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Update on my Friday night

Accordn2L's picture

Well I had it all planned out and I had the signs up on the doors ( see last blog). The minute SD8 and SO came in they came right outside even though I had the "Do not disturb" sign on the patio door. SD8 said what are you really fixing for dinner, we don't eat sandwiches for dinner. I said "ask your father" . He sends her inside and asks me just what exactly I thought I was doing. LMAO! I said well I'm trying to relax and you need to go inside and spend some quality time with your little princess and leave me alone. He went on inside and after SD8 had gotten on his last damn nerve ( it only took like 30 minutes) he tried to come out there again. Sorry SO but I'm giving you and princess "daaaddddddyyy/daughter time" and I said it just like I spelled it hahaha. When I did finallfy come in and go to bed he was so ill!

This morning I got up and showered and was about to walk out the door and SD8 said, what's for breakfast? Ask your father! I left and went and had brunch and a Bloody Mary, fabulous. Then met a girlfriend and we went shopping all day and had lunch at the nicest little cafe. I get a text from SO that he wants to talk and has a surprise for me. I said I will be home in a few more hours. So I am driving home and wondering what this surprise is. I walk in the door and the house is spotless, there are a dozen roses, music playing. I don't see SD8 anywhere?? I am looking around for him and I guess he got thirsty while he was waiting for me because this mug is passed out drunk on the living room floor SURPRISE Accordn2L!!!!! I checked facebook and apparently he took SD8 to his moms to spend the night so we could have a night alone. I stepped right over his silly ass. I just ordered delivery for dinner and got a movie going on netflix. Guess I get another night to myself. OH and I took a picture of his drunk ass and I'm debating if I am going to post that for his buddies to see how cool he is hahahahhaahha


Anon2009's picture

I hope you don't plan to marry this guy. Seriously, post this picture for the world to see.

ctnmom's picture

I love how when he was forced to parent his kid on his own, he dumps her at his mothers and gets passed out drunk! And you guys are such amateurs. It's a penis. You draw a penis on his face in black sharpie.

Accordn2L's picture

OMG! Thank you! What was I thinking! Been a long time since I had been to a frat party so forgive me lol

katielee's picture

This is awesome:) I'm so impressed. Makes me wonder what my DH would do if I called him on all the bullshit and did what you did. I might be inspired.

Accordn2L's picture

I will say this, he has a beer when we grill out etc... I have NEVER seen him do this before! I was shocked but I laughed since it's not like it happens any other time too.

Accordn2L's picture

But let's recap! So basically once I set my evil plan into action I got the following:

1. Didn't have to deal with SD8 or SO really at all Friday night and got to sit on my patio and listen to music and have some adult beverages and play with my dog.
2. I left and went to brunch on Saturday morning, then shopping all day with a friend.
3. SO get's his mother to watch SD8 so we can have "alone time" on Saturday night, cleans entire house, buys roses. Now he does pass out on the floor, however this did provide a photo op that I have tucked away in my back pocket for a rainy day
4. Since he was passed out I watched a bunch of my shows on Netflix, then went to bed at my leisure and spread out across the bed since I didn't have to share!
5. Slept in on Sunday and woke up to breakfast in bed and a VERY embarrassed and hungover SO apologizing to no end and ready to listen and make some changes.

I call it a success! Might not have gone exactly as I had planned in my mind, but all plans can be adjusted LOL

Accordn2L's picture

I can't take credit Sally, I have only been here like 3 months. I think another lady has that saying on her page too. I found it on facebook and loved the saying.

I just got to the office and opened my briefcase and how about SO packed me a breakfast with a love note! WHAT! See I guess having to step up and seeing what it's like when I live my own life and it doesn't revolve around him or SD8 was slightly scary for him. And SD8 went back to her mother's yesterday at 4 PRAISE THE LORD!

Accordn2L's picture

Well my guess is when she comes back next Sunday at 4 he will need a little reminding for sure. And in the back of my mind I always tell myself, I'm not married to him, it's MY house, and I can say go if I get to my breaking point.