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Well it's official..... can I get a WOOT WOOT?????

buterfly_2011's picture

So BM #1 called. ONLY the boys are coming to OUR house this summer. SD17 decided to spend her summer with her grandmother. Does it get any better then this? I for one am so freaken excited!!!!!! AND to give it a cherry on top we planned a family vacation and SO told me NOT to get her a ticket. If she isn't willing to work on things then she doesn't deserve to go on a family vacation. So it looks like just us and our boys will be enjoying the summer sun at a theme park. I am so darn excited I think I just might run a few blocks tonight. That means NO motel room with SD17. NO having to cater to SD17 the entire time we are on vacation. Our boys just get to enjoy their time and relax and not stress about random fighting and tantrums.
I don't have to buy locks for my doors nor do I have to worry about my clothes or my perfumes or my sprays being stolen. I pray that me posting doesn't jinx me and I get the dreaded she is coming talk....... but I am doubtful that is going to happen. SO is pretty set on what he has decided. He wants a good summer for everyone. And sadly that means SD17 is not included. HER CHOICE 100%. I have never in my life met a teenager as selfish as she is. Never have I been hated by a kid in my entire life like she hates me. And without any other reason other then pure jealousy. It's insane.

I believe this calls for a serious party. I am just so excited. Smile


imjustthemaid's picture

Lucky you!!! I wish I could send SD15 away for the summer (or forever }:) )

SD15 hates me and DD10-pure jealousy also!!

dont know what to do's picture

I wish everyday for that, we only get them for a week at a time and usually thats once a month in the summer but I can't wait for the day they are too old to come, have other things to do

dont know what to do's picture

I wish everyday for that, we only get them for a week at a time and usually thats once a month in the summer but I can't wait for the day they are too old to come, have other things to do