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Seriously SS?!?!?!? Drugs

stepsonhatesme's picture

Well, hello all, haven't been on in a long time. Things have been going very well, until now.
Today in the paper I saw that my SS23 (and his housemates) were all arrested for possession of Oxycodone. SS23 was also charged with tampering, and trafficing. They labeled him one of the ares biggest dealers.
Apparently his bail is $1000. BM,her mom, and SS21 and friends gathered up $$ to bail him out. But they are still short. They are asking DH for $$ also.
Dh has told me that he is NOT helping to bail him out b/c he got himself into this and he can pay the price.
BM is giving him a guilt trip about it, "he needs a father right now, he needs to know you love him, he's got me but he really needs you" My hubby, isnt buying into it, but I know its bothering him.
This is not the first time SS23 has been in jail, or in trouble for drugs. I agree with Dh, not to bail him out, and to let him sit until he goes to court. Maybe he will think twice about doing this bs again.

I just had to vent to someone, anyone.


msg1986's picture

Wow, that's insane. All I can say is just be supportive to Dh and let him know he is doing the right thing. Ss's bm is just enabling the behavior and as long as everyone feeds in to your Ss's delinquent behavior by saving him the more he's going to think he's invincible and continue on with his criminalistic ways. I agree with you that if he stays in this time maybe he'll realize where his stupid behavior has gotten him and put a stop to it. Good luck.

stepsonhatesme's picture

That is what I told DH last night. When he saw SS23 about 3 weeks ago, all he did was brag about all the stuff he has bought and all the $$ he has. Well, if he has that much, then let him get himself out.

Cocoa's picture

stand strong with your dh. my dh's ex tried the same guilt trip, wanted him to go out and get a lawyer. the kid didn't even need one, but this is pretty much a glimpse into my future. Now that ss is 18, not in school, doesn't have a job, posts about selling drugs on twitter, I see some serious charges coming his way. I've told dh in the past if he ever tries to touch his retirement to bail his kids out of trouble, that would be the end of us. and I mean it. i'm glad that you don't have to force your dh's hand in this like I do. my dh has told me that he can't just let his son stay in jail, so we shall see. this is the main reason i'm afraid of co-mingling too many assets with my dh. but it sounds like your dh isn't all about protecting ss from the consequences of his actions. good for you and your dh!

tabby yabba do's picture

My dad began bailing out his son (from a different mother) when that son was 18. That son is now 48 and guess where he is? In jail. Again. Dad will probably bail him out by days end today.

Save your money.

clydella's picture

Leave him to sit in jail and learn his lesson, it may seem harsh for your DH but he will do him no favors by constantly running to the rescue. My Dad has bailed my 1/2 sister out more times than he count, countless DUI's, until finally she ran over a man, thankfully he was not killed and her choice was either jail or rehab. My Dad paid for her rehab at a little posh resort cause he couldn't stand the thought of his precious little girl in the big bad jail. So she got a vacation and how did she reward all this? She still drinks like a fish and her latest bailout, oh Daddy, I've got $25,000.00 worth of credit card debt, can u pay that for me and he did.

I just shake my head, once you start bailing them out it never ends and they never learn to stand on their own. I always think you gotta live it to learn it, all she has learned is that Dad will always come to her rescue. Let your SS live this to learn it, and it will hopefully be a lesson to last him a lifetime.

DaizyDuke's picture

You say this is the kids first go round with drugs... I highly doubt that. This is just the first time he got CAUGHT. And if he is peddling Oxi? then he's been smoking dope and doing other things prior. I would almost guarantee it, as that is usually the "pattern" teenagers/adults start out with the pot and alcohol and when that gets boring or fails to dull the pain, they move up to bigger and better.

I'm surprised his bail was only $1,000.00 to be honest. Trafficking prescription drugs is a big deal and not something the police and courts generally take lightly.

I hope your DH stands firm and does not run to help bail out pill head SS. Enabling is not going to be of help to him.

stepsonhatesme's picture

No this is not his first time in trouble with drugs. And Dh and I know he smokes weed and probaly alot of other stuff too.
Im thinking that the $1000 was 10% of total

karenemoy's picture

We paid for 3 rounds of rehab and SS BM and her husband paid for drug and driving fines. SS was arrested last year again - only know because the letter came to our home. My SS would not involved. He got himself in this mess and can get himself out. We have not heard from him in over a year since he knows any requests for money will fall on deaf ears.

misSTEP's picture

You want to know what happens with "kids" like this who have a "parent" like BM? Well, let me tell you about my BIL. He is 35 years old and has only lived on his own (not mommy's house or daddy's apartment) for maybe a year tops. He has never had a cell phone on his own contract. He blames everyone else for the problems in his life. He just got out of jail for a smaller sentence because of FIL paying big bucks for a lawyer. Now he is back living with FIL again and still constantly "broke." Even though he doesn't pay rent or utilities, has no car, no alimony or CS to pay and mostly doesn't pay for groceries! How in the HELL can you be BROKE??

The first thing he said when my DH called him to tell him that he was finally done paying CS? "Can I borrow some money?" smdh

stepsonhatesme's picture

DH just called me to tell me he was on his way home. He told me that BM and SS21 text him, about SS23 (yet again). SS23 is OUT, they raised enough to get him out, BUT now they are asking for help with rent! LMAO
Seiously they should have left him ass in jail and used the $$ for rent instead.
(found out SS21 is living with SS23).
FYI Dh is NOT going to help with this either, (his choice)
I hope SS21 sees what his brother is really about and moves out of there. I would hate to see him get messed up in all that BS.