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buterfly_2011's Blog

being a mom and stepmom

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Tonight my heart is heavy. World war three has broke out with my ex over our son asking to take a sports break. He plays all summer long no breaks. Has four concussions on record and is 15. Yes 15. He asked to not do a spring sport. I feel like he needs a break. His father is livid at me. Texting me most the night. Asked my opinion about our son running track. I gave it. His response was paragraphs about what a bad kid he will be etc. Then I get a random text from his GF telling me she is keeping him from cursing at me? And this isn't her issue. My reply simple.

skids here for the summer sent with only the clothes on their backs

buterfly_2011's picture

Yep. Got skids with only what they have on. We have for months now been sending misc items to BM. She can't afford underwear, she can't afford socks and now skids tell us she can't afford any clothes. Their clothes are all too small as they are growing growing growing.

Bitch lives 6 hours away. We get them once a month and now for the entire summer and she sends them with no clothing. I'm ready to EXPLODE. We have them until the end of August..............


buterfly_2011's picture

We got SD18 graduation announcement today. No ticket to watch her graduate. I guess when you don't give up your entire paycheck to your NOT WORKING ex wife then this is what you get. Stupid Bitch. They even have the balls to complain on facebook if I spend a dime on MY KIDS................. we are NOT Married. I do not owe her kids a dime. AND on top of it I pay for everything when they do come here. I am also the one who picks up ALL the slack for their extra medical etc.

Good Lord the summer is less then a month away

buterfly_2011's picture

I have about 30 days to prepare myself for a summer with no SEX due to skids being here for 8 weeks. My son is also gearing up for the fact that skids do not understand his room is his. They have their room. He likes his privacy. I don't dislike the skids I dislike how things change for me and my own kid. And my relationship with DH.
