Found DF and BM sex tape...Merry Christmas to me. Now what?
WHY I would do this to myself, I don't know? Now I'm a mess of anxiety today.
About a year ago, DF found the charger for his video camera. It's the kind that takes those little cassette tapes. We have a ton of them all over. At the time, we watched a few little bits and pieces so we could look at the kids when they were littler, but I decided that I wasn't really ready to watch them. Of course BM was in them, and of course in front of a camera you pretend your love life is fine and dandy. I know the bigger picture was that DF and BM were rarely ever happy. But still...hard to watch video of those few times they were happy. In our relationship, we've barely used the video camera as we've been shopping around for a new one that will be digital. However, we have tons of those little video cassettes (that I assume are full of kids and holidays and birthdays) in the video camera's bag.
The other day I was thinking about how much I wish that we were taking more video of the skids and my pregnancy, and then I realized we should charge up the old camera and use it for Christmas this year. I found the charger and got it charged up. I also started to feel better about the idea of watching the old videos. I am interested to see the skids when they were younger, especially when SS3 was a baby, since we'll be having our baby soon. I finally felt at a place where BM being in the video wouldn't bother me TOO much. I haven't had time to watch any yet, but I was just thinking maybe we would some day soon.
Then a strange coincidence occurred...
I bought DF NHL tickets for Christmas and wanted to put them in a larger box to disquise the gift. Then I needed something to weigh it down. He has some plastic drawers in his side of the closet that he rarely uses. They hold his back-up clothes, like older t-shirts and socks and junk. I grabbed some random socks out of the back of one of those drawers (since his socks are bigger, they are heavier than mine, and I grabbed from the back thinking he wouldn't notice if 5 pairs were missing). I was placing them in the box when I noticed something was wrapped up in one of the sock bundles. At first I thought, "What a clever place to put my Christmas present!"....until I pulled it out and saw that it was a little cassette for the camera. There was that immediate plunging feeling in my stomach because you just know what it is. I put it back in the drawer where it was, and chose a different pair of socks.
The appropriate thing to do? I probably should have just mentioned that I accidentally found it and that I want him to get rid of it. Did I do that? Nope. And now I'm beating myself up over it.
This morning, DF worked early. WHY on earth I would start my day like this, I DO NOT KNOW.... I put the tape in the freshly charged camera and lo and behold, SEX TAPE of DF and BM. I watched in fast-forward until I was too sick to do it anymore. I put the tape back where I found it.
Now I want to tell you about my fiance. I trust him without a doubt. I know that he'd never keep this tape to go back and re-live a happy memory or to do 'personal' things with it. We have our own videos (not to be TMI). Before I was pregnant, we had an amazing sex life...yes lacking somewhat lately but that's to be expected, and we really do our best with what we can do lately. What I honest-to-God think happened was that a year ago when we first put the video camera stuff together that he probably did a covert look-through some of the tapes and hid that one. OR he hid it LONG ago to make sure it didn't get put in with the others. I'm guessing this tape was made well over 4 years ago (BM looked rather thin, I know she gained a lot of weight after SS3 was born). And he's probably forgotten about it...this is also the guy who had random photos of he and BM in a drawer one time that he didn't even know were there. He doesn't even notice half the stuff in our house. So I do not believe that he kept this tape necessarily knowing WHERE it was or to use it for personal use.
And for a little self-therapy, I have to say one thing. From what I saw, their sex romp didn't look like anything too special. I know that he and I have WAY better memories than anything they did together. You'd think they'd pull out all the stops if they were making a sex at least this backs up the fact that he's told me that their sex life was pretty blah and that she wouldn't do some "things" for him. This just helps me to feel a little better...
But I do know that I want him to get rid of it. I also know that it's one of those things that will bother me and will eventually come out if I try to keep it a secret that I found it. So here are my options of what to do, please tell me what you think!
A) Tell him everything except that I watched the tape. Tell him how I found it and that all I want is for it to get destroyed because I can imagine what's on it. He'll be embarrassed enough by this...I know he would probably rather not know that I saw it.
Tell him everything. Risk that he will be disappointed/mad that I "snooped" -- which I didn't do initially but I did do after finding it, by watching it.
C) Say nothing, but destroy the tape myself.
- SteppingUp's blog
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Destroy the tape & say
Destroy the tape & say nothing.
I am worried that some day in
I am worried that some day in the future I will blurt out about this though!! EEK!
True. If you ever get angey
True. If you ever get angey enough in the future and spit this "find" out to him...
I would still destroy it though and not say a word. Can I ask you what exactly he had it wrapped in and does he ever go to that area to get anything?
It just seems that a sex tape would be a hard thing to just all of a sudden forget?
If I had a missing sex tape floating around out there, I would be a little concerned as to what happened with it.
He just had it wrapped in a
He just had it wrapped in a pair of socks. And like I mentioned in the post, it's just basically a junk drawer...tshirts he really doesn't ever wear and socks that are overflow from our dresser drawer...and some other random stuff like cd's and electronic cords and such. He really never has a need to go in that drawer for anything and I have no memory of even SEEING him use that drawer at all!
I, too, would make damn sure I know where old sex tapes of mine are...I know that he probably KNOWS where it is but I'm sure it doesn't cross his mind that it's in there.
Hmmm. Maybe just go ahead and
Hmmm. Maybe just go ahead and use the "box" that you found and have a few things left sitting "out" with the tape as to where he could see it all? If that makes sense.
You would have to be totally "cool" about it though in the process.
Completely. No faces at all? (hide your nausea)
I do have to say that I'm
I do have to say that I'm glad that BM doesn't have custody of this tape...I would be a million dollars that she would have sent it to me to try to ruin us...
OMG Crayon, yes I remember
OMG Crayon, yes I remember that post!! It was one of the funniest ones I've ever read on here!
You know, every time I hear the song "Ordinary World" on the radio now, I always get a good chuckle.
I don't remember who it was that posted about the sex tape she found with her DH/SO & his exW/the BM.
Yes, I will never be able to
Yes, I will never be able to hear Duran Duran's "Ordinary World" again, without reliving the pukish taste that engorged my throat when I saw BM's 90's hair & naked body engulf my big-screen.
I never have said anything to DH about it. I don't think he realizes he even had it. I know that I packed it (though accidently) when we moved from his marital home. I hammered the life out of it & shredded the tape.
I wasn't angry about it, & in fact despite the illness I felt in my gut when I saw it, I laugh when I remember it...only because I know that BM would be horrified to know that I EVER laid eyes on it.
I don't think DH would care that I tossed it. BM looked like she was trying harder to impress the camera than DH anyway. }:)
HAHA! I am finding myself
HAHA! I am finding myself feeling better with every hour that passes! I know in a few days/months/year it will probably not bother me much!
I go with option B. Then as
I go with option B. Then as 3girlsmom said...shower over and over and over. yuk
I read a bunch of letters BM
I read a bunch of letters BM had sent my DH before he and I met. I read them over and over again. It was so apparent how much of a dysfunctional relationship they had that I was relieved to see it with my own eyes. One day I told him "Hey babe, please dump all that crap you brought from your mothers house including all the letters from that retard please."

He immediately knew I had read them, he tossed them and that was that.
If for some reason you feel the need to tell him you saw the tape tell him as a passing comment. "Oh by the way, as I was looking for a good place to stash your gift I came across a very well hidden cassette. I almost went blind when I realized it was a sex tape of you and your ex. I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of setting it on fire."
I do like your idea...but he
I do like your idea...but he knows me well enough that if I even tried to make it nonchalant like that, there'd end up being a big discussion about it because he would know it upset me (even though it's part my own fault for watching the dumb thing).
True. His reacton would tell
True. His reacton would tell all. Either you would be able to tell he had not a clue by having a "look" or he would get all bent out of shape by your discovery. (accidental)
I made the big mistake of finding a VHS tape that DH had in some random box after this miscarriage a few weeks ago and looked at it...
It was a freaking VHS tape of the two of them in the hospital delivery room having their baby. Just what I needed to be looking at. I did tell DH about it and he still keeps it beside the bed in his drawer along with the gazillion pics. Yeah.
There is A picture of me in there. (singular) I took it out.
Your DH has pictures of him &
Your DH has pictures of him & his ex in his bedroom drawer?
Yeah. " With the Kid" Even
" With the Kid" }:)
Even though he has pictures of just he and the baby / child alone...yeah...
" I (boo-hoo) want a picture of all of us for SD6."
Butterfly I don't know how I
Butterfly I don't know how I would handle that to be quite honest. I mean I can understand having them in a box, stashed somewhere out of sight so that at some point he can pass them on to his kids but in his DRAWER? Nah...That would be a BIG problem for me. So sorry to hear that. I think it's cruel & insensitive.
That is why I am headed for a
That is why I am headed for a divorce. This man never will get over his past. If ou could meet/ see/ know me you would think it a real shame too.
His loss. Somewhere out there is someone who will treat me as I deserve to be treated. No big deal.
Good for you my dear. Wishing
Good for you my dear. Wishing you loads of happiness, love & health for 2011 and beyond. Kudos to you for leaving him and not allowing yourself to be anyones doormat. The fucking nerve OMG!!!
I just have to stick around
I just have to stick around to make sure he is netured. His worst fear is having his winky sliced open. }:)
I'm with Bob Barker.
Holy shit... If that ever
Holy shit...
If that ever happened to me, I have no idea what I would do. I would not look at him with the same eyes again, thats for sure.
Oh god im getting paranoid now...
I really really hope that DF
I really really hope that DF would have the same reaction. I'm actually considering just telling him exactly what I want his reaction to be:
"Listen, I found this private tape completely by accident and although I shouldn't have looked, I did. I just want you to destroy it and tell me how much of an awesome love life we have and that our entire relationship will never compare to that of you and BM and that you're sorry that it wasn't destroyed before this."
Basically, I don't need validation from him or excuses...I really don't feel like I need this. It's more of that I'm upset/anxiety-ridden because of the horrid thoughts in my head that I put on myself htat I want him to comfort know??
When my H and I had been
When my H and I had been living together for 6 months, we had the ritual Getting Rid of Memories Past - namely to do with BM and any other old flings (for both of us).
H was busy crumpling and tossing a BUNCH of letters that BM had sent him when they were still together. I grabbed one out of the trash.
And read it...boy, did I wish I had never read that! BM telling H how much she enjoyed the first time they had anal.
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I'm
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I'm definitely VERY VERY VERY happy that I did not see anything kinky/crazy... very very glad it was rather mild stuff.
Hahaha, i had to laugh out
Hallmark card! LOL!!! I just
Hallmark card! LOL!!!
I just told H that shows you how much of a skank she really was! If she enjoyed it her first time with you - she probably already had it from someone ELSE!!
But she had already proven herself quite the ho with being only 16 years old and having a calendar with initials on different days (sometimes the same day) corresponding to the guy(s) she had slept with. WHILE she was in a "committed relationship" with my H.
ME: "So she was trying to find someone to be on the hook for child support even at that young age."
H: (deer in headlights look) "I never thought of that."
ME: "Why ELSE would a girl that young want to know WHO she slept with on WHAT DATE? AND important enough that she would take the chance that her BF will FIND that calendar!" Which he did - and STILL STAYED WITH HER for many more years.
LOL There is probably a
LOL There is probably a priceless card market for that out there...LOL. I almost spit out my mocha reading that. Hilarious.
Oh, Sky!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That
Oh, Sky!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jawdrop:
That would totally gross me out to think about his winky in her...
* cough *
gag gag gag and
ho ho ho
Butterfly - Haha! And I'm
Butterfly - Haha! And I'm sure you can take ONE guess at what H has NEVER gotten to do with ME!!!
I feel "contaminated" too. His winky was in that beast. Oh, the thought grosses me out.
meneran- LOL Yes, it does
meneran- LOL
Yes, it does "taint" the marriage after seeing/ viewing things such as this. I've never been the same since.
There are other various VHS tapes out there of the 3 of them at their x-mas time, all giving gifts to each other and man does DH look like the fool.
He was so sweet to give those to BM. *cough*
He couldn't just trash them, that would have made him cry or something...
Now I am curious if my bf
Now I am curious if my bf made anything like that, or if he even had camera to tape special moments
Even if he did, they are not in our house. If they exist they are at her house, and there they belong. SHe can do whatever she wants with whatever evidence she has.
He didnt even take his old toothbrush with him :O
But somehow even thought of him having sex with her makes my head hurt :sick:
even though they have -proof- of that (as he said it once) eg. the kid.
I dont know what i would do if i actually found evidence of such deed hahahah
I know DH made one with BM,
I know DH made one with BM, he's told me they did. I would guess she still has it, she wouldn't allow him to take the video camera when he left. I'm wondering if she still watches it. knowing her it's possible.
I agee with Luckyduck, admit
I agee with Luckyduck, admit to finding it, having the curiosity to see what was on it, and ask him to destroy it immediately before you have further nightmares ! I'm so sorry you have to try to erase that from your mind. Men are so visual when it comes to sex, it's no wonder so many bad tapes end up in the wrong hands. You have nothing to be trying to hide, you weren't snooping, it's something that you shouldnt' have had to find anyways.
Looks like here are the votes
Looks like here are the votes so far:
Option A - Telling all BUT that I watched it: 2 votes
Option B - Telling ALL: 4 votes
Option C - Destroy and say nothing: 3 votes
Option D - Say nothing, put
Option D - Say nothing, put the tape with the rest of family tapes, have a movie night with him to watch special moments with skids, and turn the tape on. Watch his reaction }:)
LOL to option D although I
LOL to option D although I just wouldn't be able to lay my eyes on this tape EVER AGAIN!
Before I leave DH. I made up
Before I leave DH. I made up my mind to make an enormous montage of all of them together in one large frame.
DH, BM, SD6, MIL }:) }:) }:) , FIL, MIL #2 (dead, a house fell on her)
You call that a "condolence" gift. (black framed)
LOL...Good one...
LOL...Good one...
I few months ago I was
I few months ago I was looking for a picture my husband had sent from his phone to his computer...he knew I was in his email getting this picture. So I sorted the email by his phone number so I could just grab it and save it to the computer (it was a cute pic of my SD3 that I was going to include in a photo book we were ordering online)....Well, I opened one - should have looked at the date because I would have known immediately it wasn't the right picture, but I didn't and let's just say I never knew my DH was such a boob man...he has about 10 pictures of some skank's boobs on his compuer.
I was totally grossed out. Still am. And one night, after some quality cocktails, I finally said: You have a bunch of saggy boobie pictures on your computer. I saw them. Oh and one of you making out with the same skank.
He deleted them immediately.
I can't imagine a sex tape...I would tell him. If you are like me you might get mad and it will all come out.
Yeah if I had better
Yeah if I had better self-strength I'd just destroy and ignore...but knowing me, some day when I have a few drinks it might slip out. Or god forbid while I'm all drugged up in labor or something.... :jawdrop:
LOL DH does not "like" it
DH does not "like" it when Butterfly has a few drinks because Butterfly will loosen up and tell it like it really is... }:)
Gee, do you think that is his problem with me drinking? I told him, "It depends on the company/ enviroment I am in." I am usually frisky and giddy but he seems to pull the worst out of me.
I "oops" found old downloads
I "oops" found old downloads of BBW's :jawdrop: on DH's PC. Wth is he with me then @ 110 pounds??? :?
DH: "Oh. that was just a phase."
I would say exactly what you
I would say exactly what you said to us on here. Tell him what you were doing, why you did it, you were comfortable to see the tapes and you found one so you watched it. If you keep it in, it will def. come out later. I can't keep things in like that b/c they eat at me and the longer you wait the more annoyed you might be. He shouldn't get mad at the fact you watched a movie, if he does just give him thee old then why were you hiding it in OUR house...hehe. I say tell him b/c holding it in will drive you mad eventually.
Yearrrrrrrrs ago, I had a couple throw away camera's in a dresser drawer and my husband, which was my boyfriend at the time, had a couple throw away camera's too. Well I took them in to be developed and low and behold I see BM's skanky nasty naked body on them. Naked on the bed and some in lingerie. I wanted to puke at the thought. I brought it up to him and he didn't even remember what was on the camera. Needless to say they were torn up and tossed, but I couldn't sit on it, I had to say something. It went ok though. No fight. Just a bad visual burned into my mind for many years.
You bring up another part of
You bring up another part of what I'm trying to figure out...wait until AFTER he opens his Christmas gift? He'll see the socks that I DID use...and it might click in his head if he remembers where the tape was...
I would be up front and tell
I would be up front and tell him you found it and skimmed it. Why bother to hide it? A relationship is based on honesty so again why would you bother covering it up? That way you guys can discuss it-as in he can explain that-OMG i did forget all about the disgusting thing-and provide you with reassurances that he never wants to watch the nasty thing and wants the pleasure of destroying it.
After talking to a good
After talking to a good friend (who knows both of us very well, including our histories before each other), here's what I decided to do.
I am going to spend the next days giving myself a lobotomy so that I can erase the images from my head. Every time I think about this I'm going to remind myself of a fun memory of DF and I together instead. Self-therapy.
We are going to DF's family's house for Christmas. After DF opens his Christmas present, he will see the socks. If it all clicks together, he might realize that I came dangerously close to finding the tape. I'll judge his reaction and see how that goes. Depending on our alone time after this, I'll bring it up. I'm still on the fence about whether I will even mention that I watched it. I just don't know if that's necessary...and I don't want both of our minds to be tainted the next time we have sex (which honestly I'm not sure I'll be able to do for awhile!). But I will tell him that I need him to destroy it and to tell me that he is sorry that I even had to find it. I certainly don't want to ruin his Christmas present, or our Christmas in general. But I think if I bring it up before he has opened his present to understand why I was rummaging through his drawer to begin with, he will believe I was intentionally snooping. This factor isn't helped by the COMPLETE coincidence that I charged up the camera the same day as I found the tape. And I don't want to explain the socks thing because it might ruin his present and he'll know it's not something as big/heavy as it seems!
I appreciate all of your advice. Seems like it was about 50/50 DESTROY AND SAY NOTHING vs. TELL ALL. I can't find it in me to say nothing...and I know myself well enough that it will come out in a moment in the future.
One thing I do know (and I'm always reminded of in every circumstance on StepTalk) is that it could be worse . It could have been someone else and NOT BM (that would have raised a lot more questions/anxiety), they could have been doing something that he and I have never done before (that would make me think that he wanted to hold on to the tape for that reason), or they simply could have been doing some crazy kinky stuff that might make me feel like he's not getting "enough" from me. All of these things didn't happen, and for that I'm thankful. I am not comparing myself to her, I'm not finding things to make myself feel like crap...I just feel like crap that I had control over seeing those images or not, and I chose to see them out of stupid curiosity.
As always, thank you fellow Step-Talkers!!
I wonder if it would
I wonder if it would embarrass BM to know that you had it. It sure would me if I had anything like that with an X that might still be in possession of it!
That's blackmail material!
I DO think it would embarrass
I DO think it would embarrass her tremendously! There was a moment where I thought maybe that was why DF kept it...but then I realized he doesn't have a vindictive bone in his body and probably would never do that.
Its in the past. He probably
Its in the past. He probably recognized it and panicked and hid it to save your feelings. Destroy the tape and tell him you found it AFTER you destroy it. If he gets mad, then there's your answer. He'll probably just apologize and say he's sorry it hurt your feelings.
It really doesn't have to be a horrible deal! You have the right to destroy it. You are a powerful woman and deserve to get to destroy it!!
I made the stupid decision to
I made the stupid decision to watch the sex tapes of my DH and his XGF when he first moved in with me. They were on his laptop. I still to this day get queasy when it pops into my head. Really if I had to do it over again I would rather gouge my eyes out. It is just something I cant shake. I am haunted by it. Definitely get rid of it. You wont feel better until you know its gone from your home. I wouldnt mention it DH knows I saw his and it doesn't ever make for comfortable conversation and nothing good ever comes of it. Just destroy the tape and dispose of it and then do whatever you can to get it out of your mind.
I would have some fun with
I would have some fun with this. Tell him when he opens his gift that you could not use the original sock bundle you picked and give him a wink. When he asks you about it tell him you watched the video and were not impressed considering the stuff that you and he manage to accomplish erotically speaking.
Tell him that you put the tape back were you found it and he can either destroy it or you will sell copies of it on XTUBE, YOUPORN or PORNOTUBE.
(By the way. I would not know anything about those sites if I had not found them when I checked out my SS-18's browsing history)
I understand how this might be disturbing to you but keep something in mind. BM is his past. That is all of your DH that she will ever have. You are his present and his future and you get the best of him.
My wife and I both have histories that we lived prior to finding each other. Hell, she had a fuck trophy when I met her (the Skid). I have no trophies that I am aware of but my history was far more extensive than hers. She has had 6 lovers and I have had dozens. Neither of us lament the other's past. Those relationships helped make us who we are and the person that the other cherishes. BM may have been a nightmare but she did help make your DH to become the man that he is today. My XW was the ice queen adulterous whore from hell. She helped me appreciate my beautiful bride even more than I would had I not lived 2.5 years of frigid adulterous hell.
Really, have some fun with this. Tease your DH about it, then let it go.
All IMHO of course.
Thanks, Rags! Great advice --
Thanks, Rags! Great advice -- I'm about to post a new blog about what ended up happening.
OMG... Before i moved in with
OMG... Before i moved in with my DH.. he told me he was cleaning the whole house of pictures and things of bm..which wasnt much.. she took everything but the kitchen sink. He mentioned it not me. I have to admitt..i dont want to see her pictures around. Its the past not his future. After our honeymoon we got home and it took me 2 weeks to move in with everything that was goin on with work and all so weeks after i moved in i made a comment that i guess he got the pictures out cause i hadnt ran into the first one. WELL, one day after i was goin through the night stand THAT I CAME that means my dh had to put his stuff in it and seen a picture of her when she was a cheerleading back in the flippin old days. I had him come see and he said i dont know where that came from.. as he said like i want to see that and have u upset. I said OK. maybe month later i find a album of her and dh only in the laundry room..where i have been since i moved in everyday. I asked him where this came from.. he said he has no clue. He seemed frustrated but i keep moving. Months into our marriage i find more pictures and like in places ive been before and not seen. Its apparent she throw her man away and now that im in the picture she wants him back so she is doin whatever it takes. I cant hardly believe she would come in the house but sadly to say i think she is having her 17 year daughter plant the pictures. I had my first on the phone fuss with her and and told her that she needs to leave us alone that he dont want her and she said he has always loved me and will never stop and the only reason he is with you is because he cant trust me. by the way she cheated on him a bunch towards the end of the their 22 year marriage. I busted out and said he hasnt been wanting you since he met me. she said yes he took me to the beach and bought me swimsuit and i said whats the date you went.. i knew he didnt but i wanted to hear her. She said 2 years i got done with this call and was destroyed. It hurt just to hear her! I asked him about trip and he said he did NOTHING with her after he met me.
PROMISE you it was 2 days later.. in his night stand again was a receipt and another picture of her in his drawer. The receipt showed the date on the beach trip and how many stayed in room.
I couldnt believe it... she had managed to try and prove to me he cheated me on with her. I was only upset that whoever is putting the crap in our house has to stop. WE changed the locks and watch who we give the code to garage door too now but this woman has haunted me from day one and its been 5 years . OH the date on the receipt was way before i even met my dh so that was a waste for her.
Reason im saying this is the ex wants you to see pictures and videos and be hurt and in hopes u run away but it could be planted there! NEVER KNOW!
Good luck getting over that... im not sure i would. I found one video of his bm and told him to put it somewhere i cant be near it and he throw it in trash right then. Its been and still is a battle with bm but ive come to realize she is very jealous of me and i have to take it for what it is.
I wouldnt allow any pictures to be around the bm...if the kids want them..different story..let them but he needs to keep her past with him in box somewehre else or do as my dh did and throw them away unless it had the kids in it and he gave them to the kids then. Its your life with him now and opening drawer and seeing the ex isnt the life to share with him. my opinion..
It sounds like a majority of
It sounds like a majority of the women here are normal and as curious as the, as a therapist, I'd tell you to tell him exactly what you told us. Children, sex, and money are three things that can get under our skin...and it will come out when you least want it to, i.e., during a fight. Just ask him to sit and talk for a minute about it. You trust him, so you should trust he would believe that you were NOT snooping, unless you've done it before.....when it comes to those areas--its better just to shoot straight. You might be surprised at how he responds.......