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(Kinda OT) Rant- stealing a pregnant woman's food and the week from Hell

I love dogs's picture

I am 36 weeks pregnant and have been at work since 5am. I have put in 55 hours and have 7.5 today. This is my 6th day working at a busy hospital. I did my morning duties which seemed to never end and 2.5 hours later I go to heat up my breakfast sandwich. Nothing special, just a frozen turkey sausage and egg white croissant.

It was fucking gone! I ripped the community freezer/ fridge apart and it is nowhere to be found. I put it in the fridge by my protein shake to defrost. It is nowhere. Short of looking in actual lunch boxes, I searched every inch of that fridge. Patients don't have access to it so it was someone in my department. I'm not even here 3 hours and I had to buy breakfast in the cafeteria and I'm pissed.

Also, DH's auto shop was broken into. It snowed last night so it was either some tweaker looking for tools to steal or a car to sleep in. This week has not been my week but at least I'm off at 1pm and have tomorrow off.

DH was also trying to have SD over again last night but BM wouldn't bring her over at 8pm so of course DH told her that she can come tonight. She is NOT staying at the house tomorrow when DH goes to work.


tog redux's picture

Lunch thieves are the worst.  I can't imagine what kind of person just steals another person's food with no guilt.

I love dogs's picture

My kind, Christian mother being her sweet self told me "they must've needed it more than you". No, mom, I'm about to pop and need to feed my baby! I guess it's back to writing my name on every damn thing..

I love dogs's picture

I have one of those but planned to heat my sandwich up after I did my tasks. Less than 3 hours and someone took it.

TrueNorth77's picture

There is a special kind of hell waiting for lunch thieves. It boggles my mind, but somehow they are in every company. Perhaps a note left on the fridge shaming the person who stole a pregnant woman's food is in order.

I love dogs's picture

I'm thinking about it and telling them I had to pay for breakfast instead. My charge tech said I need to write my name on EVERYTHING from now on.

Harry's picture

Is back to rug sweeping his DD.  He forgot about everything already. ??

I love dogs's picture

Yep! She called him crying last week that her friends are blaming her for the whole thing and that she misses him so much. That was all it took.

Livingoutloud's picture

We had someone at work stealing lunches. He was caught more than once and his response was: I thought it was mine. Really? And few days ago my husband said someone brought tray of treats to work and the whole tray was stolen. 

Some people have no shame 

I love dogs's picture

I could never imagine taking food that's not mine unless I was told it was ok or it was a potluck/ catered lunch day.

24 years as a SM's picture

Bring two sandwiches tomorrow, but keep one hidden. The one that is out in the open, stuff that sucker full of the hottest chili peppers you can find, mince them up really small. Then wait to see who has the fire mouth, then you will know who the theif is.

I did this at a different company that I use to work for, every day my lunch was taken for over a week. So I stuffed a sandwich full of  a Carolina Reaper pepper, come to find out the theif was the owner of the company. He would go through the refrigerator in the lunch room and eat whatever he took a fancy to. A$$hole learned real quick not ot mess with employees lunches.

I love dogs's picture

It was one of those sealed frozen Jimmy Dean sandwiches so I can't open it without someone knowing it was opened. But I am thinking about putting a note to publically shame that person.

Ispofacto's picture

Lol.  MIL had this problem at work.  So she tainted some food with a laxative.  Never happened again.