Left out step grand daughter birthday
Which was a few days ago. The first one. They live quite a distance and we heard that DH's ex was in town there for the big event.
So DH texted and called his daughter that day. I kept my distance. I'm surprised he was NOT asked to be included in a video or something to see baby with the iconic cake smash in the high chair for the big one. And no pics were sent his way either.
just hurtful. But DH was good enough to do an expensive project for the baby's bedroom costing several hundred.
THANK GOODNESS I cancelled a gift I was going to send!
So then give what you get.
Do not invite, get gifts, give these rude a Aholes Nada, nothing, zilch.
Thank gawd my marriage did not last long enough for grandskids. I can only imagine how these delightful A hole skids use that as their new weapon.
Begging and groveling is not a good look
DD doesn't care about DH and you. You should have some self respect and stop playing her games. Cut her off from all money and effort
Hear this.
So daughter moved into boyfriend's mother's home last year. They don't have much money but there is a small in ground pool that is fenced in the backyard but free access with the house. Literally a few feet from the back door. A death trap for this little girl.
DH brought the subject up months ago and has offered to pay for a baby fence to enclose pool. UNBELIEVABLE but from conversations it seems she puts him off from paying for the installation. ARE THEY NUTS???
so on this issue DH will keep pushing and I agree. This little girls life is at risk with an unfenced pool.
I'm sorry you feel hurt over
I'm sorry you feel hurt over this. I remember being hurt by almost the same thing. Now I am glad that I don't attend such events. I now let DH by gifts if he wants.And if he buys something I don't need to even know. Not that they would even say thank you. They have zero manners. I stopped buying anything for skids and grandskids a while back. I understand your concern about the pool. SMH
The denial is unreal.
DH says he mentions the pool fence every time he speaks with her. For the past several months. I told him likely they don't want it right? It might be an eyesore, a hassle to cut grass who knows??
his comment to me was likely they are just so busy. Ha!!
always defending her. Amazing.
Supporting the
Supporting the multigenerational crap perpetrated by a shallow and polluted gene pool makes no sense to me.
Congratulations on your clarity and on not drinking the toxic shallow and polluted gene pool KoolAid.