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of course it's my fault... because I'm the big bad Step Monster

buterfly_2011's picture

The last time SO got to see SD17 was for breakfast at his mom's house in March. She had been with BM at a motel and had been swimming. She left her VS swimsuit in SO car. So I popped it in the mail ONLY because I knew she would use it as an excuse to get a new $100 suit.
So she calls this morning...... SO asks her AGAIN did you get the swimsuit in the mail. SD17 NO I never got it. I call BULLSHIT on this. I mailed it myself with the correct address and OUR address for return address. It never came back here so I know she got it. She is playing the I never got it card. when did SHE mail it.... bla bla bla. So now I don't have swimsuit cuz SHE mailed it wrong? Great DAD what am I going to do now?

OH MY GOD................... and this teenager will be here in a few weeks for the ENTIRE summer. I am putting a lock on my bedroom door. A keyed entry lock. I don't care if it makes her mad or not.
Let the nightmare we call summer begin....


LRP75's picture

^ THIS ^

Except I would go so far as to say that her next suit needs to come from Walmart. Then sit back and watch the VS suit *magically* appear at that point.

What a brat.

LRP75's picture

I also lock our bedroom door. It was my first action the moment we got married and I moved in with my DH. He hated the idea, but I didn't care.

I asked him if he had any clue what my reaction was going to be if any of MY stuff came up missing or I caught SD taking pictures of my underwear to show her BM (she's done something similar in the past). In addition, I own firearms. Which I keep want to keep in our locked bedroom when the children are with us.

He went to the store and bought the new lock. Probably more for the firearms than anything, but either way I got what I wanted.
