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I'm never going to like skid

tofurkey's picture

Come to the realization that I'm never going to like skid or idea of skid. For all of you out there who actually do, that's great that you are fortunate enough to feel that way. I wish I could, but I just can't find it in myself to.

I didn't always have such negative feelings towards skid or the situation. Of course I was a little wary with this being the first time I was with someone who had kids. In the beginning skid actually acted pretty decent, BM didn't start her shit yet, and I wasn't thinking at the time about having kids with now DH because we weren't that serious yet. I also had no issues with MIL at that time.

But as time went by, I slowly started gaining more and more distaste for the situation. BM started her court B.S. and threats, started telling DH lies about me, accusing me of shit that was nowhere near true, played games with with holding visitation, skid started acting like a little horror, DH telling me that I would have to find somewhere else to stay because I supposedly upset SD, SD started PAS'ing me, purposely messed with my stuff and tried to turn DH against me, gained the Diva I am too good for you attitude, cries, screams, tantrums, DH getting upset with me that I don't have blinders on like everyone else when it comes to SD, arguments and knock down drag outs regarding boundaries with BM, BM calling at all hours and pulling "I want to be the family" crap, DH throwing unexpected and unplanned visits on me and getting pissed I wasn't happy about it, BM texting DH on OUR honeymoon, MIL becoming BFF with BM, MIL and DH acting like I don't exist in SD's presence, watching an almost 7 y/o get told she has the maturity of a 30 y/o about 10 min after she throws a tantrum and whilst she eats with a baby spoon and sits in a high chair, wanting to have children with DH and DH saying we need to wait while I watch him play with a kid he already had with someone else, knowing that BM is going to be up in our shit the rest of our lives, knowing that SD is going to grow up into the most horrific bratty acting teenager and try to pin DH against me.....

I'm so happy that I can come vent on here and not get called a monster for how I feel. But, I'm just never going to be happy about the situation. I'm always going to have an issue with it. Too much has happened and too much is going to happen with me being the one who suffers, to be all happy happy joy joy. DH and I have gotten to the point where we have compromised and the situation works for the both of us. I don't love it, but I can get through it. At times though it feels like DH lives a double life. He has his life with me where we live in our apt with our pets and have quiet dinners together and coffee together in the morning, laugh and have fun. Then he has his life with BM and SD where he plays "happy family". Gag. Any other of you feel this way?


HeatherM's picture

Because of my SS and his mother, my BS no longer lives with me. I've become an EOW parent to him and it kills me. This affects every aspect of my life... and while they run around all 'happy happy joy joy' to quote you.. (DH too).. I get angrier and more resentful. I'm like you, I can't possibly see a day where I'll really like my skid. I just can't wait until its all over..and he moves out!

tofurkey's picture

Before I came on here, I kept on telling myself, the b.s. and drama will all be over someday....But, after reading how it all continues, sometimes even worse, when the skids are past 18 and 21, I got a real bitter reality check that all the crap continues past then and is just passed on when skid's have kids on their own...It seems like it will never end and there will never be any relief.

When we have skid visits over at MIL's and DH always begs me to come with and i'm a sucker and fall for it to avoid what I think will be bigger drama if I don't show my face, I find myself getting more and more irritated as MIL and DH sit there and think SD is the greatest thing since sliced bread when she's acting like a 2 year old and I just sit there and count the seconds until we leave. Dh is lucky in the fact that I never put him through something on a schedule that makes him miserable. And he never has to worry about any of my ex's ever being in my life again. I think sometimes he takes that for granted.

Anon2009's picture

I think you'd feel much better if you didn't go to the skid visits (or don't go to all of them). I think it would be much better for both you and SD. You could use those weekends to get a lot of stuff done.

tofurkey's picture

I know, I know, I have been thinking about going to every other visit and see if that helps. I always end up going though because a.) DH and I don't get crap for time during the week so the weekend is really the only time we get a decent ammount of time together. So, I figure that I atleast get the hour ride there and hour ride back with him in piece. b.) we work together on the weekends, so after we leave MIL's we go straight to get the things done that we have to do on the way back through
c.) the times i havn't gone for one reason or another, MIL is like crazy monster beast to try to get to see me at some other time. so if i go during skid visit, atleast i get it "done and over with" and she leaves me alone lol

I will have to figure something out though. I don't get in the way of SD having time with DH during visit. I pretty much just sit there, read magazines, and have some random convo's with in-laws, watch some tv. So, I don't try to ruin the visit, I just put on my fake smile and happy face and grit through it.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I can relate quite well. It is like you never have the "entire" marriage, just in between the "two" of you. Sad

One has to ask, is it worth it? That I have learned is the biggest question of it all thus far.

Here is that most infamous word started by huntermom- "Natural" :?

tofurkey's picture

Yeah, that's what it feels like is a partial marriage. DH IS my life, I don't have any relationships like that outside of him. So to know that he does is hard when I sit and think about it. The situation seems just like a permanent reminder that him and BM had sex.....

Last skid visit skid was drawing pictures. She sits in between DH and I during visit. She drew "mommy" a picture and "daddy" a picture AND drew MIL a picture. No picture for me....Not that I wanted one or expected one or was mad at her for it, but it's just those little things that remind me at times I am nothing more than chopped liver lol

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

That was quite rude of her but oh how can I relate to being treated like that as well.

Think of things this way perhaps, after she is done, draw a picture of you and "daddy" and put it up somewhere. Write on it: For SD7 }:)

I kid you not. My mind is moving more in that direction lately. Turn it around. That does not make you "mean." It solely proves a point.

tofurkey's picture

Haha, that's great I like that. Of course that would never work for me because it would backfire by MIL or DH whining "Ohhhhh where's SDDDDDD in that picture????" blaaah

Anon2009's picture

I think the responsiblity and blame should fall on DH here. Stuff like that hurts like he** but it really is up to DH to say something to his daughter and explain to her how that's not polite. Or she could draw DH then draw a separate picture of BM, and give her picture to BM when she gets home. I used to draw pictures for both of my parents too. I drew one of my parents together after they got divorced while I was at Dad's house. My mom took me aside and explained that it wasn't appropriate and I never did that again.

tofurkey's picture

I agree. Getting DH to say anything other than praise to his daughter though is like pulling teeth, and then I turn out to be the evil one....Its rediculous

tofurkey's picture

Yep, I agree completely. Once I stopped expecting to be treated decently, I wasn't let down as much and it got better. If I go into the situation knowing that I am going to be ignored to a point, expect annoying behavior and shitty attitude instead of a decent human being, it got easier.

No, I don't expect anything good to come from this situation. Not one damn thing. This hasn't taught me a lesson, this has not made me a better person, this has not brought joy to my life or brought me and DH closer. It's actually the exact opposite of all of that. I have no expectations for DH's daughter. Why should I? She is not my kid. I have no dreams or aspirations for her whatsoever. It is what it is. I know the kind of person she is now and I know what she will turn out to be if her parents continue on the rocky non-parenting path they are on. Will I be surprised if she makes a turn around? I will probably fall out of my damn chair! Will I be proud? Not so much. I don't see the point of giving people kudos for acting their age and having manners.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Tofturkey I tried a different approach. I demanded to be treated with respect & with decency from both Skids. I demanded manners. It wasn't even about being accepted as the SM it was more about common manners. SD10 used to walk in the house and not even acknowledge me. She was about 5 or 6 at the time. I would grab her by the arm, look her in the eye and say to her "Excuse me. Did you see me?" She would stare at me. I would repeat "Did you see me?" She would say "Yes." Than I would say "Ok, so did you say hi to me?" And she would stare some more. Than she would say "Hi so&so." And I would say "Well hello to you too little girl. How was your week?" And then she would smile and she would tell me about her week. It was ONGOING, a routine. Now she walks in and she immediately walks to me, hugs me, says hello and asks me how I've been. I did not sit by and let these kids walk all over me. It wasn't going down. Just the other day she said "So&So you're scary! I wouldn't mess with you! My brother & my dad are scared of you too!" We were all laughing and I said "What makes me scary? I've never yelled at you. I've never mistreated you." And she and her brother said "No, but you're no joke! We're scared to mess with you!" I told them "You're not scared. You respect me. There's a difference."

tofurkey's picture

I like what you did, and that's funny the comments they made about it. But you are right, it's not being scared, it's respect.

My problem is that DH and MIL and everyone else has blinders on. All the unsavory attitude issues I see every time we go for a visit no one else sees. If I ever do bring anything up, I always get the response "Oh she's only 6, give her a break" or "Oh, she's not feeling good, that's why she's acting up". Noooo one sees what she does. And I can't pry her away from humping DH's leg long enough to try to really converse with her at all. We say hi and bye to each other, maybe something random in between like how our dog is doing, and that's about it.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

"SD10 used to walk in the house and not even acknowledge me. She was about 5 or 6 at the time."


Still is happening to me and DH keeps saying stuff but it is not working. I must turn invisible or something. It has nothing to do with me being mean nor SD6 being shy either. Rude.

If I were to even "touch" this cherub with their permissive parenting, I would more than likely be doing 10 to life somewhere.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Than butterfly this child shouldn't even be allowed in your home. About 8 years ago I had a situation where my MIL had the nerve to tell my DH that as far as his kids were concerned no 3rd party should be allowed to have an opinion. At which point I said "Ok well than since as a 3rd party I have no voice than these kids are no longer welcome in my home." I meant it. When he had his kids for the weekend he had to take them to his mothers house because they were forbidden from entering my home. Shortly afterwards DH found himself his own apartment and he lived on his own for 6 months. Eventually we patched things up but I put my foot down and kept it there. Nobody in their damn right mind is going to tell me that I need to put up with someone else's kids and that I have no right to discipline them. Get the F outta here with that shit!

Unfreakingreal's picture

Oh tofturkey reading your blog brought back SO many memories. It was as if I was reading my life story. My experience has been this: I have been with DH for 10 years. Skids are now 18 and 10. So I've been in their lives for a long time. At first, they made my skin crawl. They were bratty, expected DH to just buy, buy, buy, give, give, give, do, do, do. BM was and still is a piece of work. (Revert to my post from yesterday to get the jist of our relationship) I am a very tough lady. I had to mold skids to a certain behavior pattern that worked for me. I had to mold DH as well. Through many years of "mind-fucking" like P. Diddy says in "Get him to the Greek" I have been able to manage our situation that best way it can possibly be managed.
At first, when visits were EOW, I'd pick up my own kids and leave. I'd spend the day at friends homes, go shopping, take my kids to museums, movies. WHATEVER, so that I had the least bit of contact w/skids possible. Eventually, DH caught on and noticed that my disappearing acts were very much intentional. DH is a passive & quiet man and he is easily enlightened and has been good with following my lead when it comes to the skids. It is still a hard situation and is an everyday job per say. Yesterday my BS13 and SS18 got into an argument. DH was mad at my BS and wanted to reprimand him for being disrespectful towards SS18. Both boys were at the gym and came back together. WHen they got home they were laughing & talking about music videos. I looked at them both and said "So did you kiss & make up?" And SS18 said "yeah, it was just brothers crap." My DH was still bent out of shape and had every intention of reprimanding my boy. I simply told him "they made up. Stay out of it and let them handle things on their own." He agreed and left it alone. So like I say, it's a day by day thing. Situation by situation. Find a way to make it easier on yourself if you feel that your marriage is worth it. I love my DH and I knew that this was by far going to be the hardest thing ever. I still feel that way, but it has become much easier to navigate with time.

emilymarie's picture

I can totally relate. I was married before but never had any children with him, so my current husband never has to deal with my ex let alone any children I may have had previously. I hate it when birthdays and holidays come bc BM and DH believe in buying big gifts for every occasion and I do not. I love my own daughter (who I have with DH) and would love to give her the world, but why raise an entitled child who appreciates nothing? It's tough because it's like they're still a family when it comes to decisions that need to be made for SD and there I am in the background, wondering what my boundaries are and what I feel I can say. DH will never know how that feels because he doesn't have any Skids, both children in our family are his. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I am so glad I found this website because I always feel guilty when I have these feelings. And then I get on here and see other people feel the same way. It's like no one can appreciate how stepmoms feel until you become one. You just can't explain it.

StillSearching's picture

I feel that my BF has a double life also. We are in our own world when the kids aren't around but then when we have them EOW it seems that I get pushed aside as an outsider. I have never felt a part of the family and it has been 2 1/2 years.

secondplace's picture

I know how you feel StillSearching.

My FDH and I have been together 2 1/2 years as well. He was really bad at first. When the skids came over, I was pretty much invisible, that is, until they went to bed. Then all of a sudden I magically appeared and he loved me up like he normally does when they're not around. I told him I didn't appreciate the three of them doing stuff alone all the time and leaving me out. It is after all my house too. It took a little while, but he always invites me to do stuff with them. He always tells the kids "maybe" when they request to do something during their visit. Then he mentions it to me, and we decide as a couple. If I don't want to necessarily do something, I will tell him just to go ahead and do it with the skids.

As for the loving up, he could still work on that a little bit when the skids are around. I think he still feels a little uncomfortable with hugging and kissing me when they're in view, but I have noticed him getting better at that too!

I basically told him that I won't put up with him treating me second when the skids are around. And now, he doesn't.

StillSearching's picture

Thanks for commenting secondplace. I think it is my BF's daughter that makes it difficult for me to be a part of the group. When my BF tries to have a conversation with me she will tell him to shut up because she is watching TV and can't hear. Or when we are out in public and BF and I are talking she will keep saying "Dad Dad Dad" mind you she just turned 17. My BF's son does not interrupt us and he does welcome me most of the time and he is only 14. It is the daughter that is just still has not accepted me. Thank you for listening.

emilymarie's picture

I have to agree with the person who said to expect nothing from your skids. I have been struggling with the decision on whether or not to waste my time trying to make her a contributing member of society or not. I put so much effort into our relationship only to get nothing back in return. I have been in my SD9 life for 3 years and she lives w us 100% of the time. Sometimes I wish I had the issues that EOW parents deal with because at least DH and I would have some alone time when she's w BM. Mom moved across the country. So one would think that in time, SD and I would become closer. NO! I get a fake hug every night before bed bc daddy tells her to "say goodnight to em."
She has no interests and if she shows an interest in something, we've tried signing her up for different things, she bawls and wants to quit after the first time. (gymnastics, piano, soccer, girl scouts, etc) I don't believe in letting your child quit once they've committed to something, but daddy can't stand to see his little girl cry. So, I guess my whole point here is that DH undoes I have tried so hard to do for 3 yrs, so why bother anymore? It's just easier to realize she's not mine, never will be, and to focus my energy on my own daughter. Does that sound cruel?

tofurkey's picture

I don't think it's being cruel, I think it's coming to term with your situation. I don't understand why the DH's and SO's don't think that they should be having discussions with their kids to make sure the kids understand that you are his Wife or SO and that you will be a permanent fixture of the family so you should be treated as such. Is that so hard?

My mother has been with her "fiance" for 21 or 22 years. (They just never decided to spend money on wedding). But anyhow, he was all I knew growing up since I was very young when he came into the picture. We had our moments of butting heads, but that was more so just living with somebody type thing and not a "step" situation. While I never referred to him as my stepfather, I think we got along pretty well. I didn't feel the need to be an asshole to him or be vinvictive and territorial, because I still had my mom, she didn't go anywhere. That was the guy that made my mother happy so I was happy for her and why would I f that up for her? I just don't get it....

Unfreakingreal's picture

Emilymarie I can understand that point of view. These kids are NOT ours. They never will be. They might never give us a genuine smile or a genuine hug. But here is where my personal lines get blurred. I am a mother too. My DH and I have no kids in common. I try to teach these Skids the same values & morals that I am teaching MY kids. Because at the end of the day, wicked, bratty, spoiled, entitled as they may be, they are still kids. And even if only ONE lesson that I have taught them sticks, than I have done my job as a GOOD mom. Because step or not, I am still a MOM to these kids when they are under my care. And MAYBE, just MAYBE one day I'll get the recognition I deserve. If not, well than atleast I know that I tried my best.

emilymarie's picture

That's so true, and so well put. I have been trying for 3 yrs and I guess it just gets the best of you sometimes. What's hardest for me is that DH and I obviously have very different views on parenting. That's something that has taken me 3 yrs to realize. I love him more than anything and he's my whole world so making our marriage work is totally worth everything negative that comes my way. He treats me so well and I couldn't ask for a better husband but as a father, he's such a pushover!!!!!

Unfreakingreal's picture

Pushover DH? Really? His name wouldn't happen to be....LOL.. Please. My SS18 refuses to get a job. It is a CONSTANT battle between DH and I. He gives him money behind my back and I have to repeatedly tell him "you are causing such damage to this boy, when are you going to see it?" So I go online and fill in job applications for him. He still hasn't found a job but he knows the deal. He just got his drivers license. He was banking on his dad buying him a car for graduation in June. I said "Really? sorry kid, no job no car." And DH agreed. He will get a car when he has a job to pay for his gas & money to pay for his insurance, until then he's taking the 11 bus everywhere. (eleven being his 2 skinny legs wherever he needs to go)
It is not easy my fellow SM, but like everything you do, do the best you can do. Because a half assed job shouldn't be acceptable in any situation.