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BM has some nerve!

Accordn2L's picture

SO and SD8 moved out last weekend and it's been a tough week. I know it was the right thing to do because I hated the kid with a passion and he wasn't being the type of father he should have. Anyways, I pressed charges against BM two years ago for communicating threats, harrassing and stalking me. Needless to say Cum Dumpster and I are not friends. SD8 went back to BM on Sunday night so I'm sure she gave full report that I threw her and DAAAADDDDDDDDYYYYY out. This morning I get an email from BM, IDK how she even has my private, personal email, BUT it said, " SD8 says the only thing she is going to miss about you is what a great cook you are, would you mind sending me some of your recipes?"

I'm still thinking this one through on exactly how I'm going to respond or if I will at all. Thought I might see what some of you could suggest? My initial thought was to respond and say buy a cookbook you dumb bitch. Or write up a recipe with rat poison as an ingredient, but I think with your help I can do better than that.


just.his.wife's picture

She wants your attention... wants validation...


Do you CARE if the kid liked your cooking?
Do you really want to share ANYTHING with BM?

Delete. Block the email address and move on with live.. when you ditched him.. you ditched BM as a bonus.
Do not let her insinuate herself into your life and ruin your celebration of freedom!

tessa12's picture

The best part of ending your relationship is you never, ever have to have any contact with her again. Don't give her the satisfaction of a reply.

Accordn2L's picture

LOL sign her up for spam, funny! I think we used to do that with magazines to people we didn't like in the "old days" lol. I'd love to tell her she needs to go buy chlorox and not worry about more food because that's just more shitting for SD8 to smear on the walls.

Accordn2L's picture

Is that a real website? WTF?? LOL!!!! I have an 80lb dog so I can get some poop for free and drop off at her house lol

Accordn2L's picture

Is that a real website? WTF?? LOL!!!! I have an 80lb dog so I can get some poop for free and drop off at her house lol

Accordn2L's picture

Just Wow I like that. I have her and her entire family blocked from my work phone, work email, cell phone, facebook, so I'm not sure how she got my personal email but I will go ahead and block that too. I don't want to be petty like her but damn that was just shitty! She just wanted to get another dig in on me so make her feel better about her skanky ass life.

Teas83's picture

Do you think she's just trying to get to you by saying the ONLY thing SD will miss is your cooking? Maybe she doesn't actually want your recipes - she's just being a bitch.

Accordn2L's picture

Oh I'm sure that is what she is doing. Because I decorated that little brats room, bought her the prettiest clothes, packed her lunch everyday with a little have a great day note, fixed her hair every day, tried to make her feel welcome and the thanks I got was bad behavior, hearing DADDDDDDYYYY 24/7, shit smeared on my bathroom walls, pissy pants hidden under her bed, her annoying my poor beloved dog, and waking up all freaking night long and slamming doors. So I'm sure she never got any of that kind of attention while at home with 10 year old half brother with emotional and behavioral problems, or new 3 month old half sister while BM, Thug Life and all three kids share a 2 bedroom 1 bath home and BM likes to sleep most of the day.

Disneyfan's picture

She doesn't want anything from you. She's just trying to make you feel bad about the break up.

The best thing to do is just ignore her.

But, if your inner bitch wants to come out and play, try this.

BM, I will send you the recipes as soon as you teach your daughter to wipe her funky ass after she uses the bathroom.:)

Disneyfan's picture

Smile Smile Smile

misSTEP's picture

"The only thing I am going to miss about you two is.......................................................................................................................................................................................................I got nothin'. QUIT HARASSING ME YOU BLOCKED BITCH"

zerostepdrama's picture

Congrats on your new life.

Man BM what a petty petty bitch.

I'd be inclined to write a snarky remark back (I like to have the last word) and then block her from EVERYTHING, so that she couldnt have the sastification of replying back.

You are FREE FREE FREE of skid and BM!

FTMandSM's picture

IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE, Just like what other pp are saying!!

And for goodness sake, KEEP that man out of your life this time!!!

fuckitall's picture

I know the responsible thing to do is not answer, but how can you not!? This is too good!
Off the top of my head -

Dear BM, I see you're STILL obsessed with how much better than you I am Smile how unfortunate. PS you can learn so many life skills from pinterest. Check it out and don't ever contact me again. I'm ecstatic that I have no more ties to you in my life, and a clean bathroom.
PS teach your EIGHT YEAR OLD how to wipe her ass properly, it's disgusting.

HadEnoughx5's picture

I would send her one recipe that SD likes and do a Marie Barone (Everybody Loves Raymond) Substitute an ingredient that would definitely change it's taste. Then SD will think Mommy's a bad cook }:)