An olive branch?
So BM called me last night.
Not gonna heart was racing because usually these conversations do not go well.
She was as nervous as me.
She explained to me that a lady had come into her work wearing some beautiful jewelry. BM chatted with the woman and come to find out she actually sells the jewelry. BM explained how after reviewing the catalog, she thought of me and thought I would be interested. BM planned on attending an open house at the woman's house on Friday...would I like to go with her?
I said yes.
I'm not going to psycho-analyze the invitation to death like I always do. Who knows the intentions of my skids' fabulously eccentric BM? Maybe she'll get free jewelry by bringing me. Maybe she's having an upswing of her bipolar pendulum. Maybe it's a plot to befriend me to testify in court against her ex-boyfriend in their DV case. (The same way the exBF is trying to befriend DH and has been pestering DH to go to lunch with him "man to man".)
Maybe it is what I hope it is...just an olive branch.
I think it'll be good. I am giving her the benefit of the doubt and if she's willing to try...I am too.
- Colorado Girl's blog
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Just in case.. Leave all
Just in case.. Leave all the information on your fridge as to the address you are going and where and when the two of you are meeting up. Dont divert from that plan.
JUST IN CASE... Not saying she is trying to kill you... lol.. just saying its nice to leave a trail.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Perhaps it one to many
Perhaps it one to many lifetime movies.. or just all the women that you hear about that go missing.
I have told my family and friends.. if DH and I turn up dead someday.. tell them to look at the bm.
I agree though
I love true crime stories and this does happen all the time. I have told my family and friends the same thing!
But I am hoping it is just about jewelry! hope it works out
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
Thanks for a much needed laugh. Just another reason why I visit this site.
CG - Just make sure you have a back up plan if the atmosphere becomes a little too much to handle. Remember those "rescue" calls we asked our girl friends for when we would go on blind dates??? It might come in handy again!
Best of luck to you and I hope for everyone's sake this really is an olive branch. It might serve as a little hope for the rest of us.
Let us know how everythings goes!
Don't make me get my flying monkeys!!!
I'm speechless
And you know THAT's rare
Good for you CG. Wish for something like that myself one day. But feel blessed I have had that with the boys' SM at least.
Positive thoughts are coming your way!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Hell is freezing over and pigs are taking flight.
BM extended an olive branch AND MamaSita is speechless!!!
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
good luck!
just in case....DRIVE SEPARATELY and leave the address and what time you'll be home, case you don't show up
just kidding...
Wow - CG, do you have any
Wow - CG, do you have any mace? If so, I would take it just in case...;) I hope that all goes well - maybe really is just trying to be nice and turn over a new of luck!!
Get your priorities right ladies!
I would swim raging rivers, scale tall buildings and hang out with the devil }:) herself if it meant scoring some funky jewelry.
Can I come?
I would go and have fun
who knows maybe this is the start of something positive.
Don't leave your food or drink unattended. The BM has invited me on many occasions, but I never went with her anywhere.
Oh, please!
Go and enjoy! If we only expect the worst from these people, then how can we demand that they only expect the best from us? I don't think there's a thing wrong with giving her the benefit of the doubt. You never know what good thing might come of it. And even if nothing good does come of it, you certainly have nothing to lose. Report back with your findings!
This why we love you Anne -
This why we love you Anne - you are our moral compass....
I say go with your
gut instinct. What was the first thing you thought to say when she asked you? Go with that. My gut feelings have never led me down the wrong path. If you do go, keep your guard up, but have a good time!
I am on the border line for this one....
I find it REALLY odd, but that is my opinion from our history with our BM.....however, maybe she could possibly be changing....nah...I just don't buy it, sorry....LOL. Leave a trail of where you are going, & have an escape plan just in case.
I used to give Bm the benefit of the doubt many times over, that just turned out to bite me in the ass....never again. I would have taken the catalogue and bought something if I wanted it and stayed away from spending time with her. Again...just my opinion based on my experiences.
We all gotta do what makes
We all gotta do what makes sense depending on the two individuals involved and the circumstances. Your BM has been nasty to the point where mending some fences might do some good. If it were me, I would want to do the right thing but would not be quite sure what that is. If it were me, I would be feeling both strong and vulnerable (or maybe just tired) at the same time. (I come here to talk about the vulnerable/tired, if I can, although that seems to be more difficult sometimes depending on the company.) I think we SMs are paradoxical -- strong/confident but also struggling, unsure. That is ok. This crap is complicated. Having a strong sense of humor and flippancy is great but not all of us have it, all of the time. That is ok.
You have decided that strong means going, under all of your circumstances. Good for you.
You've written enough about the BMs mood swings that it seems likely to me that any progress you could make would be incremental at best -- i.e., it'll swing the other way again, in some way, shape or form, no doubt -- but forward progress is forward progress, and perhaps incremental is ok. I hope for the best and will look forward to hearing about both the ups and the downs of your experience.
At the very least it'll be an adventure, and as Helen Keller said, Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
I'd say go- but if it were
I'd say go- but if it were me, I would get micro-chipped first and never let my drink out of my sight. I hope this is a good thing, I really do but try not to expect it to last- remember what goes up..............
There is no reason where logic does not exist
Good for you!
I'm sure it took a lot for her to ask you because you could have slammed her - but you didn't. I think it's great that you accepted her invite. I haven't found that courage in me yet.
I hope you have a good time. Let us know how it went!
I'm speechless too!! I think after everything this year you should go. Couldn't hurt. If you feel uncomfortable, leave