Skid x-mas visit......
So this past weekend, DH had skid visit out at MIL's and since BM is going to have SD for Christmas, we did Christmas for her during visit. It was hideous....
So, we get to MIL's and the normal skid visit b.s. happens.... SD clings onto DH like a leach hurts his already hurting back by hanging all over him, skid "sits pretty" in her highchair, interupts everyone while they are trying to talk, whines, cries, kicks me underneath the table.....
One of the things we had to eat was a twiced baked potato. It was cut down the middle and opened a bit so you could get into it. Sd decides to revert back to 2 years old and whines to DH "daddddyyyyyyyy I can'ttttt oppppeennnn myyy pottatttoooooo" So of course DH jumps to and pulls the skin apart. I mean seriously, a 3 hour old monkey could have done this. I was like are you kidding me? Really?
So then the real fun began when SD opened her presents. She rips through everything from DH and I, and everytime she opened something she would look over at DH and thank him and give him a kiss. She didn't say a word to me. DH kept telling her that I helped with the presents and they were from me too. Still, she continued to act like it was solely DH there and I didn't have shit to do with anything......Same thing with her presents that she gave. She had two presents she gave to DH. The tag said to "Daddy". She made a point to keep telling him "I got those presents just for you dadddddydyyyyyyddydydyyyy." Nothing said about me. Nothing said like "I got this for you and Tofurkey". Nope. DH, sensing this was very rude, as I was the one who went out and braved the stores and picked up all of the little brat's presents and wrapped them, told me "Go ahead Tofurkey, open up our presents from SD". I just looked at him like don't try to play that game, just open the damn presents....
And then SD opened BIL and SIL's present. They didn't have any boxes at their house, so they put her present in one of the family sized cereal boxes. When she opened it up and saw the cereal box, she just stared at BIL and SIL with this nasty look on her face and then started to cry. She ran over to DH and slammed her head into his arm and seriously started to have a nervous breakdown - like crying frenzy. Everyone was telling her before she even started that the present was inside the box, just look inside. So finally, after the diva got it all out, she stomped over to the box and retrieved the actual present. Then just threw it aside and continued on her tyrade......
Then, as if that wasn't fun enough, she started playing with one of the presents from DH. It was a necklace making set with beads. She couldn't figure out how to tie it, so MIL offered to help. Well, the "princess" didn't like this and stomped off into the other room and started screaming and crying...."it's NOT GOING TO WORK! I CAN'T DO ITTTTTTTT!!!!!"
Ughhhhh! I was so beyond beyond disgusted I couldn't freaking stand it. That girl acted like such a spoiled, nasty, entitled little shit and, like always, everyone let her get away with it. She didn't deserve one thing she got with her piss poor attitude. I'm sorry, but if that were my child and she acted that way I would have corrected that in about .2 seconds and you are damn sure she would have gotten a few presents taken back. I can't stand these people acting like this kid can't do anything wrong! :sick:
- tofurkey's blog
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She will be 7 at the
She will be 7 at the beginning of the year.
Lol, oh the highchair...I have commented about this about here a couple of times before. It's a wooden highchair, like the kind that you would see people put their porcelain dolls stuffed animals or something on ?
I've told DH over and over
I've told DH over and over and over again that what everyone does there is not helping her to become a functioning and decent human being. Everytime I bring things up, he will give me the "I know, I know" or "Yeah, you're right". But then, it's like it has fallen on deaf ears by the time the next visit comes around....selective amnesia
Tofurkey, as much as I feel
Tofurkey, as much as I feel sorry for what you go through, I have to say your posts about your visits make me laugh! LOL...Sorry, but at least you can find humor in the situation. I am sitting here laughing at my computer about the 3 hour old monkey, Dh thinks I am nuts!
I'm glad I can give you an
I think that's how I get through with my sanity is to just think these things in my head....Like when that crap was happening, I just imagined a cute little baby monkey playing with a potato....with much more successful results than the skid....and it makes me crack a smile on my hateful face and gives me a few minutes to zone out lol.
This is what this kid has brought me to; day dreaming about monkies.
Yes I did go pick up the
Yes I did go pick up the presents that DH gave me $$$ to go get, because I hadn't started my new job yet and he was working overtime and I rathered I go while he was working than to have him go after work and have even less time to spend with him. Also, I do NOT let him get anywhere near the wrapping paper, or else it looks like a woodchuck broke into the house. lol
Do you think SD can sense you
Do you think SD can sense you don't like her? These visits happen at MIL's instead other Dad's. Even though you're nice to her, kids can sense when they're not liked. If DH and the in-laws don't make changes you can't expect a 7-yr-old to. The adults here need to step up.Only once the grown-ups change will SD change.
No, I don't think that SD can
No, I don't think that SD can sense I don't like her, neither can the in-laws. Only DH, because I am open and honest with him. I just put on my happy face at the in-laws, zone out and wait until it's over. She will engange me in convo from time to time but I don't initiate it...
I do agree it's the adults that need to set some boundaries and rules here. Although, I do think at her age that she knows exactly what she's doing when she's "working the room". But, like you said, an adult needs to put her in her correct place. I wouldn't hold my breath for that to happen though, because they always have an excuse for any of her crappy behavior.
Auggggh 11 days?! You are
Auggggh 11 days?! You are wonder woman to deal with that crap! I am very thankful that I only have to deal with skid in small ammts. I think I would seriously lose my mind if it wasn't.
Omg, I shutter to think what
Omg, I shutter to think what she is going to turn into. And I have told DH this...All i get is the same "I know" and "you're right".....Whatever....I don't have a script yet, but I have a sneaking suspision I will be needing some in the very near future!
Thanks for the lift...I know
Thanks for the lift...I know that as pathetic as it will be, my Christmas wont be quite that awful! I feel for you. I totally relate to the "thank you daddy" part. I am the invisible ghost in the room constantly. I would say, at least you can ease your suffering next year. She acts like you don't do shit, then don't! Your BF/hubby won't correct her behavior, so why should you help him out no matter how busy he is? Get her what she deserves, absolutely nothing...and then when she thanks daddy and ignores you, who cares? I almost killed myself last year to get the little ingrate skid in my life all the age appropriate latest and greatest toys, shipped from all over the country. He hardly noticed, never thanked me, and most of them are still in plastic wrap in the closet because he would rather rot his mind with violent video games. This year, I didn't get him so much as a candy bar! BF is putting our names both on the gifts that he bought it should be, not my problem. I am not orchestrating the big cookie decorating party this year and I will make my famous Christmas dessert the day AFTER skid leaves! Why beat our head into the wall? We are wonderful! Lets save the best of ourselves for whose who will appreciate it and share it. How about that for a New Years resolution??
That sounds like the best
That sounds like the best damn New Years resolution I've ever heard