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Even more drama with bm

purpledaisies's picture

I am so mad and dh is going along with this. So as I said in my blog yesterday that bm pulled a stunt to keep the boys from dh on his weekend and now all of a sudden he can have them on labor day but oh wait no just ss14 not the others. Oh and this COUNTS for a make up weekend with them. :O :O :O

As I said my blog yesterday I told dh to tell her he wanted another weekend as this is not working out. NOPE no can do so he will take just ss14. But wait ladies guess what dh said?? Go on guess. Yep that 's right he is going to take him out to eat then to the mall spend money on him then to ice cream! What is he thinking???? Really we can't afford that then he wants to buy an expensive bird on top of that. I DON'T THINK SO!

Now we have had our money separate but this past year we have been more or less mingling it together. We use his check for bills and my check for the small left over bills and gas and food and anything else we need.

I am just so mad right now. Why can't he just tell her that he wants another weekend??? SHE created this and she needs to fix it. But will he make her do that NO!!! GGGRRRR

any ideas on what to do? Thanks


DaizyDuke's picture

So what? Is this normal behavior for your DH or does he think that this will be some type of in your face punishment to BM and the skids who are not coming? "Oh, Daddio took me out to eat, we went shopping and got ice cream and he's buying me a new car and condo too! See ya'all should have come too!" Why aren't the other skids coming, because BM said no, or they didn't want to?

purpledaisies's picture

Yes it is it in your face I think the other 2 kids. The other 2 are coming because the oldest already made plans with a friend. The youngest want to get to grandma's house. He don't think I can do anything about it is her weekend. no arguing with her since it's her weekend so he will take 1 k**