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I can't find the boys stockings?!

purpledaisies's picture

Anyone else ever have this happen? I got all my christmas stuff down to go through it and remind myself what I have and if I need to get anything, but I can't find the boys stocks! All 4 of them!!!??? GGGRRRR


purpledaisies's picture

I don't understand where the heck they went? I put all my stuff in tubs and together like all stocking in one tub and lights in another and so on. But all I can find in my dd's, mine and dh's, and our dogs??? Why were they not in the same tub???

SusiQ's picture

Thanks for the reminder! I need to order one for DD!

I do the same thing - everything goes back into a tub but something is never where it's supposed to be.

purpledaisies's picture

I even went back to the shed to see if a tub was left but nope I have all the christmas stuff down!? Man I ahve to buy 4 stocking this year!

purpledaisies's picture

WOW I like that idea. But since I can't find them I don;t think I'll do that. however now that they are older they need more grown up ones anyway as these were bought when they were very young like 3 or so. Time for new ones!!!

ThatGirl's picture

It is possible that they took them to the other house? When I first divorced, my sons would try to take their stockings to their father's house, and I'd catch them and let them move the contents to a grocery sack and tell them they needed to keep the stockings at home.

As they got older, they didn't really eat the candy that was in the stockings, so they'd keep the stockings in their room way past the Christmas season. I'd often find them with candy still inside when it was time to start decorating for Easter :o

purpledaisies's picture

No they didn't take them to their moms however it is possible they left them in their rooms. i did look but I didn't find anything. They don't take things back and forth anymore. long story