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O/T So mad at myself right now

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

DH and I are going out tonight for one of his friends bday. I'm not crazy about this guy, but I agreed to go out cause DH never wants to go out to the bars anymore. I'm not a heavy drinker at all, but I like a mixed drink now and again, to get dressed up and dance. We get almost here and I realize my wallets not in my car, aaaarrrggghh. And being nearly 2 hours away, I can't turn around and go back to get it. DH doesn't understand why I'm so upset. I took up some of his hobbies (hunting and fishing) so we could enjoy them together, but I can't get him to come out with me. And now that we are going out, I can't fully enjoy myself. Gahhh


Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

I don't have my ID, which is what I was mad about. But we're at the friends house now and made myself a drink, so I'm happy now Smile and his friend was nice to me, so I was worrying for nothing, like usual

Kilgore SMom's picture

Are you going to be able to get in? I've done that before but we were not but about 30 minutes. Try to have fun anyway.(((Hugs)))

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

We'll see, I think we're going to a bar and grill. I'm havin fun so far, thanks Kilgore