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i am living in a real live nightmare

momsome's picture

:jawdrop: so my oldest ss 10 has a cell phone calls us every weekend he is at his moms house this weekend he called exactly 48 times crying running around his moms backyard hiding from her because he says she is crazy she is flipping outbreaking things in the house yelling and screaming and my ss starts begging us to come and pick them up......then she starts blowing up my dhs phone saying that we are telling the boys to come home that we should stop trying to take them from her and that we are going to court and she is getting full custody then calls my dh all calm and says she is sorry that she is just stressed out then 15 min latwr my ss calls us crying again we can hear her in the background this time saying she hates my ss and that my other ss is her favorite and for him to pack his things and never come back....will she ever be normal this is going to break me and dh up......


sandy1234's picture

Dear Lord... What a horrible person. How long have you been involved with the kids? How's your relationship? What are the custody arrangements?

VioletsareBlue's picture

My first thought was "why didn't you call the cops?" Seriously, why didn't you call the cops?

Starla's picture

Maybe when SS calls, police should be contacted so reports can be made which could be in your guyz favor down the road? Not to mention its sad and wrong and shame on BM there...poor kids

luchay's picture

Yep. What they said.

DH should have called the police, and got and got his kids away from that bitch.

The ONLY thing that is going to save you from this crazy is leaving your DH.

It does sound like he needs to get reports made every time she acts like this, and then try for full custody though. At least you all will be protected a LITTLE from the crazy.

Sorry. :O

StepMomTaxi's picture

YES, call the police and have them respond there for a well being check on the kids and tell them what you hear in the backround.

After, or as you're calling them, head on over there yourself. BUT...if the police are already there, just stay in the car or off to the side until they appear they are done with whatever in the house (you don't want to escalate the situation for yourselves or the police if it can be avoided or have it appear as though you guys are the problem trying to cause drama for BM, ya know?)

Shook's picture

This is such abuse. There is no excuse to have not called the police. Please blogger, tell me you did the right thing & called the police last night regardless what your DH says. I don't care if it costs me a marriage, please tell me you called the police last night.

MotherTrucker's picture

Is this a real post? How on Earth could your DH NOT go and get his son? Call the police and get this taken care of stat. I have to tell you, I have a hard time believing this because NOBODY would listen to a child cry on the phone while hiding from his mother and do NOTHING!

Shook's picture

Echo, meaning the kid shouldn't be with either parent because they both suck.

Shook's picture

Oh I forgot, everything is not real on here so I just need to shut my mouth & let the ST elders speak. Oopsie my bad.

Kilgore SMom's picture

momsome: your ss could have be hurt very bad or killed all the shile calling for help. Hopefully you and your DH plan to do something about this. Before its to late. I know what I'm talking about my ss leg and arm was broke by BM or BMs BF. Not sure who did it because they point fingers at each other.

misSTEP's picture

So many things that COULD be done in this situation and it sounds like NONE of them were done.

1. Recording the calls
2. Calling the cops
3. Telling the SS to call 911
4. Calling CPS
5. Filing for emergency motion for custody

etc etc etc etc etc

BSgoinon's picture

WTF...??? :jawdrop:

VioletsareBlue's picture

Something very simliar happend to us. SD17 (14 at the time) called us saying BM was going nuts, screaming, throwing things around, swearing at SD8 (6 at the time). DH was IN THE CAR and over there immediately. He took the kids, got permanent, full custody of SD17 and full custody of SD8 for a while while BM went to counseling etc.

She still sucks and is an awful parent but, as far as we know, hasn't done anything like this again.

Your DH HAS TO CALL THE COPS and go over there!

momsome's picture

I will be happy to let you no the police were called but officer dick wad turned on us and said that the kids were not bleeding and we waisted there time cps said that our kids were not a priority because of no bleeding that it was not a priority can you believe.this s**t

Shook's picture

BULLSHIT!!! THE FATHER can file a police report. WTH!! If my skid called 48 times & screaming in the background, even if I can't stand the brat, DH & I would drive all night if we had to. AND NOOOOOO the cops take emotional threats with kids EVEN MORE serious as they would an adult. Bleeding??? Where the hell do you live??? BEIRUT?????

momsome's picture

we live in Sacramento she lives in hughson ca we made report but cop was heartless it was horrible my dh is so afraid of bm if he drove to her house she would have told the cops a big lie and dh would have gone to thats happened before life sucs for me uuuuuuggggghhhhh....