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Oh brother! Fake mom of the year award.

MrsFitMama's picture

Alright. BM can quit the fake play here. She isn't fooling anyone. She wasn't involved in the girls life and now that she's under the scope of courts, she's taking time to buy them clothes (because I did)... and spending time with them. I guess the girls tell her how I buy them stuff and do activities with them. So out of the blue, "Mommy bought me this and she did this with us." Mommy must hear how I cook amazing and is trying to compete with that too...
Little does she know that my blog on cooking recieves awards/recognition. And from what I hear, she's a terrible cook.
But that's a tangent...
I found out, that while it was our day with the girls, she decided she was going to "help out" in class! She's only allowed to have phone contact ONCE in a day NOT see them!!! WTF!!! And would the court system do anything? Suuuuuuuure...


ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

The BM in our case was CO supervised visits back in 2005. Of course she never followed through and FH allowed her unsupervised visits and bs, bs, bs. That back fired. Now BM is in another state and wants supervised visitation at the skids school. There is no way in hell that FH would ever allow that. I sent the CO to SD15 school so they have it on file and if BM were to show up FH will hold the school accountable.

MamaBecky's picture

Why would it matter if she volunteers at their school? I dont think the court would do anything and rightly so...unless there is some kind of protection order against her. Why isn't she allowed to see them? Is she never allowed to see them?

I wouldn't worry about her motivation...and just be glad that she is doing what she is doing. It benefits her kids regardless of her motives. She can do what she wants its not going to erase all that she hasn't done. The courts will still see that.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

The BM in MrsFitMama situation is NOT supposed to SEE them. If there is a CO that clearly states that BM is not supposed to see her daughters it IS a big deal that she is showing up whenever she feels like it to the SDs school. That is NOT okay.

MamaBecky's picture

It didnt sound like from the OP that the BM isnt allowed to see them. She said that she is now buying them things and spending time with how would I infer she isnt allowed to see them at all. How would she do those things if she cant see them at all? Theres a difference between supervised visition and a RO or protection order. A school setting could be considered supervised...and as I said as long as shes not taking them from the school...and she's volunteering it could be overlooked and even ok.

MamaBecky's picture I said.....

I guess back to court they must go. Although the OP is probably right...they wont do much if shes in a public school volunteering. Now if she tries to take them out or take them after school at all....then the police could get almost might be worth it for her to try.....(as long as shes not successful of course) }:)