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Why does this bother me?

zerostepdrama's picture

DH won 4 tickets at work for a professional hockey game. The game is on a weekday. We talked about going and decided since it's a weekday, its downtown, we probably wouldnt be up for going. It would just be too much. Those were DH's words. I wasn't really surprised as he doesnt like to do anything on a week day after work and especially not driving. Which I get as he has to drive kind of far to get to work.

I was a little dissapointed, as I thought it would be something fun to do and out of our routine, but also it made sense why we weren't going.

So we agree that I will post the tickets on a site to sell them.

Last night at dinner I tell him no one has contacted me about the tickets but we still have over a month to try to sell them.

He then tells me to not sell them. That he is now going to take his kids. "I need to spend more time with my kids."

This really bothered me for various reasons.

#1- his original reasons for not wanting to go: week day, traffic, money at the concessions- are made even worse if he takes the skids. He now will have 3 adults to feed dinner at a freakin sports arena. Ummm okay well no one has money for that. Now he has to drive all over town to pick up all the skids and make it to the game on time. But Okay if that is what you want to do...... Good luck with that.

#2- "I need to spend more time with my kids" this really bothered. I felt like he was insinuating that it's because of ME that he doesn't spend time with his kids.

Yes I do ask that they dont come over to the house. But this because of the lying, stealing and the outright rudeness of MSD and YSD.

DH and the skids never had a set schedule before I came along. If they came over, they came over. If not, oh wells. They wouldnt call him for a month and he was just fine and dandy with that. Then they would want to come over and he would pick them up. Then when they did come over, if I planned something then we would all go and do family stuff. But if I didnt then he would just go about whatever he felt like doing. He would go to his friends house and the skids would just stay at his house. What I saw was that they weren't even spending time together.

Once the skids realized I stopped planning fun stuff, then they really stopped coming over.

Once DH and I moved in together, I told DH it's EOW and none of this popping in whenever they want. He needs to stick to a schedule. Also he needs to be home when they are here. He felt because they were teenagers he could just leave them at the house and he could run around to his friends house, helping them with their cars or repairs on their houses (all while drinking beer and bsing with his buddies) and that I was suppose to be okay with picking up after and cooking for extra kids. Um no way buddy.

So once I laid down some rules the skids weren't interested that much in coming over. DH wasnt that interested in spending a full weekend at the house with the skids. Then the anger and resentment started because evil SM changed how things are and the skids can't run amok and do whatever they want. They realized they couldnt run MY home like they ran daaaaadddyyy's.

So that started the lies to BM and BM calling DH screaming about all this stuff I supposedly said to the skids or did to the skids. Umm okay if they are making up lies when they are here, they dont need to be here. Then the stealing.

Finally I told DH- NO MORE. They are not welcomed here!

He was fine with it. Agreed to it. It's better if they dont come over. They cause too much drama. It's always something with them. I think he even liked it. He wasn't forced to be Daddy for longer then taking the skids to dinner. Then he could go back to do whatever he wanted. This worked fine for over a year.

Well now that has changed and he has pushed for the skids to come over. NO! They havent changed. If anything they have gotten worse. And why after all this time do you want to be daddddyyyy??? You have been "fine" with not having them around (they have came over sparadioc but never for more then a couple of hours). NOW you want to be a Dad? Now that I have somewhat made peace with everything and have worked to disengage and NOW you want to "spend more time with your kids".

I am sure he blames me for not seeing his kids as much. And in his and thier eyes I am the reason.

But I blame him for pro-creating with an evil woman PAS like BM and I blame him for being a lazy parent. It's because you raised your kids the way you did that I dont want to be around them.

I am so over the fighting and the tension and the white elephant in the room when it comes to the skids.


zerostepdrama's picture

I dont like that I have to say "I dont want your kids at the house, even for Christmas"

We tried it on Thanksgiving and it was awful. DH even said it was uncomfortable. Why try it again? Especially when DH isn't willing to confront and acknowledge the skids rude behavior.

But I do own it. Sorry but I shouldnt have to put up with b.s in my own home because DH refuses to parent his kids. Doesn't mean that I dont feel bad about it at times though.....

zerostepdrama's picture

I'm not complaining that he sees his kids at all. I am complaining that he acts like it's my fault and my fault alone that he doesnt see his kids that often. Or as often as he would like. At least for now... he is feeling guilty daddy. But when summer comes along and he is busy with side jobs and helping friends and doing house repairs, THEN it isnt that big of a deal to see the skids as often.

In a perfect world, we would all get along and be one big happy family. I would love that.

thinkthrice's picture

"I am complaining that he acts like it's my fault and my fault alone that he doesnt see his kids that often"

They will do this every.single.time

Guilty daddies will kiss the backside of the BM and skids, thus causing loss of respect and an entry to PAS. Then they will turn around and blame it on SM.


Bio-Step-Mom's picture

At first I thought that but then I think they are adults. That changes it, quite a bit

zerostepdrama's picture

YSD is 14.
MSD is 18 still in HS and has a baby of her own.
SS is 20 and lives with his GF. I have no issues with him. He is polite and kind when he is over to the house. He lived with us until he graduated HS.

OSD is 21 but lives out of state.

Bio-Step-Mom's picture

Yeah, I'm less offended so to speak than if they were like 7 year olds...I think if you're married to someone with small children and you don't want the kids in the house, you should probably just divorce and move on. Young adults? There is no need to suffer over trying to please other adults. I don't care if they are his kids, your kids, your mother, whomever. That's just insane. Again, a little different. Easier to swallow if DH doesn't parent.

zerostepdrama's picture

Oh yes I agree on small kids it's different.

Had they been young kids and I felt this way, we never would have gotten married.

His kids are too old to "Change" they are who they are. They see zero consquences for stealing from me, for being rude to me in my own home. So they aren't going to change. That is why I dont want them over. And no DH doesn't parent. He claims he does, but he doesn't. And it's not just that I am saying he doesnt parent because he doesnt parent the way I think he should. No. He has never once held MSD responsible for all the things she stole from me over a period of time. Instead he allowed her to keep coming over. She knew that I knew she was stealing and knew that her dad wasn't doing anything about it and she kept doing it. She knew Daddddyyy wasn't going to do anything.

HadEnoughx5's picture

In my opinion, I would be angry that DH blew me off with an excuse but then turns around and decides to take the skids. That would piss me off.

I understand the feelings about the skids, DH being a parent and wanting peace in your home. In my situation, DH always "forgets" why I'm disengaged. He comes up with stupid shit that has nothing to do with the reason why I am disengaged. Bottom line for me- they are entitled brats and DH doesn't parent them. DH blames Swamp Hole for not parenting and blames me for being too strict.

I always look at it as no matter what I do or don't do it always equaled to me being fucked. So I keep on working my disengaged strategy. I also in a strange way watch what DH doesn't say or do.

For instance, yesterday I was working and my bio daughter texted me and said Prince was going out with a friend and told me the friends mother was picking Prince up. I texted DH asking if he knew about it. DH said yes and I replied- OK, thanks. In other words, thanks for not communicating with me about what's happening. DH texted me and said he thought Prince had asked me first and then I made him ask DH. In my mind, if you're the parent, you need to communicate either way.

So now, if Prince goes missing next time....I'm sounding no alarms. Let DH figure it out.

zerostepdrama's picture

Yes I am a little mad that he can't be inconvienced for me for the hockey game but he can for his kids. Honestly though I know he is going to go and be all pissy about traffic and parking and having to spend a ton of money....

Yes DH forgets why I dont like his kids... hmmmm I dont know because they are rude. Because they have stolen from me yet lied about it even when caught red handed.

And it's not just the skids behavior it's DH. Why am I open to having a thief in my home when I know your responses to MSD stealing are "Get over it" "It's only material items" "Be the bigger person" "She has a problem".

Having the skids back over is like inviting myself to be screwed over and knowing my DH isnt' going to have my back. I think that is A LOT of why I am so adamant about the skids not coming over. Because I know when they do something wrong and hurtful DH isn't going to have my back about it.

zerostepdrama's picture


zerostepdrama's picture

Your last paragraph is so true.

I said to him about a month ago "Since BS is going to his dad's for a few hours on Xmas day, we should go and see a movie". His response "Well I am thinking of taking my kids to a movie on Xmas Eve"

Okay, you cant go and see movies 2 days in a row? It was like he knew I would like to go to a movie, so he is going to take his kids, since his kids cant come over.

Okay whatever buddy.

twoviewpoints's picture

You're really not going to be able to have it both ways. Yes, children can see their father elsewhere, not in your home. But then you're going to have to understand he will be seeing them now and then outside the home. Of course he will want to spend occasional time with his children.

I do 'get' though that he's being unfair to you in that he didn't want to attend the event with you. The guy had numerous excuses (work, traffic, too much driving already), but suddenly now none of those things are a problem, he'll just take the skids. WTH? Yes, the way he's handled this event does build resentment and hurt feelings on your part. He needs to realize that this is why you're upset over the skids and he going...not that he's going to spend a bit of time with them.

As for the extra cost of food. There would be nothing wrong in him telling them upfront that these tickets were free and that the outing is occurring because he won the tickets. He could guilt free tell them to be sure to get a quick bite to eat themselves before he picks them up. That way he won't free like he needs to buy a bunch of expensive junk food at the event. The children are plenty old enough to know that not every outing is going to mean Dad has to spend a bundle feeding them. Nobody needs to eat every few hours.

The upside of them going is it does smooth Dad's guilt trip over not spending time with them and it frees you up to having a total 'me' evening. No Dh to have to cook for and you can do that evening whatever you please. Perhaps Dh and you can agree that once or twice a month he does do something with his kids (something within his budget). But when doing so he needs to stop with the excuses about why you and he can't also do something. Yes, he works hard. Yes, he drives a lot. Yes, traffic can be bad. yes, certainly money can get tight...but it makes you feel like a he doesn't value you and your marriage if he only makes exceptions for when it's for the skids and not just you and he.

zerostepdrama's picture

I wasn't so much bothered that he was taking the skids. It's not something that I really wanted to do in the first place. And honestly I have a feeling he is going to wait until the very last minute to even mention it to them. Then if they cant go, he is off the hook. Or he will wait till the last minute to even see if he is up to going or not. He may just decide not to go. And if they do go, knowing my DH he is going to be pissy about traffic, and having to spend money and he wont even stay the whole time and he will just complain about being out late.

And these kids will ask for stuff-junk, food. Xmas Eve he took them out to a very nice and expensive buffett. Movie was right afterwards. He still spend $25 on junk at the movie place! How can you stuff yourself at a buffett and then spend another $25 at the concession??????? not even an hour later?

I suppose I do get upset that he takes his kids to do all these fun things but when it comes to us doing stuff he always has an excuse. I have to PUSH him to do anything. But I can't claim it's unfair, like hey you can spend $50 to eat out with your kids but can't spend $10 to go have a drink with me? Because of course if I would just allow for his kids to come over then he wouldnt have to take them out and spend this money THEN he would have money to take me out.

What he doesn't get though is that if he called the skids up and said "Do you want to come over to the house and hang out" They are going to say NO! They dont want to spend time like that with him. They want to do all the fun stuff and stuff that costs money.

I do not care at all that he sees his kids. At all... not one single iota. I just care how he goes about making me feel bad about it or like I am the reason he doesnt see his kids as often as he would like.... but of course when it's convienent to him.

thinkthrice's picture

Yep the implication is that it's too much trouble to do anything fun with his partner, yet for his (older) skids, he'd crawl over glass because he "doesn't see them that much" (aka more backside kissing)


Crappy assed parenting/placating the BM/skids has consequences!

Cocoa's picture

no, he wants to give the "appearance" of crawling over glass for them and then when he's busy he can blow them off at will.

blending2012's picture

Here's what I would do: give him the tickets (if they are in your purse or something) and then say NOT ONE MORE THING about it. I got $20 says he'll forget all about it by the time the game comes around. Men usually like to talk about all the awesome things they're going to do with their kids - but when push comes to shove they usually just like to lay on the couch with their phone/computer/tv.

zerostepdrama's picture

And here is the thing... I can almost say 100% if I was to say "Oh someone asked about those tickets and want to buy them" he will say to sell them!

blending2012's picture

don't do it zero. just humor me. I'm REALLY curious to see if he follows through. NOT ONE MORE WORD to him about those tickets. Try to forget about them yourself.

zerostepdrama's picture

I am! Smile My mouth is zipped. I placed them back in his dresser drawer where he will see them.

zerostepdrama's picture

I am not bothered by him spending time with his kids. Gosh for so long (before we moved in together and the skid problems started) I encouraged him to spend more time with the kids instead of just when they felt like it or just when he felt like it. I encouraged EOW and then some, not just whenever they wanted to see each other.

Im just bothered by how he acts like it's because of me that he doesnt see his kids. He can see them whenever he wants. It's not like his only option to see the skids is if they come over to the house. Yes its probably the most logical.... but we arent dealing with a logical situation.

If I say YES have the skids over to the house- then I lose my sense of peace and have to cook for more people, clean up for more people, follow them around to make sure they dont steal, deal with attitudes and snarky comments, mean faces. Why do I have to deal with that??? I should not have to in my own home. The skids know what they are doing and their behaviors. They are plenty old enough. DH knows he isnt doing his job as a parent OR a husband when it comes to the way the kids act when in the home.

He never has to ask my permission to see the skids.... spend more time with the skids and maybe they wouldnt be so messed up like they are now.

Cocoa's picture

he's a crappy father and a crappy husband. two separate issues. he wants to blame you for his crappy fathering so he can continue guilt free. don't be that person. say fine, if your finances are joint, give him a budget, then take exactly that much for yourself to go out and do something fun, preferably something you and he wanted to do together. my dh tried this years ago and I flat out told him that any money above and beyond child support (within reason!) that he spent on his kids, he'd better double it up because that same amount was going to be spent on our house/relationship. and I meant every word. we've never had a problem with this since. no more Disney daddy, he plans for the extras he wants to do with his kids so that it does not hurt us and he is invested in our life together. your dh is lazy when it comes to relationships, will continue being lazy with his kids. let him spend as much time as he wants with them, he'll never be able to blame you and will be shown for the fraud he is. you definitely have a say in how much of your joint finances goes out the door and do not have to tolerate being slighted so that he can give to his kids. tell him that you need to come to an agreement of how much money he intends to spend. marriage is about compromise and yes, he has to too. he isn't an unmarried man that can give all he wants anymore. yes, he has a wife (his choice) and yes, that will affect the time and resources he has available. skids have shown themselves to be dangerous in your home, that is their own fault. but you do have a voice. instead of sitting and stewing get it out, speak up for yourself. nobody else will. resentment will absolutely kill your marriage.

zerostepdrama's picture

I agree with everything you are saying Cocoa. He is lazy. He just wants to go with the flow, no one complains, things go how he wants. And when they don't he shuts down.

I feel like I have talked to him about this soooooooo many times and he just tunes me out. He doesn't really care to listen. He just automatically blames me. Thinks I am the problem because they are just "kids". I should be the grown up. I should be more mature he tells me. Really?

Cocoa's picture

men don't listen to words sweetie. they respond to action. show this man that you would be just peachy without him and he'd better step up his game to keep you. never let a man get too comfy in his relationship with you.