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Step kids full time?? Anybody??

mommy_of_4's picture

I read alot of posts and alot of people only see their step kids part time. Boy how I wish! Unfortunately thats not the case with us. Up until November of last year, we had 6 kids living with us full time. My 4 (5,6,8,10) and his 2 (13,16). In November SD16 moved in with her bf. She some how managed to get herself knocked up...geez wonder how that happened! Anyway, my kids aren't angels, don't get me wrong but I have never come across kids quite like his. So manipulative, vendictive and LIARS!! I have done so much for these ungreatful animals...and yet they are constantly out to make my life hell..and yes they are really out to do that. SD13 lies all the time about me. She is always looking for people to feel sorry for her so she makes all this shit up about me and yep, it works. I am the evilest person you will ever meet. The other day was the last straw. I am so fed up with her lies and hate her far more then I did. Seeing her face and hearing her voice invokes so much anger in me. But what do I do?? my mom always tells me to kill them with kindness...umm...I dislike them so much i am not sure I could even pretend to be nice to them. I want nothing to do with them anymore. I figure she is his problem, he can deal with her and leave me the hell alone. It seems no matter what I do, I am wrong anyways. I just want to pack up her shit and tell mommy dearest to come get here out of my house...for GOOD!! But that ain't gonna happen, not as long as daddy dearest has any say in it. WHAT DO I DO?? And the worst part is she knows what her lies are doing and just goes about like I am her best friend. I just want to tell her to SHUT UP and get out of my face!!!


BellaMia's picture

16?! And moved in with her BF? Wow... I would lose my mind if that were my biokid...

As far as SD13's lies go, not much you can do about that. You can yell, scream and threaten her, but if her father doesn't nip it in the bud, what can you do? I think the best thing to do is tell her -- with her father and any other pertinent family members present -- you know she's been lying on you, that you want it to stop and then fully disengage. I know from experience it's hard, but we really have to remember we can't control other people.

Dudes Mom's picture

I have my Sd18 and ss24 that stays with us fulltime
Until this weekend - YIPEEEEEEE!
The worst is the lying, I hate that so much I can kill them, and ss24 still does it, dont know why because it is about stupid little things.
I take my hat off for you. You are amazing to be a mom to 4 and also have your 2sk.

Willow2010's picture

Full time here also. Been over a year, but am counting down to August when he goes into the military!! *happy dance*

mommy_of_4's picture

We will have a conversation about growing up and how you have to have goals. Her goals for when she is 17 and can move out is that she can wear all the make up she wants, dress like a whore and do whatever she wants. Of course this plan includes grandma and grandpa supporting her...who can't even afford to support themselves. So what she does is pick out bits and pieces and tells everyone i said shit that yes I did say but not in that context. SD16..who is now SD17 will tell her dad i said shit that I never even said...not even close and he always ALWAYS believes her and she knows this. He once told me in front of her that I was a liar because his precious princess would NEVER lie. So since then she knows that she can tell daddy ANYTHING and he is going to believe her. I wish she would move to Africa, take SD13 with her and stay the hell out of my life. But I'm not so lucky. Instead I have to bite my tongue and be nice to her because shes having a baby and he said that I won't be the reason she doesn't come by and visit with the baby...he'll divorce me first!!

mommy_of_4's picture

Nice to meet you as well. The 5 year old is both of ours. About the SD16...yep he boasted on facebook about how mature she was and how daddy would be there whenever she needed him. I seriously got sick. As for the moving out, I wasn't going to contest it, I was happy as hell. I only have to see her when she decides daddy needs his dose of daughter dearest...who is SOO perfect and mature by the way *rolls eyes*. I am just greatful that its not very often. I am curious as to how I disengage without starting world war 3...or 10 in my case..LOL. I have called little miss SD13 out on her lies alone and in front of daddy dearest. He told her that when she lies she is going to be grounded. HA HA HA...she started so much shit last weekend at mommys with her when she got home I told her and her daddy that i was done conversing with her. Heres the funny thing, she got home sunday night, he didn't say anything to her...monday rolls around and in my opinion her ass should have been grounded...grounding in my house is really not fun...but instead he tells me he's taking her out for the dinner he owes her. My mouth hit the floor. I messaged him and said "so you are going to reward her for lying??" I'm osrry but does it not seem that way??

jojo68's picture

My 10 (nearly 11) yr old fsd lives full time with us...she isn't made to spend EOW with her mother so we have her almost 24/7...and she is really hard to deal with. She is manipulative, annoying, rude, and immature. I must say that having her all the time is the most trying thing I have ever done...this kid is a new level of ridiculous. I truly envy those who only have their SK EOW.

starfish's picture

i always complain b/c we have skids about 48% of the time. i honestly don't know if i could handle full time. hell, i freak out if they stay an extra day or when dh picks them up early..

mommy_of_4's picture

I give her to her BM any chance I can...but I have to be careful because I have been accused of giving her to her mother to get rid of her. True but I wouldn't admit that to him. I get really frustrated when BM calls a few days before her weekend and tells me she can't take her that weekend cause she doesn't have the gas money. Hell I would give it to her but she doesn't pay for anything as it is.

jojo68's picture

I feel that one day FSD will want to go live with her mother...she'll come around often to get money from her dad but she'll have more freedom at her mom's when she gets older...then come crying home to us when she is knocked up...I know I am being horrible but this is where I see this all going.

mommy_of_4's picture

BM is a BIG reason these girls are the way they are...and boy they are so much like their mother its scarey. She deserves them...maybe then she re-evaluate her choice to be their friend instead of their mother!!

jojo68's picture

I am amazed at how much FSD is like her mother and hardly ever sees her....just like her and looks just like her too...unreal the personality similarities for two people who hardly ever see each otehr.