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BD doesn't know full facts

Struggling stepmum's picture

Could do with some constructive advice for this one as I honestly don't know. BD10 told me earlier that SD13 has been in boxing her and asking her to tell me she will behave if I let her and her dad come home!!! Not a chance obviously being at BMs is not that much fun after all. My BD as I recently blogged saw very little of our arguments as she spends a lot of time with her dad. Also my H and her had a loving relationship and I'm sure he controlled himself in front of her. She is now angry at me as she feels I'm being unfair.ive spent the evening thinking about this. How much info should I give her? She is still young and I don't want to dump all my crap on her but she seems to be blaming me now. SD manipulating again! Though my H may have put her up to it. Should I tell her anything at all??


Struggling stepmum's picture

I have removed her from the friends list. I think I will just leave it alone for a while. Also my son doesn't want to grow up thinking his dads not nice either. However things were for us he loves his kids and I would never deny my son his father.