Disciplinary Discharge
For drug possession and "minor infractions".
My tenant reached out yesterday, said she signed for a package. The package consisted of 2 papers from the trade program.
First paper states SS18 is being let go for 1 count drug possession, 1 count minor infractions.
The other paper is a blank paper, titled “right to appeal”.
So it looks like he even blew it at jobcorp.
I remember when he went in, he came out to visit over a month later. I told DH that they keep them in for that first month if they were positive for drug use. DH insisted that SS told him he was clean. But I knew better.
For years, I’ve told DH about both of his kids. He never liked hearing it. Denied that they were “bad kids”. But I knew better.
I told DH this last year that every time Ss18 would pass by, he smells like vape (I only know this because it’s how older SS used to smell). DH would say he went to SSs room, checked his stuff and it was probably just the smell of his cologne. But I knew better.
SS18 was upset when he left, when he realized the gravy train was ending. He texted me that last month he was living with me that he would “prove me wrong”. I hoped for it, I really was rooting for him to change. But I knew better.
I don’t want any parts of that around DD8.
I’m sure he knew why he was being kicked out, but of course he wasn’t honest about it to DH. I had DH text him a picture of the paper, so he would know that we knew.
I guess the only thing he can do is stay with ss23. Ss23 is not the type to want to be the bad guy, he’s pretty spineless. He won’t kick his brother out, at least not yet. I see this imploding within a few months, but a year tops.
The things I disliked about SS18 will be things Ss23s gf will dislike about him also. He won’t be able to keep a job, because he’s too defiant and doesn’t think life’s rules apply to him. He will stay up all night on his phone and eat their food when they're sleeping. He will spend his money on weed and snacks. He will get angry if you ask him to consistent in helping. It will always be everyone's fault why he fails at life. The thing is SS23 was similar with the victim mentality so it could potentially work out. But...ss23 is also a narcissist whereas ss18 has often told me he doesn't respect how fake his brother is. Time will tell, I'll be far away eating my popcorn hearing about this mess.
I’m glad for him he didn’t already have his GED and go military. I’ve heard if you get a dishonorable discharge it can be quite difficult to find work.
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You must not let SS To live with you.
You owe to your bio child not to be influenced by a adult SS. SS is 18 he's an a adult . Adults can not be living in a home with a SM. You should let DH. Who has his head up his as* To find an apartment for SS. Paying the first month rent and telling SS he on his own. That he need to get a one of those things. JOB That he must get a job and every paycheck the envelopes system or excel system. Setting up boxes. One for rent, utilities, cable/internet. Cell phone.. insurance. Entertainment. And money goes into each box every pay check.
DH can help him some if SS is actually working every day. But a little short. Not help him if he's blowing off his job. But NO way will he be living with you. Or DH can get a apartment for him and SS. And pay you support and CS
Agree with Harry, and also sad for you as I've been there with my own now exSS23. His terms for continuing to live with me & now exH were very simple, and detailed in a 1-page infographic I developed & taped to his bedroom door during his high school junior year:
Thanks to his guilty, enabling, and 100% in denial Disnee Dad (who I subsequentially divorced), this VERY smart & good-looking kid was enabled to be a full-time stoner. I truly loved this kid but had zero intention of living with a man who refused to respect the house (his ONE chore was taking out the kitchen garbage but rarely did even that). I do not miss the triangulatuon & rage my ex put on me for holding fast to those simple requirements, nor do I miss living with the threat of exH trying to move his son back into my home.
(=as detailed in my blogs)
And for all these reasons
Pigs will fly before I allow SS18 to live with me.
I didn't allow it either
My eH screaming, "But he needs more TIIIIME!" received my reply of, "Well then YOU get an apartment to finish raising SS in, because I will not live like that again." No matter what I held my ground. Subsequently filed for divorce & helped now-exH move out (=helped to speed things along AND because SS flaked on helping his dad move) two years ago last month. During the move I learned... SS was moving in with now-exH!
I am free & clear with the divorce finalized in April 2023 and "NO CONTACT" with exH since February 2022 (=all comms were via my divorce attorney). So grateful to be 100 % DONE living with that mess!
Aren't you glad that you
Aren't you glad that you found out the truth about Jobcorp? SS NEVER would have admitted the reason he got the boot.
Your husband really needs to have a come to Jesus talk with SS, but it seems like your DH plays the denial game. If he can get back into Jobcorp, he should but it seems that he will not be able to follow the rules.
Life is going to be very hard for your SS, with his attitude and defiance.
I'm so glad that you downsized and will not be hoodwinked into taking SS in. This is completely on him.
He conveniently left the details out when he told DH he was asked to leave. That's why I had DH text him his paperwork. So he could know we know.
The Military
Although having difficulty finding recruits will not take bottom of the barrel stuff such as the likes of SS. I see transient in his future. Funny how these dads will never listen and call SMs "Nostradamus."
So true
Yeah I mean the military isn
Yeah I mean the military isn't the fix-all-your-parenting-problems solution people think it is. They don't want a bunch of overgrown babies that they'll have to pour a lot of time and energy into. Little Idiot was so immature they sent her packing right away. The old "the military made a man out of me" was from back in the day when most kids actually WANTED to join up and were able to meet the military halfway. Forcing a kid who doesn't want to be there will never work out.
True. However, the Military has an incarceration and consequence
strucure that limits how much lippy bullshit and crap a kid can pull. That and screaming drill sergeants during basic/boot camp (depending on service) will have these delusionally tuff kids wetting their skivies, crying like babies, and puking their guts out from never ending runs, punishment push ups, lack of sleep, etc.....
These are highly trained professionals who are experts at getting immature, whiney little shit kids to adult up and particapate effectively in their unit.
No, it does not work for all of them, but... it does work for the overwhelming majority. Though if they shove their heads up their asses so far that they get kicked out, or cout martialed and incarcerated then dishonorably discharged, it can and likely will have life long success limiting consequences. The path to prison in the military can be far shorter than it is in the civilian justice system.
Lol. This POS thinks he has earned the right to claim he does
not respect his elder brother. When he is completely lacking in anything worthy of respect himself.
Stand your ground. No entry into your home or life, at all.
That is laughable and proof positive that he is totally clueless. He does not respect OSS for being fake. When he is a complete and total POS.
I get how heartbreaking this is, but.... he earned it. He has to live it. He got kicked of for using. Had not dropped a positive, they likely would not have kicked him out for a single minor behavioral incident.
Protect yourself and defend the hill of your own happiness. Definately a hill to die on to keep this kid away. IMHO.
Sadly, odds are he will have dorm style living that includes bars at some point in his future.
You knew what was going on because if it looks like a dog, smells like a dog, scratches like a dog, and barks like a dog... its a dog.
DH was too busy petting the dog to recognize reality.
I am sorry for all of you. You, DH, YSS, and OSS.
Don’t forget Dd8
I feel bad that her older brothers are this!
I am sorry about that as well.
However, I am not worried for DD8. She has a great mom.