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Part 3

AntoniaSays's picture

So, fred and ethel are dating for a few months. I don't really know much about her or really know her all that well at this point. I never asked about her story or anything. I guess it sounds kinda mean to say I didn't care, but I guess I just didn't. Not really my business and I try to stay out of freds personal life as much as humanly possibly. Not because I hate the guy or anything but I wouldn't want him noseying in mine (he has the tendancy to be extremely nosey) so I think I have a better shot at privacy for myself this way lol
All I really know about her at this point is that my kids haven't complained and on the rare occasion that I see her at a drop off or pick up for the kids she waves or says hello to me. That is good enough for me.

During this time, I was only ever around her for more than hi and by twice. (within a period of like ten months) once was at freds grandmas 80th birthday party (I am getting to the whole family thing soon). I made a point of saying hello to her and I even complimented her kids lol the second time I ran into her at the mall. we said hi and chatted about nothing important and that was that.
Last summer, I get a phone call from fred. He wanted to let me know of his plans to have ethel and her kids move in. thanks for the update fred. So she moves in, and her kids enrolled into the same school as mine. I said before she has two boys, one is in kindergarten the other is in third grade. Mine are in second grade.

Once she moved in, I feel like thats kind of when the problems began. Well, for me anyway, I have no idea how long she has had an issue with anything. And they just get worse.
The first issue I can remember was, shortly after they moved in together, fred asks if I have a minute when he drops the kids off because he wants to talk to me. that never happens so of course I tell him thats fine. Well, he asks me if I could maybe not be so friendly with ethel. He says she is sort of on the shy side and it makes her uncomfortable. According to fred, she didn't ask him to say anything to me about it. Uhm, okay fred? I was caught off guard because I have never been asked to be less friendly before but I tell him I can try to be less friendly. The whole time I am so confused.
The next issue (and the biggest issue) is my relagionship w freds family. I am trying to see it from her pov, but it is hard because it is just normal for me. Maybe because we are italian? Idk. This is just how I was raised I guess so it's hard to understand. His parents still call me regularly. They still meet me for lunch or dinner every so often. His mom and grandma still make me a cake and have dinner for me on my birthday every year. whenever I have an issue w my car, his dad has the garage put the bill on his account. (these are all things she has told me to my face piss her off)
I can sympathize with her and I do see to an extent how that would make her feel left out. I don't want to purposely make someone feel like they have no place in the family of the man they are in love with. But at the same time, I really don't know what to do. Is it really reasonable to ask that I cut off all contact? I mean, I have known these people since I was a kid. I love them so, yea I feel like it is sort of unfair. It is really hard. I want to be sympathetic. It is hard to explain why I don't really see them as like, my exes family you know?

Another issue we had was over clothing. Like I said, our kids now go to the same school. I see her two boys there often. I don't know the situation w their dad or anything btw. Apparently she gets no support. That's all I know. Anyway, I really enjoy clothes like most women. I am particular when it comes to the way thing1 and thing2 are dressed. It is just one of my things. I shop for them way too much which leaves me with an overabundance of kids clothes and shoes when they grow (I am going to continue this in the comments)


torrieanna03's picture

He should be glad that you are nice... Most BM's are bitches and find every reason to not like the GF! I am much like you b/c I am always nice to whoever my ex is with but for some reason he picks some of the rudest bitches I have ever met to be his GF. The first one I ended up having a court order that said she couldn't be around me but that was because she was mean to my daughter and showed her ass wherever function we were at together and all the courts could do was say she couldn't be there if I was there with the child. The new GF kinda gave me a relief because I went to school with her and she was really smart and quiet and friendly person. The first year they were together and she would come to events with my oldest daughter she was friendly and would speak...Now she is not allowed to talk to me because "the last time I talked to his girlfriend, I screwed him over in court". Let me assure you I gave him a break in court. Anyways, Good Luck!

overworkedmom's picture

I really think the root of the problems that we are going to revolve around her jealousy of the relationship you have with your exH and his family. She doesn't have a good relationship with her ex and I can see how the bond you have is off putting!

I know where you are coming from not wanting to give up people that you love. I see where she is coming from feeling like it is a competition. You ladies are both in a tough spot.

3familiesIn1's picture

Question while you are continuing to write, maybe you can add it in under here this comment.

Are you still single? Do you have a serious relationship?

If so, how is your SO involved with the X-inlaws?

If not, how would you expect your SO when the time comes to be involved with your X-inlaws?

Where do you see his XW (assuming he has one) involved with your new inlaws now that you and he would be involved?

CrazieCoconut86's picture

Most men would kill for their ex's and SO to at least be civil with one another. I can understand where you are coming from. I don't think you should have to cut off contact with Fred's family. After all, they are your family too, whether or not you are married to Fred anymore. I think maybe Fred's family, as uncomfortable as it may be, may need to tell Ethel that they care for you, and you are a daughter to them.

It is a tough situation. I personally think that Fred needs to tell Ethel to deal with it and suck it up. Maybe if she would put herself out there a little more, she would be able to develop a relationship with Fred's family.

3familiesIn1's picture

Cut-off, no.

Understand your place as the EX Wife, yes. By that I mean, visit them on your own time - not when its time for the current family. Do you really need to go for Thanksgiving dinner if your XH and his wife are invited.

I guess I sort of feel like you shouldn't be their priority, your XH and his current wife should have dibs on family events - you are X-family even if you are involved.

I don't expect my parents to hate my XH - but its not his place to attend my family events anymore. Sure my dad can go have a beer with him once and awhile on his own time. But a family event is for me, my kids, my current husband without my XH being there even if we get along.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

I can see that. It is a very confusing situation. I try to aviod my DH's family. I think they are all either insane or white trash. If DH and I don't last, then it won't be skin off my back to not see them any more. But if I were this close to them, then it would be different. I have a friend, she lives across the country, but her family still invites me to holiday events and such things. Just because she isn't around, doesn't mean they don't want to see me. But that is a different type of relationship altogether.

overworkedmom's picture

What has happened for you to cut off contact with BM? I am the same with my SS's BM is a drug addicted, in and out of jail, all around bitch.

This BM sounds like she wants a decent working relationship. Not to be BFF's with her but nice and civil. Nothing wrong with that. I actually really liked my exH's last girlfriend, she and I could talk. I was hoping she would stick around, she was easier to deal with than him!! Not all BM/SM relationships need to be hostile and a competition.

overworkedmom's picture

Too bad she figured you that you can't fix crazy! Oh well... maybe he will find another sucker!

Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

You know, I have a great relationship with my exes family and his new girlfriend is really bothered by this. So as much as it pains me to do so, I've stopped being all buddy buddy with his family. My exes mom is quite miffed at me about it but you know, while she's talking about how great I am (because well Iam you know. hahahah - kidding) or how she did this with me or that with me and my son or whatever, his girlfriend is standing right there. She'll never get a place in their family while I'm still holding it.

I miss "my" horse. I miss my afternoon rides with my "Mom". I miss her quirky calls and stuff. I've always missed her more than my ex. She was my friend. She knows her son is a total fucktard but in the end, he's still her son and the new girlfriend needs to be allowed to get in there.

But I totally get it. It sucks for both of you.

AntoniaSays's picture

So, I noticed that her boys looked like they had a growth spirt or something. When things were still okay between us, I had just gone through my boys clothes and since she had a younger son I thought I would ask if she wanted any of it. Also, she has a third grader who is a bit on the chunky side (he is so cute though, he really is lol) so my friend who has an older son told me to ask if she could use anything for her older son since my friend had just gone through clothes too. I text fred ” hey, I have a whole bunch of clothing and stuff here that the boys grew out of. If ethel wants any of it for (younger son) let me know. Also, (friend) has a bunch of stuff that might fit (older son) so i can have her drop it off here if ethel is interested”
You would have thought I murdered ethels parents!

She sent me a steady flow of text messages, accusing me of doing this to be a bitch. She said that not everyone is lucky enough to get child support. how she is f ing tired of my fake smiles. On and on and on.
Was it wrong of me to offer her clothes? I was not trying to be a bitch. I was trying to be nice! I dont look down on her, kids grow so what the hell! I shop a lot, I am not like one of those stuck up name brand only people. I shop everywhere and anywhere so I have a lot of stuff. Why throw it out or give it to goodwill to sell when I can try to find someone to give it to for free?

I get a phone call/text/email from her just about everyday now it seems. Sometimes I don't even know what they are about.

She has called me every name in the book at this point. I took my boys on a little mini trip over spring break. She texted me ask me how it feels to be able to go on a free vacation (meaning child support). her latest thing is about freds vasectomy. When we were together, neither wanted more kids. My gyno wouldnt fix me bc I was so young so he got fixed. ethel sent me a random text thanking me for forcing fred to have a vasectomy because now she has to bust her ass to save up to get it reversed. Like, wtf? How can you force someone to get a vasectomy?! So she has been on this texting spree the past few days with me and calling me psycho bitch and other similiar fun names....

I have tried to ignore her, tried to apologize even when I am not entirely sure what I am apologizing for, tried talking to fred. Nothing helps. I do not want to stoop to her level but I will admit, the past month I have been dishing it out right back.

I just do not know what to do

Unfreakingreal's picture

Ok, this is what I think is happening. Ethel is resentful that YOU get CS from her man. Don't pay her any mind. If I were you, I would block her number, there is no reason why she should be texting you about ANYTHING.
Become invisible Antonia. Don't be hostile, don't be nice, be NOTHING. Pick ups and drop offs with a good morning and a good bye. That is IT. Do NOT let this woman start shit between you and your ExH that isn't there to begin with. It is NOT good for the kids. Be the bigger person and just walk away.

overworkedmom's picture

Take a break and ignore it for a few days or weeks. Then I think you should approach Fred about counseling for all 3 of you. A meeting with a 3rd party where everyone will have a chance to talk and actually be heard would probably go really far in this instance. She seems very insecure and I think she needs to know from all parties that you aren't out to get her in anyway, or trying to be mean-- you are honestly trying to create a working relationship.

Whether or not she likes it, if your exH is involved in his kids lives then you are going to be a part of their lives as well. That's why it is a blended family. You all have to blend together to make it work and work best for the kids. She needs to set aside a little pride and try and "play nice". I think counseling could really help here!!

3familiesIn1's picture

Ah the hand me downs...

Here is a little story - not proud about how I feel but maybe it can shed a little light on the free vacation and hand me down portion of your story from the other side... or not... Smile

My XH. Financial disaster. I do not collect CS because that is a whole other story but lets just say it pisses me off to no end that he feels its ok not to financially contribute to his kids. XH meets GF. She moves in. He knocks her up. She seems nice - my kids don't complain - the rest isn't my issue - like you, don't really care.

Then I started thinking, I sure hope she doesn't have a girl. I have 2 girls, my XH pays for nothing, I am ready to go balistic if I see my girls things going to new baby - I work friggin hard to provide for my kids with no help from XH and I will be damned if he is going to sponge off me more. Just saying.... in your case, if she isn't getting support she is likely a little strapped (not your fault), you are getting support (not your fault, as you should) and you have enough money to hand her a bunch of used clothing (slap in face giving the other circumstances)

Story #2
Free vacation. Harping on the same topic - my XH doesn't pay a penny towards his kids. Yet, he has enough money to go on a vacation, to disney land, taking my 2 girls, his mother, the GF and her mother. Then has the gall to text me the week before saying BD6 needs pants because none fit here and its going to be cool in CA for our vacation so can you send some.
- ok so in my side of things, what I percieve is XH is taking MY friggin vacation that I can't afford to take because he gets his kid for free - so technically its on my $$ that him and his little new family can go enjoy themselves. Perhaps the SM is sort of seeing it from that side to some degree, that you are taking a vacation on CS and using them as a free babysitter - that is NOT what you are doing but from her side.....

Not slamming you - just trying to put it into her perspective maybe...

Unfreakingreal's picture

Except she took her boys with her on vacation. Atleast THIS BM is actually using the CS on her KIDS. Clearly, if the kids are overloaded with clothes the kids are being taken care of. Try being my BM that gets CS and STILL manages to NEVER have clothes for my SD11.

3familiesIn1's picture

oops - got carried away in my vent then Smile

I don't think OP was in the wrong on the vacation btw, just saying from the SM side, perhaps she sees it as money from 'her' household.

Just like I did with my XH - he took my kids on vacation with him, but I felt very deeply that this was only made possible because of the money from my household (since he doesn't contribute to his kids, if he did, that would have been money in my pocket) if that makes sense. Yes I know, bitter on my part. I am not proud but I was not happy inside about it - to my kids I showed support and lent a camera and all smiles, but if looks could kill, XH, GF and anyone else in the line would have been dead.

AntoniaSays's picture

I can see how it could have come across that way with the clothing now that I look from this pov.
Oh and I took the kids with me on a vacation. Like a little trip just the three of us. Just wanted to clear that up Smile

Unfreakingreal's picture

I used to feel bitter about the CS my DH pays. I no longer feel that way. It is his duty to support his kids and I have learned to live without the extra 9500.00 a year. Block her number Antonia. It will be better or everyone involved.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I agree with all the comments here. Unfortunately, in order for Ethel to feel secure she will need to claim her place in her in-laws hearts. While you are in the picture as a constant reminder of how much they love you, she will never be able to claim that space. She may NEVER claim the place as you have, but at least she can't say it's your fault if you retreat quietly into the EX corner.
There is no reason why you can't still have a nice relationship with them. You can still do lunch and talk on occasion, send gifts for birthdays & Christmas but when it comes time to Holidays, I think you should bow out gracefully, send your children with their dad and let them try and bond with each other. Once Ethel knows that you are not a threat to her, she herself might end up opening up and warming up to you.
FYI - I probably wouldn't take hand me downs from the Ex either. My pride wouldn't let me, don't take it personal, give the clothes to someone else who might need them.

Disneyfan's picture


Disneyfan's picture

She's a nut.

Try not to respond to her texts. She may be trying to get you to lose it, so that she can show others that you are not as "nice" as they think you are.

Offering her the clothes was a good thing. If she didn't want them, she should have just said no thank you.

AntoniaSays's picture

To answer some questions:

1. freds family all seem to like ethel. They have never said anything bad or anything and I haven't said anything to them about her. I can't imagine they would make her or her kids feel like outsiders. So many people in that family are divorced or remarried there are tons of step kids (fred is technically one) so it is not like it's a huge deal. Freds grandma actually was a foster parent for years and years. I think she has had something like 40 kids all together. I mean you should see this womans mail box on her birthday and holidays. Completely filled with cards and gifts. Most of the kids she fostered kept in touch. They are very accepting people.

2. To clear up the car repairs thing....we use the same garage and freds dad always tells them if I come for anything to put it on his account. It is not like all the time and I def. Do not expect him to do that, but he just says he likes to help me and the kids out.

3. I do want a decent relationship with both of them. Maybe it is just a pipe dream, but this was what I always saw growing up so from those examples it just seems normal to me. I am not used to it being any different lol

4. I have a boyfriend, he has met fred and freds family. They like him and he likes them. It's not like I am with them nonstop or anything but he has come to a few things (cookouts etc.) And it wasn't weird or anything. He has never said he feels uncomfortable. He and I dont live together but he is a good guy and we have been together awhile so maybe in the future that will change. But for now I am not in any rush.

Did I miss any questions?

Unfreakingreal's picture

On the car repair thing - I'd tell them NOT to bill my Ex FIL. Yes, it's a great thing that he wants to help you out, I get it, but it doesn't mean you need to accept the help. If you need the help, sure, take it, if you can do without it, than don't.

Why did Fred's family have to meet your boyfriend? They are FRED'S family, not yours. I think that's why Ethel is annoyed. I can see that bugging me too to be honest.

AntoniaSays's picture

I am sorry for making you relive that Wink
Really though, I am sorry you felt like that for so long. But I am glad to be able to hear it from another perspective.

I have no way of knowing what they say when I am not there and I hope that they are not saying those same types of things.

I do in a way feel kind of bad now for this girl. But at the same time I don't really feel like it is really my fault. Does that make me horrible? I just, I know that from day one I have done everything to be genuinely nice and tried very hard to keep things friendly. It sucks because I know everything I have done has been completely genuine without any underlying bitchiness or passive aggressiveness or anything. And it upsets me that she interpreted it all in a completely different way. So now I am questioning things I did and trying to look at how they could have looked that way and wondering what I could have done differently and it kind of sucks.

Unfreakingreal's picture

It doesn't matter what you did Antonia. Point is this is where you are TODAY. Move on from there. Block her number, retreat from the in laws and let Ethel be the Queen of her Kingdom. If you really could give two shits about her & your Ex, it will be very easy to do. You'll have less bullshit to deal with in the end.

Purplemom's picture

I think your main problem is Fred needs to grow a pair and tell Ethel at she is not behaving well and to leave you alone and that you in turn will leave her alone. She can't handle you being nice to her, so just pretend she doesn't exist.. then everyone will be happy!

Cocoa's picture

i always thought divorce reverts everything back "as if had never been" OTHER than, of course, the children of that marriage. to me, this includes giving up the ex in laws. as much as it hurts. it's part of the viciousness of divorce. this is not your family anymore, just as your ex is not your family anymore. does not matter that you grew up around them, that got knocked to the side when you married their son. all the help you accept from them, the socializing with them is rightfully your ex's wife's now. there isn't room for both of you.

it sounds like you are trying very hard to not hurt anyone. i just don't think you understand that offering your children's clothes to them is something you would do for a friend. your ex is not your friend now.

i think you may have inadvertantly (sp?) crossed some boundaries and step-mom is angry, and will remain angry until you back off. wwwaaaaayyyyyy off. and then, it will take some time for her to realize that you know your place and are not a threat to her new life and family. only then will things have a chance to simmer down.

Anywho78's picture

Wow...I'm going to say that it sounds to me like Fred is embellishing stories to make himself look like a saint (the vasectomy) &/or starting crap by accident by trying to *fix* what wasn't broken in the first place (him asking you not to be so nice to Ethel????)...Ethel has swallowed his fables, hook, line & sinker which is made obvious by the fact that she is emailing & texting you all sorts of craziness. I truly believe that FRED has played a HUGE role in bringing out her crazy.

As far as the X family goes...I understand how difficult it would be to cut all ties. Saying that however, I don't understand why you would NEED to participate in THEIR family activities/parties knowing that Fred & Ethel will be there. As an X family member, your friendships with his family can consist of phone calls, shopping trips with XMIL & the occasional dinner...on YOUR time, not THEIRS. Ethel will never feel like part of the family if the XW/BM is always there (you may not be trying to portray this, but I would feel like you were "marking" your territory, so-to-speak). There is NO REASON that your XFIL should be paying for your car repairs...don't you have your own dad to help you out? I can totally see where she is coming from as far as all of this goes.

As far as the clothes...I personally wouldn't want hand me down clothes from BM...EVER. Everything that SO had, that BM picked, is GONE...but that's just me. It was nice of you to offer but most women, IMHO, would take offense to that.

Child Support...ah yes! Always a bone of's the thing isn't YOUR fault that ETHEL didn't sue for CS from her baby just isn't. If she brings it up again, let her know that both parents are generally expected to support the children that they CHOSE to bring into this world...if her baby daddy is a dead-beat...NOT YOUR FAULT! What you do with COURT-MANDATED CS is not her business. Although, saying that, is it actually court-mandated or is it a number that you came up with? If it is more than 25% of Fred's income (or whatever your State guidelines are for CS), it will continue to be a sore point because she will forever feel like you are getting "too much"...thus taking away from HER & Fred.

Emails...there is NO REASON that she should be sending you emails...EVER! You need to let Fred know that any correspondence is to be between the TWO of you regarding your children...Ethel does not need to be involved. Ask Fred to let her know that she is not to email you anymore. It is time for you to "disengage" from Ethel...she is, for you, a non entity. She is not your friend, she is not your family. She is the woman that Fred is with and she is the (possible) future SM to your children. Don't bad-mouth her, don't talk about her, she is unimportant to you. If you see her, wave, if you run into her, say HI...other than that...DISENGAGE.

As others have asked, are you in a relationship of your own now? Are you working?

BSgoinon's picture

OK... WOW. It is women like her, that give ALL US SM's a bad name.

She is clearly in the wrong. I can understand the jealousy about your relationship with his family. But honestly, she needs to GET OVER IT. My family is still very friendly with my EXH and my DH could care less. In fact tonight my niece is graduating frmo high school, guess who will be there MY EXH. He is still her uncle as far as everyone is concerned. I divorced him, they didn't. NOW, I DO NOT like it when BM contacts DH's family but, it is for good reason. She only contact them for 2 reasons. #1, she wants something (money usually) and #2, to try and start shit between me and DH's family (usually his mom who is even more crazy than BM is). She ruined that one for herself. If she was normal and just wanted to see them because she cared about them, and they have known each other forever (which they have) I would not care.

Sounds to me like the only resolution to the rest of this is for you to be the bigger person. My advise would be to completely ignore her. Including not even telling EXH parents about what she is doing. That way when it is brought up to them, they can say "really? BM hasn't said a WORD aboout any of this" and you come out on top as the more mature and level headed one, which you obviously ARE! Obviously, Fred isn't going to put a stop to this and Ethel is off her rocker. So lucky you... you get to ignore her.

There was nothing wrong with you offering hand me downs. That was very generous of you. Hold your head high, you are a good person.

Unfreakingreal's picture

My family is very close to my ExH as well. My DH doesn't care, they love my DH too. There is enough love to go around. ExH isn't visiting or calling my family, but if they see him, they treat him with the utmost love and respect. It doesn't bother me or my DH. In OPs case, the new wife is hurt by it so what can she do but step back.

3familiesIn1's picture

My XH is close to my family - as in won't let go. It bothers ME more than my DH.

I guess I feel like I divorced him, we get along fine but nacho family dude, back off.

My brother came to visit me - I live in another country so it was a rare trip, he brought his wife and 2 kids. 1 kid my XH had met once as a baby, the other wasn't even a twinkle in my brother's eye at the time I divorced my XH.

He, the XH, showed up at my door and asked to see his 'bro' and the nieces. :jawdrop:

huh?? NACHO Family dude - I was so uncomfortable - my XH has no boundaries, sees no issue, he knew my brother before so why not - well I was as uncomfortable as hell. Giving that you OP, yourself indicated that you are a sort of outgoing type i can assume your boundaries are out there which is cool, for you... but as in my case, I have really tight boundaries and my XHs openess and willingness stomps all over my boundaries ALL THE TIME....

When I bought my house with DH, XH came to pick up the girls, I went to the kitchen to get something for one of them and when I got back to the door, my XH had walked in, through the living room and was 'checking out the backyard' - HOLY HELL - where as he saw it as absolutely NO issues I almost punched him in the head then threw up....

So I am guessing your overly niceness and closeness is just not being taken as such - that you are stomping and destroying the SM who is already in a fragile position not knowing where she can possibly fit in yets boundaries....

BSgoinon's picture

I agree. In this case, maybe she should back off. Unfortunate that they can't all just exist. But it doesn't seem to be working.

AntoniaSays's picture

Lol....thank you for this post. I think you may be onto something here.

I did though offer her the clothes before her and fred got married. I really don't suspect that they are struggling money wise now that they are married though. I mean they could be, who knows really. I can never be completely positive what goes on in their lives financially. But it has to be a bit easier for her now with two incomes instead of just one, right? Maybe I am jumping to conclusions idk....

AntoniaSays's picture

Oh, I just want to clear up that fred and I were never married.

To answer a few questions,

I can see how it kinda sounds like I am with freds family for every event and holiday. I am not though, only a few times when it has been a big deal type of thing (like a graduation or baby shower or something) but I suppose I am really going to have to do some soul searching and figure out a good way to find some sort of happy medium or restore some balance.

Someone asked if I work and yes I do work. Even if I could just stay home I wouldn't be able to do it. I need to interact with people omg if I was home all day I would go insane.

We do have our child support through the courts. He does kind of pay me a lot though, I wasn't expecting it to be as much as it is. He only makes a little bit more than I do a year and I didn't really know how cs worked before hand so I really was surprised. so I can see why ethel would be irritated about that amount especially when she doesn't get any support. I do feel bad for her about that but it isn't really something I have control over?

I agree with those who advised me to completely disengage from ethel. I think at this point that that is my only option. I am almost mad that this is ths way things have to be especially because I know these types of relationships can be okay.

To the poster who said they think freds behind this....i completely agree. I was actually going to say something about that.
It was the whole vasectomy thing that really got me wondering. Because I sure as shit could never force anyone to get snipped lol so unless ethel is really that crazy that she comes up with these things all on her own, fred had to have said something.
I just don't get why on earth fred would want to pull some crap like this it makes no sense. The only thing I can think of is

1. Maybe he is trying to make her feel better or more secure by making me look like a crazy hott mess?


2. He has recently decided that he actually really hates me and is going to start causing problems ? Lol

What do you guys think?

BSgoinon's picture

You know... when DH and I first started dating he used to tell me terrible nasty things about BM. I don't know if he was trying to make me "less irritated" by the fact that they have to interact or if he was just really angry with her at the time and that is how it came out. But now that time has passed and he realizes that I am not in the least bit intimidated by her existance, he doesn't bad mouth her as much. HOwever, he doesn't really have to, she kind of just proves herself to be an idiot so it goes without say but still... maybe Fred is just trying to put her mind at ease and throwing you under the bus in the meantime.

Anywho78's picture

My XH used to make himself out to look like a MARTYR...he told me HORRENDOUS stories about BM...apparently, she pushed him down the stairs, beat up on him & treated him like absolute crap & was, on top of all of that, bat crap crazy.

He had "poor me" stories about just about everyone on the planet & how they had "hurt" him. His stories didn't come out until after we were married, of course.

Then I my XBF (still a very dear friend) & an another old friend of mine who had "friended" him on FB asked me about a story he'd told about ME...this was near the end of our relationship & apparently, he was telling everyone that I was horribly abusive to him, treating him like crap, the list goes on.

It clicked...while BM was indeed a little on the looney side, I'm sure she wasn't nearly as horrid as XH said she was. He blamed EVERYTHING on her...then on ME when we divorced. Sadly enough, his friends believe his lies...but it doesn't matter to me because I now have nothing to do with any of them.

It sounds to me like Fred is doing the same thing. Sucks for for Ethel (she's trying to be on his side) & is horrid for you because you're getting hit by the brunt of his deceit.

Disneyfan's picture


AntoniaSays's picture

No I do work. I said his cs is kind of a lot, well a lot more than I expected bc he only makes a little more than I do a year.

Hanny's picture

I can see both ways. My SO's family likes me better than his X. And they do not see her. My daughter on the other hand is living with a guy who has 2 kids, his ex is still involved with his family, they go out on birthdays, mother's days, her mom and his mom live within a block of each other. It does bother my daughter to some extent, she feels like she will never get as close to them as the X, even though my daughter and her BF and the skids go to his mom's every Sunday for dinner. His ex is friends on FB with all his family, and a couple of his cousins hang out and go out socially with his X. It's a fine line, and take a good balance. But I do agree with some of the others that say it is time for you to step back from his family a little. See them on BD's, send greetings for XMAS, but hanging out at BBQ's is a little too much. I think when you get divorced you lose that right to that side of the family. And you don't get to use the excuse you keep in touch so your kids can see them, they can see their dad's parents and family when they are with him. And it is probably hard for Ethel because after your Ex pays you child support, they maybe do not have money to take the kids on vacation. I know my SO's ex gets to take skids on a lot more trips than we do, because of the CS. As far as the vasectomy, that's just crazy, but maybe if all these others things were not bothering Ethel that may have never come up. Yea, just ignore her and take a step back.

magnummom's picture

It's amazing how much this mirrors my past. My ex moved his gf in the day I moved out. She instantly went to harassing me. Texts, emails, phone calls, constant threats. When they would come to pick my son up I would always have to have family around because she was so unstable I never knew if she was going to actually break out into a physical fight with me!

She to blamed me for my ex's snipping. She swore he didn't want to but I made him. Didn't know I was so capable of mind control like that. It's insanse for any woman to believe that his ex wife MADE him get snipped.

I can kind of see her being hurt by the family thing, but with your explinations I can see that you are not seeing these people to hurt the new wife! You are simpily visiting people that you love, and you even make sure you don't do it at innapropriate times.

Please block this crazy woman. Don't even entertain any more of her mess. You've tried the best you can.

FYI: My ex and this woman I'm talking about eventually broke up. She called me up a few years after and apologized for everything she had done to me and my son. She explained that she was intimadated and insecure. I told her that I would accept that apology if she hadn't done all the horrible things she had done to my son.......but that I could not now, nor ever, forgive her for what she did to him.

Karma will find her. It always does.

AntoniaSays's picture

Omg I can't believe you forced someone to get snipped too! Haha.

But it is crazy, isn't it? The worst part is that I feel like bc I am the ex, I am instantly pegged the bad guy trouble starter. I think it has to be hard for people to believe it really isn't me sometimes so thank you!

magnummom's picture

We got skills chick LOL

And yes, I was pegged the "problem". But you know what. It was by him, and his family and her. And I didn't care about any of the above.

YOU know who YOU are. Who cares what she thinks??

Ignore honey. Life will be much less stress!

Hanny's picture

Sounds to me like your seeing his family more than you are admitting, if your BF has met them on several must be involved with them socially more than necessary! What custody arrangement do you have, I'm curious? Is yours 50/50?

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

I have read your blogs and it mirrors my life to a "t". EXCEPT that I am like his new wife. I know the pain she must be going thru- so please understand that Im only trying to give you the perspective that I am going thru as well

When I first started dating my now DH, they were going thru a very bitter custody case. BM hated me & tried to make my life a living hell. She did some very nasty things- and I was deeply hurt. My DH to this day, probably doesnt realized how many times I almost broke it all off (I know this is different then your case so far- but stick with me-- you may just see a ton of similarities).

During these times, my DHs family declared openly how much they hated her--not disliked--but hated her. They all had their varrying reasons-- and I soaked em all up. Then as our relationship went on & the custody case was settled-- we got engaged. Then I started to realize that EVERY time we would travel to DHs home state where DHs family & BM & the kids love--all these people wanted to ever talk about-- was BM. It got real annoying real fast. But, I was happy to become a part of my DHs Family. I was real close with DHs Mom. We would talk all the time on the phone. I felt like I truly Belonged!!!

Then, we got married. The wedding was nice & most of DHs family traveled to out state for the wedding. I FELT like I belonged with his family. I FELT like I belonged & had a true place in this family. I was happy. I was raised in a small but tight italian family. I was raised that FAMILY meant everything. So I truly took that to heart and wanted that tight knit family with them (my family is all in Heaven now-- so I really wanted to be close with DHs family).

Shortly after our wedding, I sadly noticed how DHs family STILL wanted to talk non-stop about BM still. What truly broke my heart was the numerous times my new MIL would talk/brag about how amazing & wonderful and awesome DH & BMs wedding was!!!! DH & I were just recently married--- it shattered me. Im not sure to this day just what my MIL was trying to do by saying these kinds of things. It hurt me deeply. I tried to just forget it-- but it got to the point where I had to break down and ask DH to ask MIL to please stop saying those things. He did, she stopped talking about these things but shortly after---- my relationship with MIL & SILs have changed. They werent eager to talk to me over the phone, etc. They no longer seemed to want a close relationship anymore-- Ive been broken hearted ever since. I have done nothing to any of them.

Then--- then I realized that BM had been contacting them-- MIL & SIl. BM started having my MIL watch her dog while she was out of town, then started having MIL watch the kids--things she never had done before. Neither did she do these things before me either. Then-- SIL started talking to BM as well. They all talk to BM now--- which is HIGHLY confusing to me, as they profusely talked about how much they hated her, remember?? Its very confusing. These women had talked about her like a monster really. Now they are buddy-buddy with her. I tried not to let it hurt me-- but really, how could I not.

My MIL no longer calls me & when I try calling her, she has excuses to get off the phone. Says she will call me back. But doesnt. Ive also noticed how she no longer calls my DH hardly at all now as well. Its sad. I feel like Ive lost my place in this family. Im hurt.

My point to all of this is-- its really hard when you are new into a family. You have to find your "place". Sadly I feel like BM has once again taken my place, but sadly it feels like maybe BM was always in that "place" & thats why they always wanted to talk about her? All I know is that I feel completely rejected-- and it hurts. BM has remarried, but she always seems to be "there" ya know? I was very eager & ready to take my place with DHs family-- but BM wont vacate my "place".

Simply put-- I dont feel like I belong with the family. I was raised in a tight, Italian family-- where Loyalty meant everything & Family was what was most important.

I truly feel that its just simply your turn to "vacate" your spot with his family. You are no longer part of that family. Sure-- you can still talk with them-- as a family friend per se. But family? Nope-- thats your exes Wifes new place in the family. Once you stop asserting yourself in the family-- she will feel her "place" in the family tgat she is now rightfully a part of. She NEEDS to feel that she belongs.

Just my opinion.

Oh-- just some other thoughts. When anyone bresks up with ir divorces someone-- you almost always tell your new partner the bad things that haf happened in the relationship. Its human nature. You have no idea what your ex told her about you.

But I just think she needs to feel Part of the family. He married her, not you. She probably feels like you are always "there". It sucks, but the mature thing to do, is make distance with her new family. Let her take her place. Once you do, she will feel secure. She will no longer feel the need to "get rid of you"

Just my insight- hope it helps.

AntoniaSays's picture

I agree with you. I am sorry you have to deal with that btw. It sounds like it's your mil and sil who have the problem though. They just sound like two faced people from what you've described.

The thing that gets me is that I never would intentionally try to sabotage her relationship with her inlaws or make her feel unwelcomed. I just was living my life like I always did you know?

I just really hate HATE hurting peoples feelings. Kind of why I am here. It really bothers me if I think I caused someone to be like legitimately hurt.

I know I should have just ignored her from day one but it is hard for me to leave issues unresolved. If there is a conflict or issue, I just want to fix it and can't stop until it is.

I just reread that and have a funny feeling that I may need therapy Wink

AntoniaSays's picture

Sorry i took so long to get back on here...had a few after work things to do.

I want to just say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to respond to this. I was not expecting this many people give a crap enough to read this and share their views with me. I have read every comment and will take all of them into consideration. You all have given me things to think about that a would never have even considered before and I appreciate it.

Okay, okay, on to some responses lol

I saw a comment somewhere that mentioned the custody and visitation arrangement. I maybe should have been more specific. When I said we do not have a court order visitation agreement, I can see how that can seem like one big chaotic shit show. What I meant was that, we didn't go to a judge instead we kind of decided what worked and stuck to it. It is the same every week, give or take an unexpected emergency or something. But even then, it doesn't really effect to much because we both have people who could keep them if we needed a sitter. He gets the kids two nights a week for a couple hours and every other weekend. They are the same two days every week and haven't really ever changed. They do not sleep over at their dads during the week because he commutes to the city every morning really early so it just wouldn't work out. I am a dental hygienist (I work lol) so I am kind of lucky with what hours I work (I pretty much set my own schedule more or less) so basically, I get them every day afterschool and on his nights he picks them up for an hour or two and drops them off before bed. Okay I am rambling lol...

As far as the whole visiting his family thing, it's kind of hard to answer because I am not sure what would constitute as a lot? I mean, it has been a couple years so I don't know how many times exactly. I can tell you that it isn't like every week or every month even. It's like, every so often they will invite me over. Mainly if it is something semi important where lots of people will be there like a baby shower or graduation or something. Someone mentioned my boyfriend, he has gone there with me a couple of times, like 3 times and they have been over to my house a few times when he has been here too. I guess it does seem like it is often but this is spanning over a couple of years so to me it doesn't feel that way.

I am going to go back through the comments to see if there is anything I missed.

stepgin's picture

When I divorced my ex one of the real problems for me was his family. I almost wished he had been hit by a bus, that way I could still be one of the family!!! I loved them all very much. However, I realized that if our marriage ended so did that connection. After the divorce, they continued to invite me to Christmas dinner, kids parties, etc. but I politely declined. Why? Because in spite of the fact that I'd known them for over 20 years? Because I couldn't have it both ways. And neither can you, to be honest. Having your ex fil pay for your repairs is unacceptable...especially if your can afford nice vacations.
I think the sm in your situation over reacted about the clothing offer, but she sounds pretty insecure. As amother posted mentioned, it was like salt in a wound. I also agree that your ex is really contributing to these issues. But as you're discovering, blended family situations are never easy! As long as she is nice to your kids, I would quit worrying so much about all of this. Besides, just by coming to this website tells me that you already have an idea that you need to take a step back. Good luck!