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where does it end!!!

momsome's picture

}:) So my boyfriend and I decided to buy our oldest my SS a phone so that when he goes to his BM house he can call us whenever he wants because there are times she deny's him and says he cant call us. So of course what I thought would happen, happened. My oldest called us crying, saying that BM boyfriends oldest daughter who is 14 got mad at him and started punching him in the face. He was freaked out and didnt know what to do. I told him to go and tell his mom. He said he would and then I told him to call us back. He called back later on that evening. He says that her punishment was they took everything away from her expect for her phone (Iphone) and she still has free access to hang out with her friends and go places, but she got her boxing gloves taken away and her Ipad but that was about it. He was for some reason always afraid of going over to his moms before and now he really doesnt want to go over there, Where and when is the court system going to start looking at whats best for the children and stop worrying about the BM, I can understand all children need their mom and I am not trying to replace her, but if someone doesnt stop her bad behavior she will continue. I dont want the boys growing up to think its ok to hit a women that is all they seen over at their moms house!!!


momsome's picture

I will give you a siuation and you tell me what you think. Over christmas break. early one morning we get a call from my SS crying. We ask whats wrong he tells us that BM boyfriend hit their mom and they were up at 3am crying and scared. I ask why didnt they call the police or call us and they said that if they did their mom would be mad at them and they would be in trouble. BM tried to do the same thing in court before the mediator talk to my SKs, BM told them they better not say anything or they would be in trouble. and trust me she may be tiny but the my SKs she is a lion!! should see how afraid they are of her!!...

kathc's picture

unfortunately, true abuse is often overlooked when it's reported by the other parent. Your SS should be encouraged to talk to a teacher or counselor at school and tell THEM what is going on. They will have to report it and it's taken much more seriously coming from school.

momsome's picture

thanks for all of the comments. To answer a few questions yes they call us all the time because they dont know what to do BM changes her mood and who and how she is daily and she often lets her SDs do whatever they want because she has no choice but to she cant discipline her SKs. she stays at home and lets her boyfriend tell her what to do. She has no control. The boys have counselors and they've made a CPS report. Thank god, and this will be BM's 3rd since December 2012...I hope and pray something happens!!!! their dad and I cant protect them because the courts feel they should see both parents and while I agree and love the break with they go to their moms I am worried every time wondering what kind of bruise are they going to come home with the next visit... :?