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why am i so scared of my stepsons birth mother????

minikat83's picture

Hi people, i am completely new to anything like this so please bare with me if i babble, i have 15yrs to get out of my system lol, right this all started when i meet my hubby, i was 15yrs old an aware that he had a child with an ex, totally and utterly unaware of what kind of person she was, anyway, my hubby and i got together, things were fine, i met my now stepson an got on really well with him, i even met his mother who i instantly knew was not some 1 i would like to get to know. After about a year of being with my hubby she started to accuse meof trying to b ss mum, no idea why as i was only 16 at that time, later on in the relationship when hubby and i got a house together we were allowed to have ss over night, he was around 18mnths-2yrs old at this point, ibwas left to look after him, make his bottles, change his nappy, teach him things u would normally teach a child of that age, yet again i got accussed of trying to be his mum, to cut a long story short, i have tried my very best with him through the years dispite his mothers accusations then he sat at our house 1 christmas with a plastic gun his mother had bought him and a pencil throught the trigger hole near his eye, both me and my mum said dnt do that because u will poke yourself in the eye, he ignored us and low and behold he pocked himswlf in the eye leaving a mark just underneath his eye, my hubby explained to his bm what had happened and she seemed fine but 2 days later she was ringung and saying that ss had said i had punched him in the eye!!!! Wth?? She stopped hubby from seeing ss for 3 months after that until she wanted to go out 1 night and needed a baby sitter, then it was fine for me to have ss cus hubbyvwas at work, hunby askes ss why he had said that and he simply said "because i couldnt remember what i did" there has been so many other things like this happen, i have been accused of trying to drown ss, push him down the stairs, put a knife to his kneck, pinch 2 of bm bras!!!! Alsorts, hubby has started to back ny corner an realise how muchvit is getting to me in the last 7yrs or so but things have got that bad we had to take out a police injuction against her, apparently my hubby lets strange men into our house so i can take them upstairs an earn money?? Hubby and i have 2 children together and i am a very old fashioned mum, i have morals and standards and have only been with 5 men in my 30yrs on this earth!! Anyway, nearly 2 years ago ss bm kicked him out for wabting to come and stay with us and ha been here ever since, she told him if he took his bags he was dead to her!! (witch) but now ss and bm are like bestvfriends, i feel lost and dont know what to do, it seems like he doesnt want to spend any time with us anymore because his gf is from a broken family and stays with her parents of a weekend and goes to her house for tea during the week and to his bm at weekends and for tea, hubby and ivtried laying down new house rules but were told ss is old enough to decide what he wanta to do with his life and we ahould just accept thatvhe wantsvto be out of the house all the time, sorry i know this is a long thread and trust me there is sooo much more lol, i have been his step mother now for neaely 15yrs but i am getting to the point where i dont think i am strong enough to deal with it anymore, i suffer with the obsessive side of ocd and anxiety and i am really sufferinf with it at the mo, please be nice with comments, thank u xx the reason why ibam so scared of her is that everytime theres an argument between bm and hubby is that she ALWAYS threatens to smash my face in, she has even threatened my dad because he stuck up for me 1 time xx


herewegoagain's picture

I suggest you watch Dear Zachary...I just posted about it. These crazy BMs are NOTHING to play with. Nobody ever thinks these people can be dangerous but they are crazy and dangerous. Do not ignore the warning signs of crazy women.