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Thank you SS, for being an a-hole

maria14's picture

My son was grumpy the whole day yesterday. I had no reason why until I logged into his Facebook. I log into his Facebook regularly to make sure he isn't up to anything inappropriate. Yes, I know I am invading his privacy but when he lives on his own, he can have all the privacy he wants. I also use the opportunity to see what SS is up to. SS has blocked both of us and only has my son on there.

He has yet to respond to my son's messages. In fact, he has not logged in for a while until a few days ago. The first few days it was just all his friends saying how sorry they were for his loss. Everything seems to have calmed down and I saw that SS was trying to buy used books through a Facebook group. I know this feels like stalking but we are very worried about him and this is the only way we know what he is up to.

There was a post yesterday where a guy is bitching about his father and ends with a statement saying, "Some Dads can be such pieces of s***". And SS responds to that saying, "Yea, tell me about it". I talked to my son and found out he read it and was upset by it. My DH does not know but I am sure he will be hurt when he finds out. We will try keep it secret but my DH also checks up on SS using Facebook. It is just a matter of time before my DH sees it and I have t0 deal with him being hurt and moping around for a few days.

I think I am most upset because my son got hurt. He thinks the world of SS and I do not need SS badmouthing my DH for him to see. So thank you SS for being an a-hole. I get that you are angry with your father but you do not have to make public comments on Facebook where my son, your brother, will see them.

On a completely different note, we learned that the insurance company are being grade A morons (is that even a surprise) and are screwing around giving SS the money settlement. My BIL is saying court might be needed. Let's hope it does not get to that. SS does not need this stress.


Oi Vey's picture

Given the history here, I really don't blame SS for making that comment.
He's an adult and doesn't owe you guys anything. If it's a problem for you, then have YOUR son de-friend him.
Honestly, though, it think it's good for your son to see that there are consequences for actions...even for adults.