The non-existant progress is getting to me again...
Just trying to be patient, after my SO wrote me out a big long letter explaining his perspective and how he feels that with time and small steps he will eventually get this situation where it should be.
Still, that was two weeks ago and nothing has happened at all in that time. While i'm glad he's not over there having "talks", it's still hard to stay patient and not get upset about the whole situation.
I can't even explain why it bothers me so much! He has limited his contact with his ex, which is really good. He sees his daughter during the daytime for lunch (he works close by, and she's out for school and staying home with her 14yo aunt)
He's taking her swimming on his 1 late night with her so he isn't at the house and is spending one on one time with her. Saturdays are still... kind of up in the air and a bit of a mess still. He's trying to take her and her aunt away from the house also to reduce contact.
All of this is good, and i guess they need to get used to it but it still feels like he's pulling a bandaid off at a snails pace.
I know his ex would freak out if he insisted on bringing his daughter to his apartment for his time with her, or insisted on including me even once in awhile. But, isn't that going to happen eventually? Is she going to really be less upset then vs now?
I personally think she's going to freak, period. Doesn't matter if it's now or 10 years from now. She's going to freak about it, and need to come to terms with the situation. Might as well get it over with now so we can avoid other issues that might come up like the daughter being much older and being resentful and angry towards me instead of liking me (as she does now)
And, by the time she's a teenager, would i even want to spend time around her! Probably not, nor will she want to do bunches of stuff with "dad" cause she'll want to go hang out with her school girlfriends.
His parents are flying in tomorrow, and will stay for 3 and a half weeks. So, there will be no changes during that time either.
Yeah, the drama is much less than it was originally when she moved here but it still feels to me like this is a little ridiculous. It's been almost a YEAR to get her "used" to the new situation. Feels like an eternity.
He's all stressed with his parents coming and having our house so full of people and having to entertain them and such, so i don't really want to bring anything up or push him to poke around a bit about making any progress in this situation.
But, just feels like a glass slowly being filled up with water as i sit around being patient. Every 4-6 weeks seems like i hit my limit and have to vent and remind him that i am not really ok with all of this.
I'm getting pretty close to that point again... not sure how this next month is going to go! With his parents constantly around... and him spending even more time with his daughter and doing stuff with his parents/daughter or with daughter/ex/parents and me being excluded from anything that is relevant to his daughter...
It really made me angry as well that i kept asking him what the schedule was going to be for when his parents came (so i could make my own plans and such while still being available to spend time with him and them)
For weeks i kept asking, and even his ex was asking what the plan was. (at our meeting, she mentioned that she was kind of annoyed that they hadn't figured it out yet) So, sunday i asked him again and he has apparently talked to her already and determined what the plan is.... nice of him to share it with me! Since it DOES effect me afterall...
So they talked and he didn't bother to let me know, even though he knew i really wanted to know cause i've been bugging him about it every week. Even still, he THINKS they figured it out but isn't really sure. Which means they mentioned it briefly and he isn't sure if it was agreed to or not. He then tells me that plans have changed for the BBQ/Party that I was planning for Sunday ( we picked sunday so that i could just plan it with no concern about schedules and all that baloney, and just send an invitation to the ex and daughter and let her decide if she wants to attend)
Apparently his ex said that sunday wasn't a good day for her because that's HER day with the daughter, but that we could have it on saturday. I laughed when he told me and asked if that meant i didn't have to invite her... since it's not her day!
That really got under my skin as well. So, we'll still have it sunday. And i just won't invite them! It's not like she had to attend anyways. I would do it saturday so the daughter could be there with him and his parents, but then the ex would of course come along. Since it's more likely he will do something with his parents/daughter WITHOUT the ex if i don't plan the BBQ, i'd rather just let that happen then actually cause the ex to come hang out on dad's time and include herself where she isn't really wanted. (i'd feel differently if she wasn't already inviting herself along for dad's time on a regular basis. I just don't like encouraging that behavior from her)
So, Just needed to vent a bit i guess. I really wish he wasn't such a sweet guy, or so reponsible, or so loving, or that i didn't have any feelings for him. I really don't want to see his kid all the time either, it's just the fact that i am excluded by her demand that really gets to me. A day at the park once a month, or going to a farmers market for an hour or two really doesn't seem like much to ask for.
I keep hearing her words as well from the meeting. That she is willing to give 120% to find a solution! She just hasn't figure out yet what that solution is... Obviously she isn't willing to give at all, since the solution is for her to just stop being a control freak, move on with her life, and let dad be a dad. But, i guess that isn't one of her possible viable solutions to this situation to which she would give 120% to make happen. :/
ending my rant for this week. Maybe i can last a little while longer.
- anyha's blog
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ha ha, i like the term
ha ha, i like the term "twising in the wind" it sure feels that way sometimes.
He honestly thinks he's being "a man" by holding his temper and controlling his emotions and trying to manipulate her slowly to avoid lots of drama. (like a frog in a pot of water type deal)
He also thinks this whole idea of needing to man up and have a backbone because he isn't over there shouting at her and laying down the law is a western culture thing. (his from europe)
I guess i can't really say if it is or isn't since i didn't grow up in europe.
I've told him all this, and sent him bunches of links to similar postings on the web from other people in situations like this. A BM who freaks out having her kids around her ex's SO is not exactly a new concept.
I sincerely swear that, If my
I sincerely swear that, If my FH ever told his teenage hellspawn "this is the woman I love and you will treat her with respect", I would have a spontaneous orgasm on the spot. No touching, no vibrator, no lube. Just WOOOOOO-HOOOOO! But somehow I don't see that happening.....
I sincerely swear that, If my
I sincerely swear that, If my FH ever told his teenage hellspawn "this is the woman I love and you will treat her with respect", I would have a spontaneous orgasm on the spot. No touching, no vibrator, no lube. Just WOOOOOO-HOOOOO! But somehow I don't see that happening.....
You are totally correct. I
You are totally correct. I keep telling him: go forward as you intend to proceed, because whatever you do now sets her behavior for the next X years. He just honestly thinks he can slowly wear her down and get his way without having to go to court and stir up a bit hornets nest.
Thing is... she's a counselor! And prides herself on being reasonable and understanding. (although when she tried to "put herself in my shoes" she was totally off course in what she imagined i was thinking or feeling) It's just this one area, which is control over the child, that she can't even see her behavior for what it is.
I'm still suggesting they go to co-parent counseling.(i think this is different than mediation) This is definately an area in which he is not ever going to be able to "convince" her to be ok with. But, a third party might be able to say things to her that her ex can't.
A third party could even tell her that if she didn't get over this, that "dad" had every right to disregard her request and do as he pleased and legally there would be nothing she could do. If she stated she would just move away, they would tell her the courts would probably not allow this now that status quo has been set, and the child has school, friends and both parents where they're at. Basically, they can lay out reality without it coming across like a threat from her ex.
That's probably my best hope right now is that he will keep pushing her to meet with a parental counselor to discuss the situation that she right now is pretending she doesn't have to accept. (he mentioned it once, and she declined)
I did meet with her though. And did my part, letting her know i have no intention to try and overstep my position and mother her kid.
Truth is, from what i've heard of her and our talk as well, i think she would wish that her child didn't have a dad. She already feels forced to have to share the child with the dad for the "good of the child"'s well being. It's more about control than anything. She actually stated during our conversation that when she first moved here it felt like she was loosing control of her child and she didn't like that. But, we can never see ourselves well. So, counselor or not she can't really recognize what she's saying, even when she comes right out and states it!
I do think, she would have respect for other counselors though and be able to talk to them, and they might be able to get through to her more easily. (they might even suggest she go to therapy for the divorce as well, which probably isn't a bad idea)
But, that's not going to happen right now with his parents visiting anyways. So, i'm looking at, at least another month of this.
Still, it's too bad I care. This would be a great situation if I didn't care about being around long term or having a chance to have a friendly relationship with his child.
I just tend to look at things long-term and more future oriented and I know that loosing the chance to have a peaceful and happy relationship now that includes him AND his child is going to cause more problems down the road. And, i'm sure the ex knows this too.. I'm very afraid of the possible permenant damage that will be done in regards to the child and how she handles things as she grows up. Especially if i end up having to deal with it.
My FH told the children - 14,
My FH told the children - 14, 12 and 10 at the time - that they did not have to meet me until they were "ready" over my strenuous objection. HUGE MISTAKE. The middle girl started coming over after a year and we were developing a good relationship. After 2 years the other 2 were "ready' they started coming over and bullied the middle girl into hating me too. The choice he gave them gave them such a sense of power that it is almost unreal. They truly feel that their are gracing us with their presence with every minute at our home. Only after BM started withholding visitation, saying that it was the kids decision not to come over, did FH start custody proceedings and it was held against him that he waited so long to file and went for so long without having them at his home. (Even though he saw all 3 faithfully for dinner/movies/shopping constantly he was painted as an uninterested dad.)
Take it from me - allowing the kids, whether because of the BM's influence or their own feelings, to avoid coming to dad's home and deal directly with you will come back to haunt you.
How is trips and visits of
How is trips and visits of mom and dad still together in the best interest of the child??? If they're not together, things should be separate. Dad gets his allotted time and mom gets hers.
They need to agree to a custody order.. And that doesn't automatically mean support either. Just something stating how much time with each parent. Most fathers get 50/50 btw
Good luck in holding the rage in
The bm's theory... is that it
The bm's theory... is that it will allow the child to not feel torn when it comes to special events. So that she doesn't feel like she can invite one parent but not the other.
apparently, everything this child does though is a special event. The mom still insists on attending every single class this kid is signed up for because they are all special events!
They will modify their schedule when school starts again... i wonder how that will go or how long that will last. Dad will get even less time with the daughter but he'll still see her 6 days a week so i guess if he's ok with it, then so be it.
It just gets on my nerves the double standard. BM stressed how important it is to maintain a routine, which means dad has to spend the first 2 hours of his saturday watching some god rocks cartoon with the daughter. But, when school starts there's a zumba class mom wants to go to for moms and kids. So, dad's time will get cut by 2 hours in the morning so mom can go to this class. And, instead of getting the daughter in the evenings twice a week he'll just go have lunch with her at school. Apparently, mom is ok to give him more time only during the time in which she can't be there anyways. (i should be glad at least that this will reduce contact between them both though!)
It's obvious that if dad and dad's support system (me/friends/parents) could vanish she would be most pleased. Then noone would challenge her control over HER child. Really sad. Control is not love. Only abusive people try to alienate their victims from other people who could be an influence to them and who might challenge the control of the dominating person.
But, dad exists and since she knows as a counselor that it's important to have both parents (and if she tried to exclude him the courts would remove her power to control the situation as much as she does now), she plays this game of pretending to let dad be a dad while making sure she doesn't loose any control over her child. Can only hope that just being around her dad can be a positive influence. He is very opposite from his ex.
I really hate double standards though. I have to keep telling myself that if he is ok with this then i am ok. It's hard to watch a loved one be treated unfairly, but in truth there is really nothing I can do about it.