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To D or not D?

SMto3's picture

That is the question. This will be long. 


I don’t know what to think anymore. Last week Thursday, I complained to DH I didn’t feel he was giving me the attention I wanted as a woman. I know he’s struggling with the ED thing but it doesn’t always have to be about sex, we can cuddle, hang out, hug, whatever. 

He said he just needs a day where I’m not complaining about what he doesn’t do. 


I decide to take him up on this challenge and try not to complain. Except 3 days later, he decides he wants to go hang with his friend, but didn’t realize friend was at work. When he got back home, I asked what happened, he told me and I said “maybe you can invite him over after work” and he replies with a condescending tone “I already TOLD you, no one is coming over”. 


This stems from the whole sleepover disagreement. He said that since I wasn’t okay with his kids sleeping over, he wouldn’t invite anyone “on his side” over and since it’s “my house” I can just do whatever I want. 

So I called him out on that he doesn’t want me to bring anything up but he’s speaking to me i a way that is triggering for me. 


He wouldn’t own it at first and so I started in again about how it wasn’t fair that because HE will not compromise on starting with sleepovers vs starting with short visits, he’s being spiteful. He said he doesn’t understand why not inviting his friends over is concerning to me, and I tried telling him it’s because of how he brings it up, like if he’s punishing himself or me. I don’t know if he truly doesn’t get it, or if he’s faking not understanding. He asked me to “just leave it alone”. I tried but I couldn’t. 


This becomes a dragged out days long argument.  As he’s driving me to work Monday with DD in car, I see she has her headphones on (granted I could have waited). I asked him if he could see his part in bringing things up. He asked me last Thursday to not complain and by Sunday he’s making provoking statements because he’s angry I won’t let his adult sons sleep over after all the crap they’ve done. I told him it boggles my mind that he would know that we didn’t blend well while we lived together, I was always very clear in my position that I just wanted to help him raise them and launch them and see where it went afterwards because raising them was an unpleasant experience for me, and it's a shocker for him  that I don't want to continue this via way of overnight visits. 


I’m not sure if it was going to his grandsons 1st bday party, maybe he felt awkward and realized how awkward it is with just them and he wants to hurry up and fix that. Because this is the first time he’s asked AND been insistent on having them stay over “to gain closeness”. 

Anyway back to the car on Monday, he starts getting aggravated, and pretty much says “you don’t let my kids sleep over!” Loud enough for DD to hear and she texts me “why are you guys always arguing” and of course that set me off. I told her “I don’t mind letting your brothers come visit but I can’t accept sleepovers right now because they didn’t respect my house rules when they lived with us”. I was so angry that she was around for that and that later on at night she asked if we were getting a divorce. I told her that I didn’t know but that even if we did, we both love her very much. I told her that I love DH, and he loves me, but we just have different opinions on what we want to do with our lives. She had a few more questions but in the end she said that she was okay with whatever I want to do because she trusts that I will make whatever is the best decision, and that she just wants DH and I to be happy. 




Tuesday I barely spoke to him. I admit that on Monday I did reach out to an attorney since I have no idea about divorce in New York. They text to ask for my info and said someone would reach out. Nothing from them at all Tuesday or yesterday. I did let him know I want to speak to an attorney about how this would work. He said he doesn’t want a divorce but there’s nothing he can do if I want one. I do not know for sure if I want one. But I know I haven’t been happy for a few years. 


I wanted to see what our dynamic was like without his kids around. SS19 was not pleasant to be around, he left last. Not sure if you guys remember that I left my house because I knew he’d fail, try to move back in and DH would probably get mad if I didn’t allow it (which he vehemently denies). 

Now that we’re back in the house, he’s only been home a couple weeks and is already hellbent on having his kids start at the sleepover point when they visit. 


“It’ll only be every other month, 6 times a year at most”


“You want me to be against my kids and I’ll NEVER be against them” (I never said that, I’m just not ready for Ss24, his pregnant gf, their 1 year old and SS19 to sleepover at the same time)


“By they live 3 hours away by train” (actually, it’s 2 hours and certainly they can maybe take the train here and Uber themselves back to make the effort of seeing you) 


“I don’t see what the big deal is, your friends and family sleep over” (the ones that do live out of state) 


I don’t know if this is when I’m supposed to be patient, the “for worse” part, or if this will be an eternal thing with his first 2 kids. It’s starting to feel that way. He said he wants his grandkids to sleep over, like DD does with my mom. But his grandkids aren’t MY grandkids and that’s what he doesn’t get. I told him, let’s take it slow, let’s build it and see what comes of it, I just don’t want to start at the sleepover point (I’m sure by this time I’ve only said this a million times). 


Ss24 is very predictable, actually they both are. I know that’s just going to open a can of worms. I think DH is grasping what he should have done all those years, and maybe now that their mom has passed, he feels for them even more. I don’t know what exactly it is, but it seems his priority has shifted to want to force a relationship with them, but I don’t feel he’s going about it in a healthy way. I feel like he’s setting it up as a “use us” thing. They can come watch movies, he’ll cook for them, play with the grandkids and they can sleep over at the end. He said if I need some space, he can take them out to the park, to give me a break. 

I don’t want to have to feel like that in my own home in the first place. Not my fault SSs don’t make the effort to see their dad, I’m not willing to sacrifice the peace in my house for them. 


But I realize they aren’t the real issue, DH is. I’m not even sure the SSs are pushing for this, this is all DH. Mind you, for the past 3 years DH has been pursuing this trucking thing and he’s taken some huge losses, so I’ve been the one footing the bills for the most part. You would think he wouldn’t insist on his grownups sleeping over since I’m the one paying the bills, so I should be the one who gets to have some damn peace.  So it begs the question, when will this end? You think launching these kids is the end but it’s not for some men. 


He says let’s just leave it alone, we don’t ever have to talk about it again, that’s what he said the last time. He doesn’t get that the resentment can build and manifest itself in ways that hinder our progress.


I love him and he loves me. Part of me does not want to lose him as a friend and feels like the best thing to do is divorce before I grow to despise or hate him, which would translate into something negative for our daughter. The other part of me is hopeful that maybe if I do leave it alone, maybe if I can help facilitate this relationship with his kids for him, in a way that is healthy for all of us, things might get better. Maybe he will get over it on his own if I never bring it up again. But I don’t know if I believe that. So here we are. 


Survivingstephell's picture

Until he can verbalize correctly what you are saying, he isn't listening to you.  He is so caught up in his point of view, he can't see yours.   

New York is known for CS lasting too long.  Can you try living separately?  he can work on those relationships with his sons and you can get some peace over this?   They are adults now, not children, he can't change them.  We all know that but maybe he just needs to try?   

It's a hard place to be when your spouse refuses to put the marriage first. How much longer can you wait for him to do that?   That's your dilemma.  

SMto3's picture

I don't think he'd be able to verbalize to me what I'm saying and even if he did, he would still justify what he wants. 

By CS, do you mean child support? I don't want any, but my questions for the attorney would be would I have to pay him child support or alimony, and if he's entitled to my home as that was bought together but never put under his name. 

DH said he would not fight me on custody, but I just wanted this all in writing while we're still sorta kinda okay.

la_dulce_vida's picture

Some men are so aggravating. There seems to be this mindset with some of them (a lot of them) that they need to have their offspring UNDER THEIR ROOF to have a "close" relationship. There is some kind of primal possessiveness for many men to have a woman and their offspring under their roof (and I use "their" loosely because in your case, you're actually the bread winner right now).

And many of those same men will not put any energy into building a close relationship with the people under their roof. It just feels good to know they are there. We see it so many times on this site where men have visitation and do not parent or interact in a meaningful way with their children. They just HAVE THEM under their roof.

One point, however, is that you say his kids can visit for a movie or the day. Not if they live 2 hours away. There are only a few things I would drive 2 hours for then drive home (or take the train) for 2 hours. And even less with a baby.

That being said, what's wrong with your husband going to see THEM?? If he wants this close relationship so badly, why is there only one way to do it? Why are sleepovers the ONLY way? It's the LAZY man's way. It's the Tarzan "Me have offspring in my hut. Me good parent." BS. Ugh.

Good luck.

SMto3's picture

This is what it is for me, the way I feel he does things. Very archaic, very irresponsible, not demure. 
I told him as much, you don't need to be physically close to be close, in fact, my closest friends all happen to live out of state and we speak at least on a weekly basis. I would say we're close. 
But for DH he thinks he will achieve closeness with his first 2 kids by having them stay over every couple of months, along with SSs Bm and stegrandson. It's just too much for me. He's setting it up for them to continue to try to use us and him but he can't see that. He doesn't want to drive to them because he says he gets worried about traffic back home (it's an hour drive). 
Even if they visited and paid for an Uber coming and he paid it for them going back, that's fine but I just don't want sleepovers. They don't even come visit as it is unless there's an event I invite them to. 

Elea's picture

My Ex was like what you describe. He saw our children and I as possessions rather than people. So glad he is an Ex. 

Harry's picture

When he gets you guys a new home big enough. His kids can sleep over some type of arrangement.  Once a month for a weekend. But it's his responsibilities , for clean up after his kids, feeding the family  and haveing a Good time. No fighting 

SMto3's picture

Has 5 bedrooms and we use only 2. We bought this house because his 2 bedroom apartment  didn't fit the 5 of us comfortably (6 when the out of state son comes to visit), so we bought a house 5 years ago to accommodate us all. But the "kids" moved out...and I no longer want them here for sleepovers even though we do have room for them. This is one of my husbands points is that the house is big enough, but I don't feel peaceful when they're around so it's still a no. 

Yesterdays's picture

Maybe downgrade to a smaller home if possible  and the kids can stay at an Airbnb as it sounds like they don't come down very often.

I think if you don't feel peaceful when they're over that's a valid point but I would then focus on that with your partner. Are there things they did that were disrespectful when they come to visit... Then you have every right for them to not stay over night in your own home where you deserve to have peace and to be treated respectfully. 

SMto3's picture

This is something I may have to consider eventually. 

MorningMia's picture

We did this. It was time for us to scale down and we were tired of the upkeep and maintenance of a larger home--AND we knew a much smaller home wasn't conducive to many comfy overnight visits/mooching vacays. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Idk what to advise since you also have a child with him. But he sounds like a defective partner. If he has 2 previous failed relationships that produced kids, and now his third BM is considering leaving, he's the common denominator. My point in saying that is don't for one second doubt yourself or your feelings about having (barf and wtf) scheduled sleepovers with his adult sons. You know the one son with a BM and kids is a deadbeat who is angling to move him and his brood that he can't support back into your home. Hold your ground. Otherwise, is it a situation you could even stomach living in? It's not you, it's them. 

SMto3's picture

That is the whole thing. DD9. I'm really trying to do the right thing by her, but now that we're arguing in front her, about his grownups, when I thought them moving out would alleviate our issues, is something I hadn't considered. The crazy thing is, maybe if SS24 didn't have kids I could have considered it, because they're all adults. But not with 2 kids under 2, that's not going to be peaceful for me, at all!

AlmostGone834's picture

I would probably say this. 

"Nope. I am not willing to have them sleep over. Do with that what you feel you need to. They choose to live where they do and it's really not that far for a day trip by car or by train. Sorry but I'm not sacrificing my peace and if there's anyone else you think shouldn't be sleeping over I respect your wishes but you haven't spoken up until now about it. (Honestly it would be worth it not have my relative sleep over if it meant keeping his freeloading kids out of the house). We don't have a good past and as such, being around them makes me uncomfortable. Also I don't want a screaming baby running around either. It's my home. I want to relax. I want peace now that the kids are all out of the toddler/baby stage. It's fine if they visit but at the end of the day I need time to decompress. They aren't OUR kids. They are yours so it creates a different dynamic than if we had had them together. Honestly being married to a man with prior kids is a headache in so so many ways and I've put in my time. They are adults now and while I still want you to see them, I don't want our lives to be impacted by them anymore. I deserve to reap the benefits in our later years of finally being put first, now that they are adults in every sense of the word."

SMto3's picture

I have tried saying some varying form of this to him, but I don't know what happened. It's as if he glitched. I'm holding my ground on this one, at whatever that cost is. 

Kaylee's picture

Print what AG834 wrote, and give it to your H to read.

It seems like when you try to discuss things he shuts down, so there's no point trying to verbalise.

I don't know what else to advise but I personally would be seriously looking at divorce.