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Update: He moved out today

Accordn2L's picture

Well he moved out today. I feel relief that I no longer have to deal with SD8 but I have cried all day. I still love him, but I just couldn't keep allowing a child to disrupt my house 50% of the time. I left a bad marriage to give my daughter a good life and it wasn't fair for her to have to deal with all the crap from SD. I just wish I didn't feel so heartbroken. We hugged and cried and said goodbye. I wished him the best and told him I hope he will get help for his daughter. He told me he loved me and my daughter so much and that he was so sorry that his lack of parenting and lack of being able to shield me from the wrath of BM had brought our life together to an end.

Side note: I let my Ex-H know that he moved out because this is supposed to be his weekend with our daughter and I prefer to tell him adult things and him not hear it second hand when it involves the home of his child. He told me he could come stay with me if I needed a friend! WTF I said no thanks but if you could send some child support that would be appreciated. Bastard


BlindInTX's picture

((Giant Hugs)) I'm so sorry. I'm sure you'll be quite bummed for a while. That's understandable and completely normal. Just don't beat yourself up too bad, it's not your fault. But you know that.

And a punch in the arm to your ex-H. Jeez. Sounds just like mine. ::eyeroll::

FYI, in my situation, we're headed this way too. Have had a rough couple of nights. Time will tell. Probably sooner than later.

Hang in there and don't forget to hit up Total Wine on the way home! }:)

justthegirlfriend13's picture

I havent replied to your previous posts as I was away, but did read your previous blogs and I say good riddance. Of course it will hurt and you will feel sad for a while, but I'm sure later on you will be able to look back at this relationship, look at your nice clean house and sigh a sigh of relief!

And his I'm sorry about his lack of parenting is hogwash! If he was so sorry he would have done something to fix it before being kicked out!! He isn't sorry for anything but himself now having to act as a single parent and find a new place to live.

Hugs to you!

Accordn2L's picture

My house feels weird right now. I don't even know what to do with myself, I was steady cleaning while he was packing and trying to keep busy so now I'm just sitting here. My parents felt like it would be a good night to have my daughter stay with them since I'm so upset, so they picked her up from daycamp and are taking her to dinner. I'm going to start thinking of some things she and I can do after work and camp to help get into a new routine and hopefully help the wound heal faster. She will miss him because they were close but she will be glad SD is gone.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Deep breath. You're not alone tonight. It looks like there are a lot of people here who know your situation better than I (been here a week...). I know it must feel strange, but things weren't going to change. They just weren't. You did what was best for you in the long run. Tonight do what makes YOU feel best! Make that list of things to do with your daughter, take a nice hot shower, sleep all evening, buy a dozen cupcakes or just cry your eyes out....Whatever gets you through.

You're in good company and we're all thinking of you. Hang in there.

~ Moon

Accordn2L's picture

I am normally not a crier so this is just so odd for me and I knew it was coming but this actually hurts more than when I divorced my husband

WTF...REALLY's picture

Your a strong woman. Putting your daughter frist is so wonderful.

You will be in pain for a while, however you changed your daughter life forever - and it sounds like for the better.

Hang in there. When I went thur something really bad not too long ago, I had myself a Greys Anatomy marathon, plus wine and then some more wine.


Steppy MN2's picture

Stay strong there will be better days ahead. One foot in front of the other and have wonderful times with your daughter.

Sports Fan's picture

Cry if you want tonight. Tomorrow is a new day. A new beginning. You are not alone.