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Accordn2L's Blog

BD11 had a meltdown and I found a way to fix it! You're going to like this! MUWAHAHAHAA

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So my daughter has started middle school last month and she is doing really good but the homework is crazy and takes at least 2-3 hours a night. She got overwhelmed and I was trying to help her and she informed me, " I just don't understand the pressure of being a 6th grader". Right because I never was a 6th grader, just a single mom who gets zip in child support from her deadbeat dad and have bills and shit, but I don't know about pressure, ok.

Funny story that I know all the SM and SD will get a chuckle out of..

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So as you know it's been a short time since SD8 also known as shit stain and SO were asked to leave my home. My BD11 and I are getting by just fine, middle school homework is a bit of a struggle, I mean I did my stint in middle school, why must I suffer it all over again! So on the way home I ran by the ABC store and as I was walking in I saw another SM that I know from school and she not only had a CART at the ABC store but it was quite full. I got the one bottle I was there for and got behind her in line.

BM has some nerve!

Accordn2L's picture

SO and SD8 moved out last weekend and it's been a tough week. I know it was the right thing to do because I hated the kid with a passion and he wasn't being the type of father he should have. Anyways, I pressed charges against BM two years ago for communicating threats, harrassing and stalking me. Needless to say Cum Dumpster and I are not friends. SD8 went back to BM on Sunday night so I'm sure she gave full report that I threw her and DAAAADDDDDDDDYYYYY out.

Been gone from here for a little while, but I'm back. I let him move back in because he swore "things would change",

Accordn2L's picture

Well I kicked him out a while back. I cried for a week straight, tried to keep it together in front of my co-workers and family but alone at night I cried myself to sleep. He kept texting and calling me, he wanted us back together and we could make this work. After a little while I gave in, I missed him so much and couldn't stand it. The first week was just like when we first met, he was wonderful and then that Sunday came and he picked up devil spawn SD8 and it started all over again. So here we are about 2 months later and I want him and that train wreck kid out of my house.

A follow up to : I have a question about my BD11 and visitations with her dad, need your input

Accordn2L's picture

So I really put a lot of thought into what everyone said and I decided that maybe I needed to push my BD11 into at the minimum talking to her Dad since she was upset with him for "forgetting" she was in town and he went to the beach and not wanting to visit with him this weekend. So of course he was being Daddy of the Year on the phone and said although he was at the lake with his brother if I would drive her to his sister's house (an hour and a half each way) he would pick her up that evening and they could still enjoy the weekend and have fun.

I have a question about my BD11 and visitations with her dad, need your input

Accordn2L's picture

I have 100% custody of my BD11, as long as her Dad has a safe place to live and my BD11 wants to go see him I allow him to get her every other weekend. We live an hour and a half apart and so I even meet him halfway most of the time. I can't stand her dad but I keep my opinions to myself and know that it is important for children to have relationships with their father.

Day late and a dollar short. I'm so sad and in the dumps

Accordn2L's picture

So he moved out yesterday and I feel heartbroken. I had no love for his child and needed to do what was best for me and my daughter, however that doesn't make me just stop loving him of course. I've been a cry baby and I just don't do that, so I'm hating myself for it a little. Anyways, he contacted me today and he has made his daughter a therapist appointment... I only asked him for the past year to take care of this! And he said that he is blocking BM from his phone...again hello!

Update: He moved out today

Accordn2L's picture

Well he moved out today. I feel relief that I no longer have to deal with SD8 but I have cried all day. I still love him, but I just couldn't keep allowing a child to disrupt my house 50% of the time. I left a bad marriage to give my daughter a good life and it wasn't fair for her to have to deal with all the crap from SD. I just wish I didn't feel so heartbroken. We hugged and cried and said goodbye. I wished him the best and told him I hope he will get help for his daughter.

He has 30 days. I stuck to my guns

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Here is the update from yesterday. I wrote down the things I needed to say so I wouldn't get upset or off topic. I sat him down and very calmy let him know I couldn't continue doing this, that I loved him but I did not love nor even like his daughter. I told him that the thought of having her 24/7 was more than I could handle and I have given this a very good try and he has not followed through with all the promises of rules, consequences, counseling, and still let's BM call the shots just like saying she was sending SD8 24/7. So he has 30 days to find a place and be out.

I knew BM was the scum of the earth, but I didn't see this coming.

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So last week sucked, I couldn't wait for SD8 to go back to BM yesterday at 4. My BD11 even got invited to spend the night with her friend so by 4 the house was totally empty and clean and SILENT. It was just basically a beautiful moment, all until SO walks in the door and by the look on his face I knew something big was up. I said what's wrong?
