SD 21 won't stop psycho-analyzing her dad
SD21 is the one that lives with BM, doesn't drive, and works 2 days a week. She sees a therapist who ignores the fact that she has bipolar like her dad, and instead tells her she is autistic and adhd and has an anxiety disorder and is agoraphobic. Basically this idiot confirms whatever diagnosis she tell him she thinks she has.
So little miss pucker my ass could barely stand listening to her dad tell her he loved her last night. You could feel the hate coming through the phone line. Then she decides she wants to mindfu@k him some more by trying out her psychoanalysis skills that she learned from her own therapy, on him.
He held his own, but what I really wanted to hear from him was "Hey, last I checked you weren't a licensed psychiatrist so maybe save the psycho babble, and just tell me why you are so angry all the time? "
Of course, Dh won't say that. He takes sleeping pills and calls her after they take effect, so the stress of her attitude doesn't get to him so much. Honestly, that girl could benefit from some cold hard truths at this point.
Anyway, I was laughing because when she gets really angry, she enunciates every consonant in a very hard way. So, she will say "Wha -T do you wan-TTT!!!" or "It wasn't that har-DDDD!" It reminds me of that old cartoon where Bill the Cat went "Ttthhhppttt!" Ha ha. So he is trying to be all patient with her and I'm stifling my inappropriate laughter in the background going "Thppptt! Thwackkkkkkk! " DH is shushing me and it makes me laugh harder.
Ugh. I am just so done. Thanksgiving this year is going to be interesting, since the most rational of his 3 kids at the moment is the psychotic one. I am not in any mood anymore to pretend for these epic losers. My house, my rules. I am going to say EXACTLY what I think, and not spare anyone's feelings. If they dont' like it, they can f**ck right off outta my house.
So, how are you all doing? Better than my crazy ass, I hope.
- Shieldmaiden's blog
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The hubris of youth.. lol. I
The hubris of youth.. lol. I recall my brother went to inpatient rehab and for many years after would talk to me about how dysfunctional our parents were.. and how "fed: up our childhood was as a result.
It was like the therapy gave him "tools" to absolve himself from any real culpability for the addiction that he developed...
Good therapists
Good therapist give you the tools but require you take responsiblity for your own bullshit. If someone else controls your feelings, then how are you supposed to get better? My therapist said "Take control of how others make you feel. Don't let them get in your head. You decide how you feel, not them."
That is what helped me dig myself out of my family dysfunction.
I am not in any mood anymore
I feel ya
Your SD has the same
Your SD has the same incorrect diagnosis as my sister in law (who has divorced parents as well). Those bipolar types tend to therapist shop until they find one that gives them what they want (prescriptions but little accountability).
Hopefully they therapy helps her but my suspicion is that if the therapist tries to make her look inward she will find a new one. Some therapists are really good but a good deal of them aren't.
I was going to say maybe not bipolar
but more like borderline personality disorder. In that case traditional therapy will not work....btdt...with SS..aka GWR
We think his oldest SD has borderline personality disorder
We do think his oldest SD (SD21's older sister) has borderline personality disorder, but SD21 always seemed to be type 1 bipolar. She would be manic and hyperfocused on one thing or person, then depressed for a week, then hypermanic again. Now SD21 has dissociative issues, panic attack, eating phobias, and a host of other strange behavior. No idea what her deal is.
She tells everyone that if they have 1 beer ( in the span of a year) then they are "alchoholics". She thinks all things related to sex are bad ( sexual abuse by her wierd grandpa?) Its hard to unravel because she also refuses to talk to anyone about it. Her BM is crazy, but she manages to hold down a professional job and lure unsuspecting men into her web so she can use them for money. SD21 is non functional and so angry she can barely speak without insulting people.
Therapist are people who can do any other job.
So they become therapist. Most mental health problems can not be confirmed by blood test. X rays. Or MRI. So diagnosis are left open to the therapist. We only give diagnosis we can treat. Not ones we can't do anything about. There is a list of 10 diagnoses, so pick one.
SD isn't going to change, I bet she is on disability and sits on her ass all day thinking up crap,
Yep, it is far too often just
Yep, it is far too often just opinion based. Therapy at the hands of pseudo science practitioners can be worse than the actual problem in many cases.
Effective therapists are worth their weight in gold. Low quality therapists can destroy lives and families and often do.
I have long put theraptists, lawyers, and doctors in the same position. I employ them to deliver to my goals and expectations. If they can't, I find those who can. For those who start with ineffective examples, it takes time, and experience to find the good ones.
Unfortunately, even top tier talent therapists, lawyers, and doctors cannot resolve the tragedies of the truly broken examples of defective humanity.
I LMAO when those who are in
I LMAO when those who are in therapy use that to paint others with their deep knowledge derived from 1hr of therapy every week or so. Those who attempt to Dx others while being clueless on resolving their own issues are truly hilariously pathetic. If they were adept at solving their own issues and .... went to college, grad school, maybe even post grad ... praticed effectively for decades... then... they probably would not be in therapy anyway. But then, I might give them a few seconds to blather without raucus laughter in their faces regarding their opinion on the theraputic needs of others in their lives.
Similar to people who argue any topic from a position of feelings instead of facts.
As for how I am doing, I'm bored spitless. I NEED A JOB!!! But, I can't bring myself to do just anything. If I under job, getting back into a Sr. role is at risk. My last two roles were levels I had been in a decade before and it takes a shit ton of work to get interviews for roles at my historical peak levels. Early retirement and taking SS at 62 is starting to crop up in my mind these days. The problem is medical insurance. No Medicare until 65 though I might qualify due to my disability (T-1 diabetes). Then the problem is ..... DW is 12 years behind me and insurance through the Obamacare marketplace is nasty expensive for anyone with an income.
Hmmm. What to do?
I know, GET A JOB!
Hey, Shieldmaiden,
Hey, Shieldmaiden,
Gotta' tell you that your description of your SD spitting out her hard vowels, combined with your references to Bill the Cat (ACK!) had me snorting with hilarity and alarming my husband. What a vivid picture it painted, you in the background making Bill noises while beleaguered Mr.Shieldmaiden desperately attempted to shush you.
On a more serious note, I can’t fathom why your DH tolerates such despicable insolence from his adult daughter. Bi-polar, borderline personality disorder or whatever, there is no excuse for her behaviour. Damn, but you must get frustrated, listening to that utter disrespect! I’d be ready to slam the phone down on the little bitch and smack my husband upside the head for putting up with it.
It was hilarious
It was hilarious. This kid is nuts and no one, I mean no one, will tell her the truth. All I can do is laugh, because even if someone did tell her the truth, she would tell them she was wiser due to her You Tube armchair degree and that age and experience just doesn't matter anymore. LOL.
This kid is heading for a hard fall. I hope she doesn't make Bill the Cat sounds "Flibbergibbits!" when she falls, otherwise I might be tempted to laugh.