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BF got a backbone!!

Frecklecat's picture

BF picked up the skids for March Break on Friday night. He takes them to his mom's so when we talk on the phone each night we don't say much because they can hear. Last night we went out with friends and I asked how things went on Friday.

We have been battling BM about phone calls because her long distance is cut off. BF buys long distance cards and calls the kids every night and we are fed up with it. His last card ran out on Thursday so he used his pay as you go cell phone to call them. I told him to tell BM the next day that he can't afford a phone card and his mom doesn't have long distance either, so if she wants to call her kids she needs to get a phone card/long distance back up. BM tried to get him to buy a card but he refused saying that he wants to have money to do things with the kids (we are getting back on our feet after a year of unemployment and he has other debts plus child support). BM asked if she could call his cell because it's a local number for her but he said he doesn't have much money left on it because of the $2 for the previous night's conversation, and it will eat 45 cents/minute as a long distance call. BM isn't great about calling the kids, but he told me she is getting money early next week and plans to hook up the phone again, and she did actually use her brother's cell phone to call them Friday night (big surprise-she usually doesn't call and freaks out SD16 in the process).

I am glad BF is getting a back bone and has decided not to put up with this stuff anymore. We have been dealing with it for almost 3 years now and I for one have been sick of it. BF also told me that he wants to pursue getting the divorce finalized. The court case was over 2 years ago (November 2007)-BM requested the divorce, BF granted it but she hasn't signed over the papers to him. There was a hold up because neither one could afford to pay their lawyer. BM got garnished and is paid up now but BF hasn't paid yet and will likely go bankrupt soon. BF is writing BM a letter to see if she will sign if he gets a paralegal to get the papers. Hope all goes well on that one so her control over us is that much less-only 7 years and 4 months of child support then it's done I hope!


Selkie's picture

Baby steps. It's great that BF is setting some boundaries and sticking to them.

I hear you on the c/s countdown. Only two 1/2 years left for two of the skids and about four years left for the third! Tick tock tick tock.

Silver's picture

I don't know if this would be plausible but what about using Skype? If she has a computer/internet he could speak and see the kids for free. That would eliminate the phone problem.

"I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown