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BM #2.... and SD17 from BM #1

buterfly_2011's picture

So my SO went yet again to visit his lawyer regarding the no replies of BM #2 regarding our time with SS3. We actually got great news. In our state after she gets served with papers we go to court. Bring in all our documents of all the calls and texts we have sent regarding our visitation with SS3 when can we get him etc. OF course ALL of them go unanswered. BUT our lawyer told us that when we go to court the judge will tell her she HAS to follow to Court Order and if she does NOT follow it she takes the chance of loosing custody. She will get one chance, If she ignores us again (of course after we go to court which will be a month) then we again file papers (money we don't have) and she goes before the judge. AND he will also impose a child support order on her. I am praying that we can get this all resolved. It is heartbreaking watching SO try and try and try to reach BM #2 and get nothing. It has been since May 5th since we have seen SS3 or had any contact with her. I know that is only a few weeks but our CO says he is ours every two weeks.

So now onto SD17. APPARENTLY she was going to come with the other boys this weekend for the long weekend. BUT nobody bothered to inform me. After all the drama of BM #1 saying she has no money bla bla bla broken record as usual SO had to call SD17 to tell her we just don't have the extra $200 in gas money since BM won't do the halfway drive. SD17 of course pulled her ongoing bullshit of attitude telling him oh thats just real "cool" dad. Um excuse me? We aren't the ones not doing OUR part. We are doing our part its your damn crazy ass mother who mismanages money and is refusing to do the drive. Are we the ones who packed up and moved 6 hours away? NO! Seriously I know this girl will never change. I don't care how much she tells her daddy she will work on things. That's a crock of shit so she can come down her and pull her usual tornado on our household.

So here we are at our three day weekend. Been waiting ALL Week to see if we will have a house full of kids or not. And we find out right at the end of the week that nope nobody is willing to work towards getting the kids where they need to go. All this self entitlement is making me sick. Now SO will pout all damn weekend over this. Which means he will not leave the house. He will do nothing. I told him last night if he was going to mope I would go do things by myself. AS I am not spending my weekend sulking around the house. I blame him for a few things. He lets BM #1 roll all over him. And until he seriously gets on it on getting things straightened out with her I am having a rough time feeling any kind of sympathy for him. And the past few days I have told him that. He has to shit or get off the pot. It's that simple.

It's friday and I'm off at noon today. I am going home to do some light cleaning then making plans for my THREE day weekend! Hopefully he can pull himself out of his own doing and join me!


WickedStepMom18's picture

I think it's hard to cast that kind of judgement on her SO if they don't have the money to spare. It happens. Bank accounts can equal zero. Sometimes, things just can't be covered. So I don't think it is fair to blame him.

buterfly_2011's picture

He hasn't said a word to SD17 about her mom. HE simply was telling her BM nor him had the money. So therefore she could not come. YES he stated since your mom can't drive half way. And he says that because she is 17 and she deserves to know the truth all the way around. NOT just how BM spins it... which is ALWAYS your dad "shorts" us on money therefore I can't afford this or that.

BM mismanages her money and the kids suffer regarding seeing their father. It's that simple. I live it. I see it every day.

It is both parents responsibility in OUR custody agreement that EACH parent will make effort to get kids to and from. I think after all we have gone through with BM #1 he must be as brutally honest with SD as he can. He is getting tossed under the bus constantly because this woman who WORKS the welfare system wants more and more and more. She calls for freaken GAS money. She calls for freaken $5 to be put in her account to SS13 can run to the store for a snack. Come on.... she refuses to work. I am sorry but I give no sympathy to her AT ALL.

And yep I agree he is to blame for a few things as well. He needs to shit or get off the pot regarding the support order and MAKE her do her part.

buterfly_2011's picture

AND.. keep in mind WE have been calling and texting BM for going on TWO WEEKS to see if we would have the SKIDS this weekend. And she waited until LAST NIGHT to pick up the phone. Like we have control over that?

He pays out 10000 in CS for his kids. We both work. He pays another 500 to BM #2. That's 1500 of his 2600 income. Do we just not eat? Not pay our bills to provide a roof over ALL of our kids heads simply because BM wants MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE.... no I refuse!

I have kids too. This isn't just about BM and her poor poor poor me.

Sadly we don't live rent/morgage free. We are NOT milking the state for welfare. We don't live light and electricity free. We actually do have to provide food for us and counting all kids 6 children. Save up money..... I only wish we could. If it were that simple. I know how about SO and I just live on top ramon and cereal so we can make sure to make up for BM's short comings when it comes to doing what is on the court order. Yea that sounds right. pffffft I love this sight and hate the ignorance of those who think it's just so easy and there is a simple answer.

Most Evil's picture

Wow, we can barely pay for ourselves, and would not pay for BM under any circumstances, after all she has done to us.!!!

If BM can't pay her part I see Nothing Wrong with stating that to SD, age 17!!! If it is true, SD needs to know why she will not see her dad!!!

Most Evil's picture


Most Evil's picture
