we have OUR OWN BATHROOM. I dare anyone to go in there and use my stuff. DH won't even use one of my razors because the fury I unleash. I buy expensive stuff because I have sensitive skin, they (SDs) don't get to use it.

SD11 and SD9 will use all of the kids bodywash in ONE SHOWER. I have started catching it on clearance, so that I can afford to keep it in the house, so my kids can actually take a shower.

For christmas I made DH buy each kid - toothbrush, toothpaste, bath sponge, shampoo, bodywash- in individual sizes, plus the older two got deodrant. Funny but the SDs stuff is unused. Who ever happens to leave their's out (my kids) gets used by SDs.

I told my kids if they want their stuff to be there they best put it away but they don't listen. As far as food- NO CHILD is allowed to just go get food. They can get all the water they want but they aren't allowed in my cabinets or refrigerator PERIOD.

If they ask I or DH will watch them get whatever because I have a 13 year old boy and he eats everything and his SD11 will eat junk, she doesn't need it.

SMto3's picture

I also have sensitive skin so I buy the pricier body washes and conditioners, but SS's will use it all, just like another poster wrote, in one shower!

IamexhaustedSM's picture

I love love love baby wipes. I buy a huge bag every single month. I am blessed that I have my own private master bath and skids were locked out. SS and YSD has this amazing ability to clog toilets but then keep using them and will not unclog them. Wipes clog toilets. They do not soften and decompose like toilet paper. Do not allow those creatures to use wipes. I have to buy a toilet because YSD clogged it so bad H had to take the toilet up to get it unclogged due to a whole roll of toilet paper and about a dozen wipes and in the processes of trying to unclog it the toilet cracked. I even had to buy an industrial commercial snake to clear the pipes. That was the last toilet she clogged in my house. They wipe once and throw the wipe in the toilet then use another and another and another.

Cover1W's picture

This post got me thinking. I do hide things!

* There's been a lock on my makeup box for a long time now. Nothing could keep them out of there. DP had the audacity to tell me once, "If they keep getting in there in spite of you telling them not to, maybe they need their own to play with." NO DP - it's about them not getting into other people's things after being told 3+ times to stay out and exactly why. Thus the lock. And no way in hell am I buying them makeup.

* I keep extra tape and post it notes in our room. I also need to keep packing tape up there because I needed some last night and the roll had disappeared. I watch the scissors like a hawk. They both have their own pair but feel the need to use and not put away the "house scissors." I also put the flashlight in our room after SD11 was using it, and was told "do not run the battery down, that's our emergency light and we need it. If you run it down that's the last time you touch it." Guess what? This past fall the electricity went out? Batteries run down, no flashlight? Check. Flashlight not touchable by skids now.

* I had to move the liquid laundry detergent to a higher place that SD9 can't reach. I suspect her friend of dumping a whole bunch out to play with in the laundry sink, but if SD9 can't stop her friend from doing this (both girls have been talked to about this, especially when some of my makeup remover was dumped out...) then I have to take care of it.

* I only buy dark chocolate because that's the only sweet they will not touch. I can put milk chocolate in my room - they seem to get that things in my room are off limits thank god. I simply don't buy sweets because SD11 will find them anywhere in the kitchen. I may have to buy a lock box for the kitchen when we move because she's a serious sugar addict - it's a little worrisome really, she gets this look in her eye when searching for sweets...