Help...Need to see others ideas on this situation with SD
I have been recently looking to purchase a new home. The house we life in now is nice but this new house is just AMAZING! One of the issues I seem to be having is the fact that I don't believe SD, otherwise known as bratticus amazingus, deserves to be in this house with us. I know it may sound petty but i've worked hard all my life to be able to afford a house like this for my family. And I knew when I got invovled with my wife the situation with SD. But after what she's pulled in court (lied recently about things because shes afraid of dickhead BD so custody went back to normal)I feel like it would just be spoiling her just like her parents do and Lord knows I don't want to do THAT AT ALL!!! Thing is I feel my kids deserve this house (big beautiful bedrooms, huge playroom, tremendous backyard with pool and playground size swingset)...this was my dream for them and why shouldn't they get it!? Custody is joint and that isn't changing, unless bratticus lies again. I just really don't think she deserves to have all these things just given to her. Again I know that may sound petty but im curious...What would you do? Thanks!
- fedupstepdad's blog
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Well if I were you I would
Well if I were you I would sit down with my spouse and address the issue " how would you feel if SD lived with _____ full time?"
If your wife is ok with that then talk to the SD. However your wife may not be ok with that and want to include her BD, and naturally. You worked hard all your life for your children to have a beautiful home, but to play devils advocate, maybe your wife feels she has worked hard and has earned it as much as you and her daughter deserves the same as your children. Is SD easy to get along with? NOPE! She lied because she was afraid of Bio Dad...if a child has to lie out of fear because of what the parent might do...maybe there problem is much deeper and with another source other then your SD. I would seriously have a heart to heart..just you, wife and SD and talk and talk until she spills her guts about why she does what she does. That is what i would do and move to the next step. If you push her out now, things will get worse.
With the way the housing
With the way the housing market is now, this is probably the best chance to snag your dream home for a dream price. I would do it, regardless of how SD might benefit. But also impliment purpleflower's advice as well. If your wife is okay with SD living with her mom full time, go for it. You'll have the best of both worlds. If your wife isn't okay with it, well, she won't be young forever right? And when she moves on in her life you'll still have the house.
What would it do to your
What would it do to your marriage to not allow your wife's child too live in your dream house? How would she feel? If you are concerned that your sd doesn't deserve it and shouldn't just have things handed to her, could you not make up rules and tell her that if she is going to be a part of the family and the house she needs to earn it? She has to contribute by doing her share of the chores, not lying and so on. Help make her a better person that is a contributing member of the family, rather than push her out which will push your wife away and make your sd act out even more.
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your advice...much appreciated! My wife would NEVER dream of giving full custody to her BD, and rightfully so...the man is a psychopath who has tortured his daughter since day one. My wife has been a stay at home mom, which is a tough enough job, but unfortunately she has not been able to contribute to our house sitution financially because of this...and thats not a problem with me at all...I truly feel like it's our money, our things, and would be our house and at one point I really wanted to do the same things for SD that I do for my children but I kinda feel like its just not something I want to do now. As for contributing, this girl can't remember to turn off the light switch to her own bedroom and unfortunately, her mother has NEVER reinforced anything so she basically does everything for her...this child has ZERO responsibility! For the record, I am about 98% sure i'm going to buy the house and put my family in what I would call my dream for them. Unfortunately she will benefit from it, but my kids won't go without because of her. I'll be the better person and do this...but my day of reckoning will come
Your children should never
Your children should never go without...your right. You take care of your children and let your wife take care and deal with her daughter. If she does not want to enforce rules and chores and such..let your wife suffer the consequences of those actions ( or lack thereof) later. You do what is best for the family as a whole and hang in can only get better.
Ouch! Then I retract my
Ouch! Then I retract my previous post. No kid deserves abuse. Just bite the bullet regarding SD and do what is right for you and your family. Your wife will have to find a way to deal with SD and if not, she'll have to suffer the consequences. All you can do is try, right?
Your wife needs to help that
Your wife needs to help that child learn some responsibility. If your sd can't even turn off the lights now, what will she be like in 5 years if she isn't forced to change? Doing everything for the child is making things worse for the child. Instead of doing everything for her, your wife should show her the way. I have a ss that is super lazy and won't shower unless we force him to. I had to lay down the lay and explain that we all contribute. If he refuses to then he will lose out. I have the kids EARN their TV, video game time by reading, doing crafts, walking the dogs etc. In order to earn allowance they have to do their share of chores. They didn't know how to do the most basic things at first but I shown them and they are better for it. I am starting to see that they respect the rules in our house.
That;s awesome. They respect
That;s awesome. They respect the rules because these children know there will be consequences if they don't. Its like life out in the do what your told, abode by the law because you have to or you will suffer the consequences. You have awesome parenting skills and thats how I would do it too.
Ok, you asked (lol) My
Ok, you asked (lol) My thoughts are that the child who feels she needs to be afraid of her own bd does not deserve to be excluded from a nice house because that fear caused her to not speak up the way she should have. If you can't buy the house without resentment about her benefitting from it then stay where you all are. Of course this is like punishing everyone (including yourself) just to make this child does not get what you think she does not deserve.
LOL Thanks Kids I appreciate
LOL Thanks Kids I appreciate you honest response. And please I don't want to come across as someone who doesn't understand how a child can be fearful and put in an impossible position regarding court and feelings like they are choosing between parents. I HATE this case though my anger comes from her LYING...she lied to her mother that she was going to tell the judge the truth which was she wanted the custody to change, then telling the judge she was fine and wanted custody to stay the same. THEN lying to her mother immediately after speaking to the jduge and telling her "I told the truth mommy" only to find out in court she lied. My wife was more upset at the fact that she told her, just be honest with me,if you want it to stay the same then that is fine, but just tell me so I don't look like an idiot in court or like i'm lying. She swore up and down she didn't do that. Well that obviously wasn't the truth. Again I can't imagine what this poor girl is going through and i do feel sorry, but the biggest issue with her now is the fact that if she could do that to her mom...what could she do to me? or my kids?
I couldn't agree more
I couldn't agree more buttercup...the biggest obstacle is MY WIFE. She has a problem with overcompensating this kid since day one. I've tried nicely, explained things to her, shown her how it's not good for her daughter, but when push comes to shove, this kid knows how to get what she wants when she wants...and make my wife fold like a cheap tent! It really has been a HUGE issue between us, but i've told my wife since she is so set on NOT taking my advice that she didn't have long as it didn't affect the REST of our family, because then I WOULD step in and make sure it doesn't! Its sad really because my 3 and 2 year old are actually more responsible than she is...they clean up after themselves when they play, shut off lights, actually LISTEN! LOL. And I grew up in a household where there were rules and if you didn't follow them you got I personally don't believe that I have a right to punish this child that is not mine, HOWEVER, my rules will be followed in my house, BY EVERYONE. Shes gotten that...and that is why she doesn't test me...but she's trying to more and more...sadly she's in for a big surprise that shes not ready for the next time she does...
You have every right to
You have every right to enforce the rules in your house. If the child doesn't obey your rules then I think you have every right to punish her. If you don't then she will constantly play you and your wife against each other and your marriage will suffer. If you provide for her and your wife that gives you rights in my books. All of the children in your house should be treated equally or it will cause problems.
My ss just stole $80 from his mom's wallet and then bold faced lied to us about it when we asked. I caught him in his lie so I told him he had to call his mom and admit to lying and stealing and to tell her that he would be grounded for 2 weeks (no electronics-tv, video games, ipod) and if he complained about his grounding then an additional week would be added for every complaint. He's not my kid but I provide for him, it's half my house and so I have every right to punish him. He has never said "you're not my mom, you can't tell me what to do." His dad stands by me and knows that I punish the kids only when appropriate and that in the long run, it's what's best for them. Your wife needs to repect your authority in that house too. She should send the message that everyone in that house has to be responsible or they will be punished. EVERYONE. Her daughter is no exception.
I believe that when a child lies and/or steals it is a cry for help and that the deeper issues need to be addressed. That child is broken and needs your help and guidance to get fixed. You sound like a great dad. Your wife and yourself can help put that child back together again, but you need to be on the same page and do it together. Not only with your sd benefit but so will your marriage. You will also feel how amazing it is to change a person's life and to watch them grow and flower under your guidance and love.
I hear ya Buttercup...and I
I hear ya Buttercup...and I truly feel exactly the same way...and know that I enforce the rules of my house for EVERY child...that being said again my biggest obstacle is my wife. One of my biggest issues with her is that we had many discussions about family and raising and how we were going to do things. I did not go into this blindly...I knew the situation and knew it wasn't going to be easy, but we had set up and established some ground rules and were on the same page. Well since marrying and starting our own family most of the things we discussed have gone exactly as planned...with the exception of her not cutting out my legs from underneath me when it came to SD. She has done it many more times than I care to admit, which in itself is another problem completely but, I digress lol. Its been a work in progress but she is now starting to see what i've been saying for years now in regards to SD and more and more has been on the same page with me. I will say this...SD is not a terrible all...she just needs a lot of guidance and manners and she will be fine. This is where we differ in our approach lol...i believe that you can ask nicely, show concern, express ideas, so on and so forth, but after you've done something for the millionth time, I think you need to try another way lol...this is where we get stuck. I'm not saying take a bat to her head or anything like that but some kids need a lil tough love. And by that I mean they need to be taught there are consequences to their fail a test you get punished, you lie you get punished, you talk back...YOU GET PUNISHED!!! My wife was never punished a day inher life and thinks it cruel. I tell her, well if you don't want your daughter to end up doing this to HER daughter then maybe you should think about starting...sticky point to say the least! LMAO
Hmm, maybe your wife isn't
Hmm, maybe your wife isn't good at doing the punishing and would agree to let you be the enforcer-so to speak? It's quite common for parents to take on different roles. She can start with her approach and if it doesn't work then you step in and act as teh "punisher". Lol. I think you have a very healthy perspective. It's a sticky point indeed but as long as your wife understands that you have the best interests of the household in mind, she should come around. I wish you the best of luck.
I haven't read anyone elses
I haven't read anyone elses ideas yet but here is what I thought when reading your blog...
I think that what you are thinking is what a lot of us go through. You feel like you should reward your children but SD is going to be in on it and it p's you off.
Well, its a house. I know it means a lot to you but for kids it is a house. They live there, they don't think they are spoiled by what house they live in, though you and your wife do.
Kids think they are spoiled and get there way when they have stuff--ipods, game systems, flat screens in their room, cell phones....and a big bedroom.
Since SD is their the least (50/50) with BD I would suggest she have the smallest room, if she doesn't deserve to have a lot of the "extras" don't get them..... I know you are going to say that your wife will buy them for her. Well so be it, but SD will know that it was not from you, you don't reward for bad behavior.
Really your wife spoiling her child is what most parents do. There is no stopping her and if you talk to her and she continues you risk losing your marriage by continuing to nag her.
My only fear for you is that if SD likes your house more (like the pool) she may make up a lie to be able to spend more time at your house. I would let DW know to be watching for this.
Thanks Gettingby...I've
Thanks Gettingby...I've thought about this as well and to be honest, her BD will NEVER let that happen LOL so I think i'm covered. FYI everyone...I put a bid on the house today...cross your fingers
Good luck.
Good luck.
Got the house everyone
Got the house everyone
Good for you!
Good for you!
CONGRATS!!!! Enjoy your new
CONGRATS!!!! Enjoy your new home and dont let sd control anything under the home. That's the main thing for all kids. they are kids and follow what the adults say.
How many rooms are there?
If you think Sd is not deserving, then you decide where you kids go first int he room they want and sd can have last pick or whatever your wife and you decide.
My sk do not live with me and i told my dh, since they barely come around i dont hink they should have a main room. He agreed, he had no choice considering the house we got was small. i would have picked a bigerr house and given them both a small room ot share but he wanted this to make sacrifices.
Enjoy the move and enjoy your house!!!
When it comes to YOUR dream
When it comes to YOUR dream house, don't give SD another thought. I'll tell you my story so you don't make the same mistake.
When BD was 2 and SD 12, DH and I decided we needed a bigger house. We had primary custody of SD (about 65 percent) and she went to school with us. We wanted at least one more child and had a three-bedroom. DH said my bio-children would just have to share a room so SD could have her own room. I disagreed. Rather than wage a never-ending battle, I decided we would buy a four-bedroom.
We searched and searched (for six months). BM threw down the gauntlet and told us we HAD to buy a house where SD could continue to attend the same school. I intended to do that anyway, but legally there was nothing she could do to force that.
At last, we found a house we liked and bought it. It was in SD's school district, my choice. Plus, to make the move easier I gave SD the biggest room (I knew she wanted it). I never got any thank you or acknowledgment for either of those decision. Our mortgage was TWICE as much as the old house, which was hard to swallow, but we were determined to make it work.
Then, when SD was 15, she decided she wanted to live with BM, and now she's gone. I moved my entire family, bought a house that cost TWICE as much, all to accommodate SD, and now she doesn't even live with us.
Do what YOU want, for YOUR family.
Thanks Angel &
Thanks Angel & Elizabeth...and yes MY dream house for MY children has been thought out very carefully with darling SD (dripping sarcasm lol) getting the SMALLEST bedroom. Gave MY daughter, who is 5, the biggest bedroom WITH her own private bathroom!
The other two boys have their own bedroom next to each other. SD was like...oh so thats OUR bathroom and I can put my stuff in there and I was like...NO. See that bathroom in between you and your brothers room...THAT is everyones bathroom and you can put your stuff there (its HUGE so plenty of space for stuff). And our masterbathroom is offlimits (as before she use to just come in and use OUR bathroom anytime she felt like it). I can tell it didn't sit too well with her fucking what lmao if you don't like it go live with your BD.
Hahaha. Good for you!!!!
Hahaha. Good for you!!!! If she ever asks why your 5 yr old got the biggest room you can tell her "because she follows the rules, behaves and doesn't lie."
Ha Buttercup...the nerve of
Ha Buttercup...the nerve of this kid...she told me last night she didn't think it was fair that she didn't get the bigger bedroom with the bathroom and I just looked at her and said why not? She said it was because she was older, bigger and need more space than her sister who was "just a kid". I told her that things aren't given for no reason and that my daughter earned it by doing her chores and listening and things like she comes back with well if I listen now and do what i'm suppose to can I get the room? All this with my wife just sitting there and not saying anything (yeah i'm pissed at her for that)to which I said, no because you would be doing it just to get the room and would stop once you got it. I said show me your responsible now by doing what you should be in the room you are in now...and maybe when we buy ANOTHER house you'll get the bigger room. I one else found it funny...lmao
When my sd lived with us, I
When my sd lived with us, I made sure that she had a room of her own. However, after she kept messing up, we finally took away her room and "made" her a room in the basement (which meant no privacy!) and our 2 youngest got her room. Getting to have a nice room is not owed, it is earned. Your sd didn't earn it and she doesn't get it. It looks like she got what she earned and nothing more. In order for you to give her the bigger room then you would have to take it away from your bd. That wouldn't be fair. I hope that you wife understands this and doesn't try to make you give her daughter that room or she will resent you for it. It should be a done deal as far as the bedroom goes. Except, you will probably have to deal with resentment from your sd and hopefully your bd will not end up being mistreated in the process by your sd. Good luck with this and CONGRATULATIONS! on your new home. Sorry that such an exciting event has to be marred by this drama!
Thanks Just...and trust me
Thanks Just...and trust me she may resent my BD but her mother has already informed her that this is not her fault so she had better not take it out on her (SD blames me for everything anyway). And my wife understands that this is not some ploy...we discussed this and she understands why this was done. I'm not telling you she's exactly 100% thrilled with it but she is on board...and after what this kid has put this family through recently with lying in court...she lucky she even has a room in MY house lol!
Good for you. That kids has
Good for you. That kids has some SERIOUS nerve. When my stepkids asks why they didn't get something I tell them "what have you done for me lately, or what have you done to earn it?" They are learning that they have to listen all the time and not just when they want someting.
I'd be so frustrated if I were you. Why can't your wife just step up?
The way I see it, we all have to learn responsibility. Responsibility is what gets you to college, and gets you jobs, and earns you money. Does your wife want her daughter to be a loser in life that has no sense of responsibility and work ethic? She will never get the "big room" so to speak because she won't be able to afford anything. That's a great way to raise a child. Note the sarcasm. I'd explain to that kid that the reason you have that nice house is because you have worked hard in life. Hard work gets you things. laziness gets you nowhere. Since she has been lazy she gets the smallest room. Your daughter has listened, does chores and therefor, has EARNED the big room. Kids understand easy analogies. I'm the queen of using them to explain things. Hope it works. I'd also point out to your wife that in the long run she is setting her daughter up for failure.
Ahhh buttercup...i've told
Ahhh buttercup...i've told my wife that many a time only to have it spark a huge fight...but the truth hurts. As for getting the concept of working for things, unfortunately SD has been spoiled rotten by both of her parents and measures love by how big or expensive things's such an awful thing to watch really because they just don't know how they are damaging this girl. I hope for the best for her really I do but if things don't change and she doesn't come into her own as an adult boy oh boy she better marry someone who is rich and will do ONLY what she wants lmao
Well, since she won't know
Well, since she won't know how to work for things she'd better find a rich husband or win the lottery. She'd better end up being really hot because rich husbands are hard to come by. Lol.