Update to MIL flip out....
So, I blogged a couple of days ago about how my MIL freaked out at the airport and flipped out on DH calling him an A**hole in front of the kids and how MIL really doesn't have anything to do with SD or our BS and how she favors DD5.
Well..After I told my MIL that she can not continue to exclude our BS2, MIL got a huge attitude and said "What time does MY son want HIS daughter home tonight?" She said it as if I wasn't her mother!!! I told her that DH will be home with SD around 6PM and we need DD5 back by then so DD5 can open her birthday presents. So "I want OUR daughter back by 6PM Tonight." MIL glared at me and started talking more crap to me in front of my DD5 and left the house, smiling as BS2 cried for his grandma. Anyway..Later that night 6PM rolls around...6:30 rolls around. DH and I are getting pissed because MIL should have had DD5 home by 6! I hand the phone in my hand to call her (DH and I decided that if she refused to bring DD home that we would go get her and call the cops for kidnapping if needed) MIL shows up at 7PM. Walks to the front door, has DD knock and when I answer the door DD walks in to the house, I turn to put my puppy in the kitchen so he doesn't jump up on MIL and I come back and hear BS2 crying for grandma. MIL was speeding off in her car when I returned from the kitchen.
The bitch didn't even say bye or hi to BS2!!!! Not a word to DH or I.
In WA. state where we live, grandparents have "some rights" Meaning MIL can flie for visitation with DD5 if she wanted to. MIL seems to be a very vengeful and vindictive woman and I fear she will try to file for visitation and slowly PAS out our daughter. Sounds crazy and far fetched, but I know what this woman is capable of. I also fear she will file false CPS reports against DH and I to try and have DD5 taken away from us because I know she is willing to do whatever it takes to see/ get our daughter ( She seems to think our daughter is HER daughter). She has even mentioned moving DD5 to Korea with MIL and FIL. WOW! Crazy! :jawdrop:
- LaMareOssa's blog
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I agree to all of this. There
I agree to all of this. There is no WAY that bitch would EVER come near my kid again.
If she wants grandparents rights, then let her explain why she only wants ONE kid, instead of all 3. Grandparents rights usually only come into play anyway when there is a divorce or death. you need to keep your daughter away from her NOW, document everything NOW.
on the flip side, do you want your son hurt by growing up feeling left out and like he isn't important to grandma? Are you willing to let her damage his self esteem and make him feel bad so DD can see her grandmother? You need to make a stand, and you need to do it now, while your DD is still this young.
All of this happened Monday
All of this happened Monday night at the aiport. Tuesday evening is when I had to tell her that it would be the last time she saw DD5 without BS2. Now, she isn't going to be seeing either one of them...After reading prevous comments on my other blog on this subject, DH and I have decided the best course of action is to not let her see DD or BS (We don't want to force her to see BS only so she can see DD. We dont want him treated badly while in the care of MIL) It all just happened recently. Before all of this happned, she was always seeing DD (BS just turned two, so I understood her not wanting to deal with a little one year old) She used to take DD every other day each summer and we all had a wonderful relationship..So, her being around DD was nothing new. Now, with the way she is acting she is not allowed around any of the kids.
Why are you still letting her
Why are you still letting her around your children. Both you and your husband need to put a stop to this now. You are traumatizing all of your children. Grandparents rights will not come into play here unless she can prove you unfit...
Yes, Korea. She is here for
Yes, Korea. She is here for the summer. We believe she is only here to see DD. She mentioned that she is only here for 30 days. But, my FIL will be moved back here(Military) at some point I'm sure. But either way...It's all over. DH and I are done with her and her favortisim games.
No..It's a long story..And I
No..It's a long story..And I know everyone doesn't want to read all the tiny details:) DD's birthday was on the 18th(Sat). We were all in Disneyland(Getting along before the meltdown) for her birthday. We didn't have a chance to open her gifts that we had here at our house due to the Disneyland trip. On the day she came here to get DD(Tuesday) DH was still at work and we were waiting for him to get home from work before she opened her presents. Thats why I told MIL she needed to have DD home by 6PM.
I let DD5 see MIL so much because their time is limited because MIL will be leaving the country again soon. In the beginning I had no problem with her seeing her grandma (I was/am close to my grandmothr as well.) she loves seeing grandma and I had no idea this would happen until this Monday when she showed her true colors.