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Tell them for once

Struggling stepmum's picture

Why do our Hs ways expect us to be the doormat? Why do we have to tolerate all the skids and exs behaviour and trouble making rumour spreading, endless list! Why ca t they for once tell them to shut up and tolerate us? Is it because they would ratheroae us than them? Are they still too engaged with their 'real' family?


Starla's picture

No, it is the opposite for me ever since my DH realized the truth/facts. Disney dads are only Disney dads until they open their eyes IMO. For me with my took years but he did eventually figure it out.

Meh's picture

Yes I think you've found the heart of it. They put their efforts in where it really matters to them. And it's not with us.

Struggling stepmum's picture

I gave my H the benefit of the doubt. He hasn't me down already. Trying to get him to leave is harder than living with him!