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Putting a dog to sleep- why does it trigger so much? (very long post)

steppinginsf's picture

I just need to vent. I have posted/replied many times about the relationship between my FH and SS10, how isolating I sometimes feel, the challenge that it's been for FH to shift his "partner" status from his son to me (quick overview: SS10 was always treated like an adult, taken to adult functions, talked to and privy to all adult things, yet no responsibilities and largely emotionally immature; he is with FH 50% of the time and moves between his parents houses multiple times per week).
Since September, I live 3 hrs. away M-W. I am a professor (as is FH)- he cannot leave the city where he is b/c of custody agreement. If I were only 1 hr. closer I could do the commute 2 days/week and work from home the rest, but alas our situation is what it is. This, of course, makes it more difficult to establish ourselves as the foundational dyad in the house- as the partners. Add the challenges of negotiating new boundaries between FH and SS and it is more difficult!
This morning, FH and SS had to take one of the dogs to put her to sleep. It is technically "their" dog-- we each came to the relationship with a dog. I consider her mine, as well. She has had cancer for 10 months. I have been a part of dropping everything to get her to the vet, of making her food for her special diet, of giving her her medication, of waking up on/off all night b/c of her breathing and when she stops. We thought the dog would die around Christmas. SS10 spent a few days of the time he was with us saying goodbye to her. Then, the morning after Christmas, when he was going back with his mom (who, of course, demanded that she pick him up very first thing in the AM) the dog was having an especially hard time. I suggested that SS spend the morning lying with her and telling her he loved her--- when BM announced she would be coming inside (with her baby in tow) so SHE could say goodbye to the dog. This was never her dog, she doesn't like dogs, etc. I told FH "no" (she often then just hands her baby to my FH, who is left holding her while she does her baby-talking/cooing with my SS), that he could take SS outside to meet her and have the dog walk out with them. Too late-- BM did as she wished. She then made SS cry more and more and more and they left the house with him sobbing.
FH and I were going to put the dog to sleep the next day but he ended up falling apart at the vet and couldn't do it. We then had to leave her with a dogsitter (along with my dog) while we were out of the country for 10 days taking care of some complicated family business that FH had let go of for many years. A week into our trip there were frantic emails from the dogsitter-- his dog was lethargic, not eating, bloated belly, etc. I spent most of a day going back forth with her via email, talking with vets via Skype, etc. Finally she was taken to a vet and stabalized and still alive when we got home.
The dog was doing okay for the last week-- not high energy but eating and happy and loving. I made a large batch of her food when we got home and then frantically on Sunday before leaving for my out of town work on Sunday night (let me add: I wanted to leave Sunday morning so that I could have a day here to work on my classes prior to the semester starting, but realized that Sunday afternoon was SS's first basketball game, so I stayed, did not work, went to his game, and then drove the 3 hours later in the evening).
FH and SS got home yesterday and the dog had stopped eating, she had to be carried outside, etc. I spent last night on the phone with FH figuring out what to do today (he had to get SS to school and teaches 4 classes). The two of them took the dog to the vet and he said that today is her time to go. FH was frantic on the phone with me and I encouraged him to have SS say goodbye to the dog and go back to the vet later this afternoon between classes and with me on the phone can put the dog to sleep. I, of course, feel terribly guilty that I am not there to help and support him in person (this is a whole other issue!).
What I am struggling with is the resentment I feel-- and the fear-- that this is one more thing that isolates me from them. The two of them got home yesterday to the dog who was dying, the two of them took her to the vet this morning and said goodbye to her together. It is one more narrative that is about them, together. Besides the fact that I am so sad too! But in the story of this, my role in this over the last few weeks will be forgotten/untold, in the story of the dogs end-of-life. It is immature and probably selfish of me. I love the dog very much and have given her so much love and care. But that will not be a part of the story that is told b/c once again, it was the two of them today.


Gestalt's picture

I don't know what to say to you to help bring peace but I did want to respond so you know someone is sympathizing. At the end of it all the dog is going knowing that he was loved by everyone, that's the important thing for today. You were a big part of making him feel that way.

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

Gestalt's picture

I apologize, I wrote him instead of her.... habit

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

steppinginsf's picture

no worries at is a she, but her name is Mars! (middle name Venus). So most people think she is a he!

steppinginsf's picture

I felt so immature and selfish after posting this! After all, my FH needed to take the dog in this morning, support his son, go back between classes to be with the dog while she is put to sleep, and a 10 year old lost his pet.
I think it's just an example for me for this really challenging thing in the making of our family.

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

I wonder if part of this is because your DH was having such a hard time losing the pet too. I wonder this because a few years back our dog (was DH's before I came along) was dying with cancer and at the end DH couldn't do it. He simply refused to take the dog because he couldn't face the death. I wound up having to take him myself and be the one to do it. I never thought my DH would be that way but he was.... he was someone I didn't even know over that. It was very strange.

winehead's picture

Steppinginsf, don't feel selfish. You lost a pet too and couldn't be there to be part of it. You write your own narrative; be comforted by the things you could do for her.

I recently lost one of our dogs -- she was my DH's and his (now) adult son's. We were out of town and my daughter was dog sitting for us when the old, diabetic, blind girl just stopped breathing. I come from a dog-loving family so I wrote a little eulogy for her and sent that to my family and DH's too. So that was my role in this girl's passing. Maybe something like that would help. I don't get that you're looking for praise, rather just some acknowledgment that you had a hand in her life and you need to grieve too.

GiGi222's picture

I think that people get attached to their pets. I know I do. I am very attached to our two dogs. I know right now my sister is having problems with her dog who is constantly sick and it is killing her. I think this might be one of those times when you have to just be there for FH. I'm sure he needs you.

Selkie's picture

I'm sorry about your dog and what you had to go through. I can't imagine how I would have reacted in your situation. So sad for you and FH, and SS too.

queen-B's picture

It's amazing to me how quickly people fall in love with animals. I brought two dogs into my relationship with my bf, and it took almost no time at all for him to fall completely in love with both of them (and believe me, the neurotic beagle is no picnic!). He insisted we get them premium dog food, and would sit with them while they ate to make sure the beagle didn't bully Harley-the-mutt out of his dinner. He played with them, insisted they come with us to the beach, and in general was the best possible dog-guardian a dog could ask for (I live in the wacky bay area, where we don't have pet owners so much as "pet guardians.")

Last November, two days before my bf's birthday, I had to put my Harley to sleep. bf couldn't be there with us because of the demands of his job, so in the end it was just Harley and me saying goodbye to each other. I've never done anything so hard in my life. And while bf couldn't be there with us, he did everything possible to make the whole thing as painless as possible by handling arrangements, managing household tasks, and just giving me space to cry like a madwoman. And I know that his love, care, and attention made Harley's last months of life truly worth while.

It sounds to me like you're in my bf's boat; I'm sure that your FH and SS do appreciate all you've done and all the sorrow you're feeling. And when they are able to work through some of their own grief, they'll be able to express that to you. I know that those first days after Harley was gone all I could do was cry and wish that he were back with me, healthy and whole. I knew bf was grieving too, but I just didn't have any extra to give, ya know? But by the third day I was able to look at him and just say thank you, thank you for being such a great "dad" to Harley, for looking after him so well, for being there for us for the past year, and for loving me even in my grief.

I'm willing to lay odds that your FH and SS will do the same...

steppinginsf's picture

Thank you everyone....send peaceful thoughts to Mars! FH is on his way to the vets now to put her to sleep.
I like the idea of writing my own little eulogy as my own narrative about my relationship with her. I love that dog very much and will miss her (along with my own dog! FH and I call them the "gal pals"). FH, SS, and I are going to take her collar and tags, along with some tufts of her hair, and her favorite toy-- a pinecone-- to the pet cemetery in a few weeks to bury them there.
I think if I remember just to breathe slowly and deeply, and picture Mars in my mind, then I won't be as apt to react about this as one more instance in which the public narrative is about FH and SS, and doesn't include me. At least I'm going to try my very hardest.

steppinginsf's picture

An final update. Mars is gone. FH forgot to call when he was having her put to sleep. He then called me crying and telling me he was a failure, how he's disappointed me/let me down. This then turns into kind of extreme crazy talk (he, for example, resorted to this crazy talk when I tried to point out to him on Sunday how he had the ability to structure our Saturday evening differently- by sitting in the middle at the movies instead of SS sitting in the middle and them snuggling up, by not choosing to get in bed with SS and read to him when we got home after 11pm, since they'd already read together 2X that day and I was then asleep when he came to bed).
His crazy sounding rants about failing me, letting me down again, etc. started after he realized that he hadn't called me, like all other times, then turn into him being in down dark, horrible place. I can't believe that my sadness at not being connected to Mars' life ending turned into this super f-ed up stuff. And that now I'm feeling guilty that I didn't do enough, wasn't supportive, had expectations that were unreasonable.
This ranting is crazy, though. It stops any conversation or understanding to happen between us. It doesn't allow FH to really try to understand me at all, nor how he can so easily work on trying to change how situations occur.
And how did putting the dog to sleep end up in this place? It all just makes me so sad.