TGIF! My Friday is going to rock, not so much for SO and SD8-que evil step-mother laugh BAWAWAWAH
So for those of you who read my blogs, you know this week has been pretty terrible at my house. Between pissy pants, piss all over my bathroom, shit smeared on the wall, pissy clothes hidden around my house,SO piling up before mentioned pissy clothes in my laundry room instead of washing them causing the room to smell like a F-ng port o john, blaming your pissing on my beloved dog (who btw I would pick over SD8 any day of the week because he is the man) whining, DAAAAADDDDDDDDYYYYY to start every sentence, the freaking 100 degree heat everyday, and the fact I had already worked 40 hours in the last 4 days, preparing for and giving a presentation for almost 200 people, then when I walked in this morning to the office to work another 8, only to find out one of my staff called in sick and the other one had already requested to leave at lunch meaning I have to play receptionist for 4 hours. I mean FML! However, chin up! Because I stopped taking care of pissy pants, laundry for pissy pants, cleaning up behind piss or poop on the walls this week and just said you think it's not a big deal SO, great, your turn! I'm done. This is only a few days old so I'm still working out the kinks but highly enjoying it! My BD11 was invited to the beach and left this morning so the timing couldn't be better for my plans tonight!
So when I finally leave work in a mere 2 hours my first stop will be at Total Wine. I might even need a cart for the amount I plan to purchase! Then I'm going to go home, give my big dog a big kiss and then throw on some shorts and get out on my patio, turn the music and party lights I strung out there, and watch my dog play. When SD8 and SO arrive home the first question I hear is always, "what's for dinner",( I have always made really nice big dinners) I've got that taken care of too. I made a sign to stick on the front door where they come in, that says "dinner is on the stove". 2 paper plates, a loaf of bread and jar of peanut butter are sitting there. Bon Appetit bitches! I have made another sign that says " Do not disturb" that is on the door leading to the patio. Now of course they will still come out there because they can't take a hint and are tards but I will answer all questions SO asks with I don't know and anything SD8 asks with you should ask your father! DONE. DONE. DONE.
Oh and I forgot to mention to SO that I made plans to have lunch with one of my girl friends and we are going shopping for a few hours afterwards so him and SD8 are on their own tomorrow too, don't wait for me on dinner either. She goes home at 4 on Sunday and I think I have just enough lined up to be super busy and away until then. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY
- Accordn2L's blog
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You got the popcorn? Bring
You got the popcorn? Bring your wine glass instead!
YAY sounds like a VERY nice
YAY sounds like a VERY nice evening!
Please give us play-by-play
Please give us play-by-play updates!!!
HEHEHE you got it. I never
HEHEHE you got it. I never considered myself sneaky and spiteful until this all started happening and now I enjoy coming up with new and hilarious (to me anyways) ways to prove if I say something I mean it SO.
The Pissy Pants Chronicles!
The Pissy Pants Chronicles! OMG I love the title! Oh I got one! Life With Pooh! BAHAHAHAHAH ( like Pooh Bear but instead my skid shits on the walls) HAHAHAH
Wow, I can't wait to hear how
Wow, I can't wait to hear how this goes down either }:)
Your DH needs to learn to deal with his kid.
There is a lot he needs to
There is a lot he needs to learn and one of them is how to deal with his kid but another one that my Daddy says all the time ( he and mom have been married 41 years) is you can be right or you can be happy. Happy wife = happy life.
I'm with you in spirit
I'm with you in spirit Accordn!
SS is off to his Dad's to start his Dad's summertime visitation. DW is already feeling bad about it.
HUZZAH! Ticker-tape parade and oh yes, trip to the liquor store and stock up on the wine and beer!
Enjoy your evening!!!!
Enjoy your evening!!!!